So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 18 HYPE THREAD!


Well-Known Member
While not a scene, redoing Peco's Bill to Tiana's Place might make the transition to Pirates a bit better and act as subland in Frontierland akin to the Adventureland sublands.
Frankly, I think that outright building a replica of Tiana's Palace on the space where the bathrooms near Splash Mountain are, and re-theming the railroad station more in the New Orleans style, would be tremendous, creating something of a Princess and the Frog sub-land in Frontierland, especially given that the ride's entrance/queue is located on the other side of the station.


Frankly, I think that outright building a replica of Tiana's Palace on the space where the bathrooms near Splash Mountain are, and re-theming the railroad station more in the New Orleans style, would be tremendous, creating something of a Princess and the Frog sub-land in Frontierland, especially given that the ride's entrance/queue is located on the other side of the station.
Yeah they're definitely going to have to re-theme the train station, probably something similar to Disneyland's NOS station. It'll be interesting how well they'll hide Big Thunder from the station so it feels like you're entering New Orleans rather than New Orleans + Utah.


More trees, perhaps?
Louisiana has some sweeping cypress trees and oak trees that could probably block the view to Big Thunder until you leave the station


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Yeahhhhh, anyway I try to picture it, it just feels like either PatF Mountain or Thunder Mountain is gonna wind up sticking out like a sore thumb. I'd love to see more of their plans for the area and how they are gonna handle it


Well-Known Member
re-theming the railroad station more in the New Orleans style
Yeah they're definitely going to have to re-theme the train station, probably something similar to Disneyland's NOS station. It'll be interesting how well they'll hide Big Thunder from the station so it feels like you're entering New Orleans rather than New Orleans + Utah.
Alternatively, they could either make the station more Texas-esque since Texas is the midway point between the Louisiana's deltas and forests to the sprawling deserts and plains of the Southwest. Or they could also expand Frontierland up north, re-route TSI and the RofA, turn old Frontierland (minus BTM) into a little town west of the Mississippi and build the new station as part of the expansion.


Well-Known Member
Im more excited for the fate of pooh than what they can do over in wdw haha. With splash most likely being "moved" to new orleans square, it leaves pooh on it's own. Back when the land was critter country it fit somewhat, but now that the area will be considered a part of frontierland it no longer fits. And there's no way it fits in NOS either! Time to say bye bye to pooh and say hello to something else.


Well-Known Member
Im more excited for the fate of pooh than what they can do over in wdw haha. With splash most likely being "moved" to new orleans square, it leaves pooh on it's own. Back when the land was critter country it fit somewhat, but now that the area will be considered a part of frontierland it no longer fits. And there's no way it fits in NOS either! Time to say bye bye to pooh and say hello to something else.
The left over Bear Country buildings really should've got a re-do years ago. If we can get a cohesive New Orleans city or Bayou area out of this I'm completely for this re-do.


Well-Known Member
Im more excited for the fate of pooh than what they can do over in wdw haha. With splash most likely being "moved" to new orleans square, it leaves pooh on it's own. Back when the land was critter country it fit somewhat, but now that the area will be considered a part of frontierland it no longer fits. And there's no way it fits in NOS either! Time to say bye bye to pooh and say hello to something else.
Not unless they turn the surrounding area into a whole 100 Acre Wood land.


Well-Known Member
That could be cool too honestly. Though a bit of an odd transition.
True. Just add a few more dense, big trees along the pathway leading to Critter Country from Splash Mountain, re-theme Hungry Bear and touch-up the remaining areas (and maybe expand?) and you've got a stronger sense of "forest" than you currently do. Plus, if the PatF-ified Splash Mountain does indeed become part of New Orleans Square, and the rest of Critter Country becomes solely themed around Winnie the Pooh, then that clears up the long-standing "British character in Deep South" theming problem that currently plagues the area now.


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Question of the Day
We've got a bunch of different prompts coming up, including some out-of-left-field prompts I don't think anyone is expecting. What are some never-done-before prompts you might enjoy?

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
We spend a week giving the judges prompts and then we all review them as a collective.
That was something I wanted to do kind of back when I hosted the One Little Spark competition! A lot of the prompts and themes were chosen to make that game sort of a "training" competition. It was in a slower time for the forum and was gonna end not too long before a big season of Sorcerer's Apprentice and we had a lot of newer players. So, most rounds were planned to either be takes on common types of Armchair Imagineering prompts or built around common presentation styles. Give people a feel for a lot of different things.

I couldn't think of a way to do it practically and in a way people would enjoy and respond to (it was a more casual game, not something that I could count on people being incredibly active for). But I had a vague plan for a 3 phase project.

Phase 1, 2 Days: Come up with a prompt you would like to see in a competition. Maybe I'd give some guidance like "Use this park" or "Use this time period"

Phase 2, 3 Days: Do a (small, like 20 sentence limit) project for the prompt that the other team came up with. I would do a small project for both prompts

Phase 3, 2 Days: Review all three projects

This would be good practice/training for people wanting to host games themselves in the future. But also it would help train the players to think critically about different projects. Look at it from a different angle. See the things that might be holding them back, look for ways to grow. I think I've learned more reviewing projects than from having my projects reviewed lol

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