So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 20: The Final Frontier(Land) - An Invite Only All Stars Event!

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member

Having watched Quantumania twice now I can safely say that this is my favorite MCU solo-trilogy.


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This was already announced in the brainstorming thread, but @Disney Dad 3000 has decided to withdraw from the competition, leaving us with a final seven and no elimination for the round. Disney Dad, we truly enjoyed having you on this season and hope you had a good time playing. Prompt for project nine will be posted IMMEDIATELY at midnight Eastern tonight, with the review podcast coming tomorrow.


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If you've got time while you're finishing up the project, be sure to tune in tonight at 10PM Eastern/7PM Pacific as Monkey and I launch the Great Disneyland Ranking Podcast...counting down 62 Disneyland and DCA attractions. I can promise you right now, it has been the most hard ranking I've ever done in the year we've been doing these. Hope to see some of you there!


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Project Nine: The Hollywood Mountains

First of all, I'd like to give @spacemt354 full credit for coming up with this prompt back during the initial planning phases for this season. It's a really cool idea that's really stuck with Goofy and I, and were both excited to see what the final seven does with it. The opening of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disney's Hollywood Studios marked a major milestone for that park. Once known for iconic structures such as the Tower of Terror and Chinese Theater, the Black Spire Outpost now gave Disney's wayward IP-based park a distinct mountain range. In this project, The Merged Team will be asked to expand that starting point into a full mountain range.

For this round, The Merged Team must create TWO different "Mountain"-based attractions for Disney's Hollywood Studios to serve as mountain range for the park. These attractions can be as high or low scale as you want as long as the actual mountain itself is a big enough focal point to be considered a landmark within the park. My rule of thumb would be to have one attraction be an E Ticket coaster and another be a D Ticket dark ride, but I want to be as flexible and open ended as possible with this one. Complimentary surrounding the mountains are fine, but shouldn't be a major focal point and be used more for context and placemaking. I feel like out of all the projects this season, this one is the most accesible for all skill levels. Very much looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! Good luck, The Merged Team. This project is due Tuesday, February 28th at 11:59PM Eastern/8:59PM Pacific.​


Before jumping into the project itself, I wanted to backtrack to @Disney Dad 3000 and give a final shout-out for his work in NickToon Landing. Earlier in the week I read through the project again and I have to say Cartoon Chaos was far and away the most well-written and detailed entry in the entire land. When we have the 2023 Imagineering Awards, I feel like that ride has to be in its own category. I hope all is well and welcome to the chillzone.

Spooky Spaghetti Review

As someone who really isn't a fan of most Creepypasta content, from the get go this wasn't one that I would have been psyched for. It's mostly the disturbing images that, well, 'creep' me out, which I only realized by like slide 5 there is an eerie face as the background of the slides. However, the type of horror I enjoy is psychological and I think this project really honed in on that aspect which was awesome!

Starting with the presentation, I think the intro set the groundwork well. I know what Lagoon is, but I think for a novice it might have helped to give an extra slide or two to orient the reader. I do think the intro did a great job of setting up the horror aspect however, especially the part about the fear definition - that combined with the background music just gives off such an ominous first impression.

Getting to The Backrooms - this was so well-written. This type of maze would be right up my alley as it's so simple yet so disturbing. These images evoke a sense of familiarity but at the same time feel like a bad dream you had as a child. I really like how you're able to explore the maze a bit, trying doors, having spooky sounds elevate your anxiety. Felt like something out of the Shining. I also loved the old-time music in such an eerie way! And the mirror effect was by far my favorite part - so unsettling and the fact that you're basically alone with no cell signal makes it even worse.

Since I'm now on the judging side, I have to criticize any form of climbing (kidding) though I do feel that perhaps there should be a warning sign about the need to climb the ladder. Other that that, spoiler alert this was my favorite maze but that's not to say the others weren't great too, just this is the one I'd be most into!

Btw - there was some sort of video that I need to request access to - if it was a jump scare I will not be requesting access, thanks lol

The Experiments - what I liked about this one was how it delved into the horrors and paranoia of the Cold War setting. That is such a bold choice for an amusement park and one that I think would really make it stand out. I also appreciate the artwork of the maze here. While in a way I think the Backrooms benefits from not having a map, this one definitely helps. I was trying to figure out if OS-08-10 had any correlation to OS-U? Overall, this maze had more of an evil lab feel to it, creepy seeing the experiments and walking through the morgue, yet also makes you ponder all the war-time experiments that were real at the same time. Historical horror points!

For Slenderman this was short and sweet, just like most entries of the game I used to play in college with floormates. It would always end in us turning around and blam, Slender Man in the woods. So it gets the job done well. As for Scooby Doo I definitely enjoy the effort put into this script as this is for sure a unique walk-through. I wasn't anticipating Scooby Doo to be Creepypasta but a brief search there is a youtube video about it by the librarian. I haven't watched it, but it checks out in my book - great job on that one and I like the artwork at the end offering a more kid-friendly option amid the other horror.

The Crimson Carnival Scarezone is a nice complementary piece to the rest of the offerings and I really like the unsettling clown artwork - nice work there! The write-up does a great job giving a visual combined with the background music as well. Same with Candle Cove, I think it rounds out the area with more eclectic things to do vs just mazes. The Skin-Taker sounds very disturbing as does the audience interaction and that would be sure to be a highlight of the trip.

The food elements offer a solid conclusion to the project, and I appreciate how it continues to tie into the Creepypasta element with the Borrasca factor.

In the end despite having a 'free' round, you're all coming off a huge project and then are thrust into a shorter week with a fast turnaround with something I would assume was a bit niche for folks, yet still produced this incredibly well-structured project! Great job to all!

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
And the mirror effect was by far my favorite part - so unsettling
Thank you so much for all the kind feedback!!!

I thought I should elaborate on this effect as I realized I never actually said what was going on here. Basically you open the door and there are two panes of glass, each with the text written in such a way that it looks like a mirror. Then there is a large diorama made to look like the area behind you, so as you move, everything moves in the “reflection” as it should, only you never see yourself.


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The first thing I want to say with my feedback is to address that many of you have expressed a bit of disappointment in the drop-outs making the actual competition side of things less rewarding now that were in the milestone final seven. While I'm sure it does put a bit of a damper on the game momentum, I just want to put your mind at ease that through the last three projects we've come up with one of the funniest memes in the game's history, the single most ambitious project in the game's history, and now with the CreepyPasta project we've landed on HANDS DOWN one of my all time favorites. Folks, this is a Mount Rushmore for me. Up there with the likes of Little Broadway, Mirror Disneyland, and Daft Punk Space Mountain as one of the most creative things I've ever bared witness to.

I want to commend each and every one of you because I know that Lagoon in more ways than one was outside pretty much all of your comfort zones, and while the CreepyPasta theme proved a bit more accessible than I initially feared it still gave me great pride to see the folks not as well versed in the lore getting really on board with it. I think the unique theme mixed with the park's off the beaten path vibe really gave this project an unbelievable sense of homespun character. You really nailed the "Haunt on a Budget" vibes and in some areas absolutely did your job of getting me downright creeped out.

@Tegan pilots a chicken, The Backrooms is a freaking masterstroke. Honest to god this thing genuinely got to me, and it's as scary as any good Creepypasta read. There was a "never ending" quality to the actual layout of the maze itself and how it was presented within the slides that ran the risk of getting repetitive but never slid into that territory and always kept me engaged. The mirrors and indentical rooms really put you in a place of unease. It was a stellar write-up. My only note is that I honestly think this experience is so good, and so exclusive thanks to its limited capacity, that it really should be an upcharge "Escape Room" type of experience to really get the bang out of the isolation and puzzle solving while helping to keep demand reasonable.

The Experiments was another home run. I will say that I think the "industrial terror" vibes were maybe a bit repeated from The Backrooms, I think this absolutely nailed the genre of a haunt maze more than any other element of the project. The real world example I keep coming back to is Wax Works at Knott's Scary Farm. Specifically for how this maze and Wax Works both use intense imagery and body horror mixed with sensory overload to create a really, relatively low budget thrill. I will say that while I admire the maze keeping the actual experiments at a distance from the guests for a large majority of the experience and think it was a really cool framing device to sort of be on the other side of things going wrong, I think more detail on the actual creatures and how their costumes and designs would look would have gone a long way here, especially in contrast to The Backroom and its purely mental scares.

Not gonna lie, I wasn't feeling Slender as much as I was the other mazes. I honestly think a big part of that is that I'm just not a fan of the actual game and find the character more intriguing as just a dark looming entity without a lot of backstory. I will say this much though...while the scene by scene elements didn't hit me as much as the other two mazes, the presentation on this was top notch. That "Ben Drowns" jump scare is a truly iconic comedic moment in the game. A real "Wow!" moment of creative presentation genius on par with something like the first uses of Minecraft within the context of the game. You truly took the text based "maze" concept to the limit, and my preference for the other two mazes as far as content goes really does just come down to personal taste for the most part.

@Brer Panther, this was some truly WONDERFUL stuff here with the Scooby Doo attraction. I honestly think you've topped yourself yet again. This might be my favorite thing I've ever seen from you. What I really love about this is that it's basically the Scary Farm "Dark Ride" maze but turned into an actual coaster. I think your deep cut knowledge of shady pier dark rides and coasters was shown off fabulously here, in truly one of the most unique coaster creations I've seen in the game. It's not the most ambitious, for a coaster it's perhaps a little bit too dialogue heavy, and I think it barely counts as "CreepyPasta", but my god Brer, you made this your own and I can tell you had a hell of a fun time doing it. At the end of the day that's what counts in this game, and through this season you've really shown your ability to stand up to the face of adversity and come out with some really strong work. No matter where you ultimately place in the game, I just want you to take away that your game this season as really solidified you within the history of the game and should put any of those lingering self doubt moments I know you some times have to bed going forward. You are a FANTASTIC Armchair Imagineer! :)

I don't have as much to say about Candle Cove or the carnival, but they were both really, really great. With the carnival it absolutely felt like the thing in the project that was the most faithful to the actual Lagoon layout. That entire area very much has a "County Fair" vibe even with a weird campground right next door. Translating it into a "CarnEvil" atmosphere just makes all the sense in the world and was executed on perfectly. Candly Cove is another one that is perhaps a bit too dialogue driven and sticks to the bit almost a little too hard before going into the truly creepy territory, but when it gets there it's great and I appreciate the ambition here. A stage show makes a lot of sense for this story, and as one of the forefarthers of CreepyPasta it absolutely felt at home. The food was also great, but I'm disappointed by the lack of pasta. ;) All in all this was a truly landmark project for me to see come together. It's so cool that these urban legends and modern mythologies born in a time after the game had already well established itself could work itself into the fabric in such a fun way. AWESOME work!!

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
@Tegan pilots a chicken, The Backrooms is a freaking masterstroke. Honest to god this thing genuinely got to me, and it's as scary as any good Creepypasta read. There was a "never ending" quality to the actual layout of the maze itself and how it was presented within the slides that ran the risk of getting repetitive but never slid into that territory and always kept me engaged. The mirrors and indentical rooms really put you in a place of unease. It was a stellar write-up. My only note is that I honestly think this experience is so good, and so exclusive thanks to its limited capacity, that it really should be an upcharge "Escape Room" type of experience to really get the bang out of the isolation and puzzle solving while helping to keep demand reasonable.
Thank you so much, Tiki!!!

I’m really glad you enjoyed our project as a whole. While this was certainly a niche prompt, everyone gave it a great effort and I’m also really happy about how all of it turned out.

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