So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 18 HYPE THREAD!


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Thinking about it one big problem with splash i always had was the entrance and post splash down is full of themed nothingness. Sure it’s nice to look at but it’s still blantently kinda empty. I hope the p&f ride fixes this issue and fills the emptiness with something. Heck in a way that would probably make the ride longer at least with visual storytelling if they do.


Last negative thing I'll say because I don't like to be negative, especially here.


Didn't realize that about Tokyo. Tokyo keeping their Splash Mountain the same is all the proof I need that this isn't done for "inclusivity" or "diversity" and is not a decision based on moving past ties to a problematic and racist film or fix the mistakes of their past. If it was something Disney wanted to cut ties with, they wouldn't leave it in one of their biggest international parks. This is just another IP overlay to create something more "marketable" and "Disney" using the current climate to defend it from any criticism. I could be wrong. I'd love to be wrong. And I'm sure the new ride will be amazing just like Mission Break Out and frozen Ever After are both pretty great. And I definitely appreciate that this will mean a lot to people even if I think there were better and more meaningful ways to address their problematic past without scrapping Splash. BUT them keeping Tokyo just screams to me that this is nothing but another in a long line of Iger style overlays of classic attractions (coupled with his "replace instead of expand" mentality) disguised as something more.
Keeping the Tokyo version (for now at least) would actually be decent incentive for some folks who might not have to visit Japan if they want to relive an old classic.

That is the one thing that makes it semi-okay to me. Even though I'd much prefer they simple update the ride, both versions needed an upgrade. DL version was falling apart and WDW the only 'update' I recall in almost 30 years was the pull down lap bar.


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Question of the day: Let's get some legit positive vibes for this Princess and the Frog thing. What's a cool idea you have for a scene from Splash to be redone into PatF. Let's do some light Armchair Imagineering and come up with some cool concepts! :)

For me I really want Facillier to take over the lift hill. I can just see the "Are ya ready?!?!" chant as you're going up, with dramatic shadow puppet projection mapping and maybe some friends on the other side on either side of the logs. No matter which way it goes, the inevitable Facillier scene is definitely the one I'm most looking forward to seeing how it's pulled off. Also, might be a hot take but at least for the Disneyland version I'd be all for giving Facillier a cameo as a portrait in the Haunted Mansion. That'd be a really cool way to thematically tie the two attractions together.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thinking about it one big problem with splash i always had was the entrance and post splash down is full of themed nothingness. Sure it’s nice to look at but it’s still blantently kinda empty. I hope the p&f ride fixes this issue and fills the emptiness with something. Heck in a way that would probably make the ride longer at least with visual storytelling if they do.

I totally agree about the pace of the ride being off. I've always felt that. WDW is better because there's a bit more to look at in the outdoor sections, but Disneyland you essentially just get a nice view. Heck, I'd be down for them going the Jurassic World route and enclosing a lot of the outdoor sections if that's possible with the space they're working with.

That being said, I always have enjoyed the little run off section between the main drop and final show scene. The view looking up at the mountain from the very bottom of it is always a favorite picture of mine to take and I think it's nice to have a bit of a cooldown before the showstopping finale. The pace of that moment is killed by log stacking, not by the inherent design of the ride itself IMO.


Well-Known Member
Question of the day: Let's get some legit positive vibes for this Princess and the Frog thing. What's a cool idea you have for a scene from Splash to be redone into PatF. Let's do some light Armchair Imagineering and come up with some cool concepts! :)

For me I really want Facillier to take over the lift hill. I can just see the "Are ya ready?!?!" chant as you're going up, with dramatic shadow puppet projection mapping and maybe some friends on the other side on either side of the logs. No matter which way it goes, the inevitable Facillier scene is definitely the one I'm most looking forward to seeing how it's pulled off. Also, might be a hot take but at least for the Disneyland version I'd be all for giving Facillier a cameo as a portrait in the Haunted Mansion. That'd be a really cool way to thematically tie the two attractions together.
In regards to a Facilier cameo at the Haunted Mansion, they could easily put his gravestone from the movie into the cemetery in the queue.

As for the Princess and the Frog ride, that drop with Facilier is the main thing I really want to see. Even if Facilier is not there, having that build-up with the music, the voodoo effects, and the chant of "Are you ready?" is just too perfect to not use.


Well-Known Member
Question of the day: Let's get some legit positive vibes for this Princess and the Frog thing. What's a cool idea you have for a scene from Splash to be redone into PatF. Let's do some light Armchair Imagineering and come up with some cool concepts! :)

For me I really want Facillier to take over the lift hill. I can just see the "Are ya ready?!?!" chant as you're going up, with dramatic shadow puppet projection mapping and maybe some friends on the other side on either side of the logs. No matter which way it goes, the inevitable Facillier scene is definitely the one I'm most looking forward to seeing how it's pulled off. Also, might be a hot take but at least for the Disneyland version I'd be all for giving Facillier a cameo as a portrait in the Haunted Mansion. That'd be a really cool way to thematically tie the two attractions together.
Aside from the Facilier scene, I’m excited to see how all of the Fireflies will be executed. Maybe Fibre Optics? Hopefully Fibre Optics?

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks
Question of the day: Let's get some legit positive vibes for this Princess and the Frog thing. What's a cool idea you have for a scene from Splash to be redone into PatF. Let's do some light Armchair Imagineering and come up with some cool concepts! :)

Definitely excited for WDW to get some quality of life upgrades and get to a point with no broken animatronics.

Plus, Fireflies are always super lovely. It could be really amazing if they just filled it with Fireflies. I mean, you would not believe your eyes If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep. 'Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere. You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare.

Jokes aside, firefly effect are gonna be great. The riverboat at the end is almost certainly gonna stay and get some major upgrades to be an even bigger party and that should be pretty awesome!


Well-Known Member
I totally agree about the pace of the ride being off. I've always felt that. WDW is better because there's a bit more to look at in the outdoor sections, but Disneyland you essentially just get a nice view. Heck, I'd be down for them going the Jurassic World route and enclosing a lot of the outdoor sections if that's possible with the space they're working with.

That being said, I always have enjoyed the little run off section between the main drop and final show scene. The view looking up at the mountain from the very bottom of it is always a favorite picture of mine to take and I think it's nice to have a bit of a cooldown before the showstopping finale. The pace of that moment is killed by log stacking, not by the inherent design of the ride itself IMO.
Oh yeah I agree with that, if they do leave the area blank, I'd be fine there. In the case with the original splash it also added a nice tension with the storytelling, you don't know if brer rabbit made the plunge or not like you did. They could incorporate something similar to that with tiana mountain's storytelling.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree about the pace of the ride being off. I've always felt that. WDW is better because there's a bit more to look at in the outdoor sections, but Disneyland you essentially just get a nice view. Heck, I'd be down for them going the Jurassic World route and enclosing a lot of the outdoor sections if that's possible with the space they're working with.

That being said, I always have enjoyed the little run off section between the main drop and final show scene. The view looking up at the mountain from the very bottom of it is always a favorite picture of mine to take and I think it's nice to have a bit of a cooldown before the showstopping finale. The pace of that moment is killed by log stacking, not by the inherent design of the ride itself IMO.
I think the finale boat scene and the little water gyser things could potentially be carried over in some way, both fit fine enough in different ways. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a cameo from one of the frog animatronics or reusal of some of the props, though I don't think everything will be kept from splash. It would be funny to see a redressed brer bear animatronic as louis stuck in a tree stump or something along the lines.


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Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge my awesome workplace Tetris skills.


Carry on...


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Probably this one

I'd have to agree. This was one of the wild card rounds I wasn't sure which way would go but we really lucked out with one team doing a traditional adaptation and another team having a completely out of left field pick. I love when the projects mirror each other like this! Plus the potential multimedia elements of this prompt have me really excited for the end result.


Question of the day: Let's get some legit positive vibes for this Princess and the Frog thing. What's a cool idea you have for a scene from Splash to be redone into PatF. Let's do some light Armchair Imagineering and come up with some cool concepts! :)

For me I really want Facillier to take over the lift hill. I can just see the "Are ya ready?!?!" chant as you're going up, with dramatic shadow puppet projection mapping and maybe some friends on the other side on either side of the logs. No matter which way it goes, the inevitable Facillier scene is definitely the one I'm most looking forward to seeing how it's pulled off. Also, might be a hot take but at least for the Disneyland version I'd be all for giving Facillier a cameo as a portrait in the Haunted Mansion. That'd be a really cool way to thematically tie the two attractions together.
While not a scene, redoing Peco's Bill to Tiana's Place might make the transition to Pirates a bit better and act as subland in Frontierland akin to the Adventureland sublands.

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