So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 16: Purists vs. Innovators (Official Hub Thread!)


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I believe you are whichever prompt you like better

That's correct. Each project will have one "Innovators" prompt based on current/future tech as well as one "Purists" prompt based more in old school Disney Imagineering.

Fantastic work on the projects so far, everyone! I've gone ahead and updated the first page. After the announcement of the second prompt I'll make the Directory thread to streamline things. I'll be posting the second project midnight Eastern on Friday and will have my written reviews shortly after. Jacob and I will be doing a podcast Saturday where Jacob will reveal his scores, we'll give our thoughts on each of the projects, and give the first Leaderboard update based on our combined scores.


Well-Known Member
So, what I had thought what would've been an awesome idea, it's a ride in New Orleans square, it is on a foot of space (where idk), but it's called Empire Palooza, I know it seems sorta silly (bring the colonel from monty Python in if ya want), it is inspired by country bear jamboree that it's a Star Wars Mardi Gras party, and everyones invited, i know it seems kinda rushed, but I needed a quick thing cuz I have a party on Saturday, you could even "earn your beeds" like in real Mardi Gras, (sorry about the rush on it, I am kinda sick right now:depressed:.


Well-Known Member
Project 1 : So...Ya Like Star Wars - Purists


A galaxy in turmoil! Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, has been given to the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Princess Leia, leader of the rebellion, has manned a small group of rebels to infiltrate Jabba's Palace. However they have all vanished.

Rumours swirl throughout the Rebel Alliance of a second DEATH STAR being built. With Princess Leia missing, it is up to Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar to discover the truth.

An Imperial defect lies in hiding on the dangerous outer rim planet of Tatooine. It is up to the Rebellion's newest recruits to traverse the planet in search of the defector. May the force be with them ....


Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Multi Launch Indoor Steel Rollercoaster
Vehicle: XL-34 Landspeeder
Theme: Star Wars
Amount of People per Vehicle: 28
Amount of Vehicles: 4
Duration: 2:30
Inersions: 3
Theoretical Riders per Hour : 2,688
Theoretical Riders per Day : 26,880 - 32,256
Height Restriction : 48 in
Park: Disney's Hollywood Studios
Opening Date: December 15, 1989


The Backlot
Echo Lake

Queue -
As guests depart from the safety of Indian Jones' Monaco they enter the perilous set of Mos Eisley, and the outskirts of Tatooine. Desert rockwork seemingly blocks out the views, and sounds of the Backlot's Streets of America.Through the rock work a tunnel emerges taking guests to the commissary land in which the Sci-Fi Dine In is located. Upon passing under a arch in which lies a sign in both Aurebesh and English announcing the attraction's name, and the wait time of the attraction.


Guests now enter the iconic Mos Eisley Marketplace a crashed cruiser lies in the sand pointing towards the sunset. As guests continue through a series of switchbacks they will pass by various moisture vaporators which will sometimes spray guests with a fine cool mist. Two sand troopers stand watch over the marketplace from above on the roof of a building. An AT-ST scale model is located towards the end of the outdoors portion off the queue. As guests exit the first portion of the queue, they enter the Mos Eisley Cantina.


The Mos Eisley Cantina will be cleared of the tables and patrons on the main floor as this is where guests will continue their wait as they go through switchbacks. Along the way guests will see the Cantina Band performing as well as various Star Wars characters dining and drinking in the booths. In fact one particular booth features blaster marks on the wall. Upon reaching the end of Mos Eisley guests will be met with a door which will open occasionally allowing guests into a hallway filled with space junk taking them to the pre show, a rebel conference room.

Pre Show -

Guests enter the rebel conference room in which Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar stand behind a hologram projector, and various screens seen throughout previous rebel bases.


Mon Mothma: The rebel alliance has been expecting you. We have reason to believe Jabba the Hutt not only holds Han Solo, but the plans for a second Death Star.

A projection of Jabba's Palace is displayed.

Admiral Ackbar: We are sending your squadron of fighters to investigate these reports. To reach Jabba's Palace you will need to go through Beggar's Canyon which has unfortunately become overridden by Sandpeople.

A projection of a XL-34 Landspeeder is displayed.

Mon Mothma: To aid you in case you face conflict our engineers have modified some speeders with the capability to go at high speeds, go for some time in the air, and a blaster.

A projection of the Rebel symbol is shown.

Both: May the force be with you.

Guests are then escorted into a launch bay where various speeders are being kept along with some astromechs and gonk droids. Every once and a while, a XL-34 Landspeeder zooms by guests.Guests will eventually board there own XL-34 Landspeeder in pairs of two as they prepare for the harshness that is Tatooine.

Ride Experience -

Scene 1: Beggar's Canyon

As the vehicles careen out of the launch bay; they feel the Tatooine sunshine and the heat. In less than three seconds the speeders blast into Beggar's Canyon. They move out of the way of a herd of Banthas, and a Sandpeople encampment. From the cliffs of the canyon the Sandpeople appear as they shoot at the speeder. The vehicles approach a tunnel entrance in the canyon, and swirl into the tunnel causing the ride's first inverse.

As the speeders fly through the tunnel denotars activated by motion begin to go off. The explosions from the denotars will cause what seems like the entire tunnel to shake. The speeders exit onto a cliffside overlooking the Jundland Wastes.In front of guests lies Jabba's Palace as the gates begin to close. The speeders slide right under the gates surprising gamorrean guards.

Scene 2 : Jabba's Palace

As the vehicles race past the hallways of the palace and gamorrean guards they slow down as they approach the throne room. The nearby band is playing Lapti Nek, and as guests take in the area they may notice they stopped in front of Jabba. Who surprisingly enough has Princess Leia on his chain. While C-3P0 stands next to Jabba. If guests look around they will notice that it is an exact recreation of his throne room from the film down to the characters found within it. On the wall hangs a carbonated Han Solo.


Leia: What is the rebell-

Jabba pulls on her chain, silencing Leia with a choke. As he begins to speak.

Jabba: Uba doo entered buu-announced; bu graytoh joobah musta oispleased
C3P0: You have entered unannounced; the mighty Jabba is most displeased.
Jabba: Oom-lease hoohat
C3P0: Oh, my!

Jabba and the palace inhabitants begin to laugh.

Leia: No, get off of there!

A clicking is heard as the trapdoor "opens"; the vehicles are launched once more in a sharp downward turn releasing them into the Rancor Pit.

Scene 3 : The Rancor Pit

As the speeders dive below them they stick close to the walls performing a large helix. In the center of this helix is the Rancor. The Rancor is seen holding a piece of track as the speeder speeds through its hands, and gets an up close view of the Rancor's face. The speeder quickly escapes the pit as it enters a tunnel ascending through a cave. The speeders will fly past crystals and gems which were once mined by those who first settled Tatooine. The crystals quickly begin to clear out as the speeder approaches a metallic archway.

Scene 4 : Imperial Hideout

The vehicles enter through the metallic archway, and at the end of the hallway there's a door allowing the light of the outside to shine in; two stormtroopers are above the door on a balcony .

Stormtrooper #1: Did they ever find the Imperial defect?
Stormtrooper #2: No luck, he fled to the Bothan planet.

The first stormtrooper notices the speeder, and the rebels.

Stormtrooper #1: Rebel scum! Quick sound the alarm!

A loud blaring noise goes off as lights turn off revealing the speeders to be in an imperial launch bay. TIE Fighters sit in the launch bay as well as an Imperial Shuttle seemingly ready to make an escape. Dozens of stormtroopers begin to rush in from all sides as they fire at the guests. However they miss, and a couple of stormtroopers are shot falling to the ground; some lights are shot out as smoke shots out from where it was once lit, and other parts of the launch bay are shot.

Stormtrooper #2: Close the blast doors!

The speeders suddenly launch out of the launch bay past all the stormtroopers, and into the heat of Tatooine once more.

Stormtrooper #1: Open the blast doors!

Scene 5 : The Dune Sea

The speeders pop out into the Dune Sea.The speeders pass by Jabba's hangar for his sail barges. While in the distance a sandcrawler is stationed adjacent to some moisture farms. A jawa is seen with a droid and some farmers, and a group of jawas are herding some droids into the sandcrawler. The speeders continue to blast through the desert, and enter a disguised rebellion hangar.


Scene 6 : Rebellion Hangar

The speeders stop as guests are welcomed back by maintenance workers on their mission. As guests are escorted out of the speeder, and through a hidden exit into Tosche Station. As guests venture through a tunnel they enter the final scene. Mon Mothma is seen standing in front of a door leading into the hangar.

Mon Monthma: The rebellion thanks you for your service, and while you weren't successful in obtaining the defectee we have contacted our Bothan spies to track him down. It has been an honor being your leader, but the rebellion calls me elsewhere. May the force be with you on your travels.

Guests are allowed to now fully exit as they enter Tosche Station.

Tosche Station -


Guests are welcome to explore Tosche Station, and find out just what Luke has raved about for so long. All things Star Wars are available to buy here with one of the unique items being a Rebellion Pilot jacket. Behind the checkout counter there will be dusty power converters with a note simply stating on hold. Will Luke ever pick up those power converters? The galaxy may never know.

Technology -

A multi launch roller coaster will be achieved by the evolvement of the classic Launching Shuttle Roller Coaster. Instead of the train slowing down and boomeranging, it will now slowdown as it approaches the next launcher. Thus allowing for multiple launches of varying speeds.

In the preshow holograms were mentioned this will be done through the classic Pepper's Ghost effect. As a turntable will have dioramas what is being shown as Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar speak.

The following are A-100s: Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia, and Jabba the Hutt. The rest of characters are static figures with a limited range of movement; an exception are the Imperial spacecrafts and stormtroopers as they are shown in a screen which seamlessly blends in with the rockwork, and building of scene 4.

Thank you for reading, and may the force be with you :D

EDIT: fixed sone formatting errors I noticed on mobile.​
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Well-Known Member
Jacob and I will be doing the podcast late afternoon Eastern time tomorrow so we'll technically be accepting projects until then. I'll post the prompt for the second project around midnight Eastern so folks can get a head start on it.
Because I haven’t done one of these before, when you say you’ll do the podcast late afternoon tomorrow is it a live video? Or will it then be posted later that night? Thanks!


Because I haven’t done one of these before, when you say you’ll do the podcast late afternoon tomorrow is it a live video? Or will it then be posted later that night? Thanks!
It's live videos via Google Hangouts:bookworm:
Jacob and I will be doing the podcast late afternoon Eastern time tomorrow so we'll technically be accepting projects until then. I'll post the prompt for the second project around midnight Eastern so folks can get a head start on it.
Any word on the Season 15 recaps?

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to submit anything.

Between the holidays, school, midterms, my family from Italy over, and a hurricane-like "bomb cycolone" where it snowed over a foot and I lost power, I've had 0 time to pay attention to this competition.

I'll try my hardest to do the next competition though!
I think this season is more point based, drop in drop out than past seasons (sort of like the one sentence comp). So, you can still participate even if you miss the first prompt or two. (Tiki can confirm this or tell me I'm wrong here)

Magic Feather

Well-Known Member

Is a new thrilling, roller coaster attraction that will transport guests into the world of Star Wars in a way never done before. Set in a lonely Tatooine village, where Rebel Base One, a temporary outpost, has landed, guests can explore Mos Eisley Cantina, Tosche Station, and Rebel Base One

Guest will enter through a neon-lit, Horizons esque building into the queue in RB1. Guests will initially walk theough the hangar, and then through the barracks. Finally guests will weave through switchbacks in the pod dispatch room.

Each Pod is really one-fourth of a caroseul theater, where an Admiral Ackbar informs them that Rebel Troops on Endor are running low and need your help to destroy the shield to blow up the Death Star. As he explains this, your theater rotates while in-cabin screens depict a flight to Endor. Upon arrival, you discover that the same entry doors now lead into the endor forest, due to the Carousel. Guests follow trail markings through the Endor Forest until a small Rebel Shack is reached. Inside guests can board their Munitions Cruisers and take flight.
Guest make a right out of the station, weaving through trees and dodging physical and projected imperial speeder bikes. Soon, Ackbar comes over the intercom, revealling that the sheilds were destroyed upon your dispatching, but your munitions are still needed at the death star. You then ascend above the forest into a hyperspeed speed tunnel, before decending into the infamous trench run, as you race alongside projected and two physical X-Wings, while dodging toes. Ypu soon release your munitions, causing an explosion as you hurtle into another lightspeed projection tunnel which returns you to Tatooine.


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I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to submit anything.

Between the holidays, school, midterms, my family from Italy over, and a hurricane-like "bomb cycolone" where it snowed over a foot and I lost power, I've had 0 time to pay attention to this competition.

I'll try my hardest to do the next competition though!
Similar to the One Sentence Competition - I believe you can come in and out of this comp as well like Pi said. It's just you won't receive points towards the leaderboard for the rounds you don't compete in.


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Original Poster
Feel free to submit projects between now and when Jacob and I do the podcast tomorrow. As Space and Pi said anyone can jump in and do any project, it's just that people who complete all the projects will have an upperhand in the leaderboard. With that in mind, it's time to announce the next prompt.

Project Two: Black Lights and Bus Bars

Dark rides have always been a pivotal part of the Armchair Imagineering experience. Being streamlined experiences based around pre-existing IPs, they're great starting points towards more ambitious creative challenges. I find it only fitting that setting out on the first "Classic" Disney project of the season we start with the purest of ride genres.

Purists-Your goal will be to create an alternate "suite" of Fantasyland dark rides for the original Magic Kingdom at Disney World. This means hypothetically pitching three opening day attractions not based around Peter Pan, Snow White, or Mr. Toad. Famously the three attractions that were meant to replace this lineup were Marry Poppins, Sleepy Hollow, and Sleeping Beauty...Poppins replacing Peter Pan, Sleepy Hollow replacing Mr. Toad and Sleeping Beauty replacing Snow White as the "beautiful", "fun and crazy", and "scary" dark rides respectively. You're goal is to come up with three other films from the Walt era and give them the dark ride treatment for a "What If" opening day Magic Kingdom lineup...again you may NOT use Poppins, Sleepy Hollow, or Sleeping Beauty as the basis for these attractions.

-It's long been observed that one side of Disneyland's Fantasyland courtyard gets far more traffic than the other. While Peter Pan and Mr. Toad are continually among the most popular rides in the park, Snow White and Pinocchio struggle to maintain much of a following. For this project, the innovators must create a brand new attraction using the space currently occupied by Snow White's Scary Adventures, Pinocchio's Daring Journey, and Pinocchio's Village Hause to create a new state of the art dark ride experience based on a Disney movie which hasn't yet gotten the dark ride treatment. Keep in mind the exterior of this attraction should maintain the "Alpine Village" ascetic of the rest of the Fantasyland courtyard.

Good luck, fellow Armchair Imagineers. This project is due Friday, January 12th at 11:59 PM Eastern.
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Original Poster
Here are the reviews for the first project on my end. Further thoughts will be given on the podcast along with Jacob's scores.

@Pionmycake...honestly, couldn't have asked for a better project to kick off the season with! I loved this. As a Nintendo fan-boy who's currently having a boarderline-romantic relationship with my Switch the inclusion of the Duck Hunt style blasters was wonderful. I love how practical this all was. By far my favorite touch is how the gun element doesn't actually keep score. I also love how the update seems like something that would divide the fanbase just like in real life. The light speed tunnels were an inspired design element. Only slight qualm I have is there could have been more of a transition from the queue to the actual ride.

Creativity: 8/10 - Blends elements of different ideas such as Peter Pan, Space Mountain, and Space Ranger Spin and does so incredibly well. On its own the scenes don't really amount to much beyond a "best of" reel, but in a sort of "Forbidden Journey" kind of way that flows well into each other to creative a cohesive experience.

Detail: 7/10 - Overall very strong, just could have used a bit more about the boarding process/loading area besides just the fact that it's a continually moving platform. Boarding areas and the transition between queue and ride can make or break a project and I simply didn't feel like I got enough of a grasp on it.

Realism: 10/10 Definitely the strong point of the project. Everything on display was alarmingly accurate.

Presentation: 7/10 Solid reference photos and formatting

Total: 32/40

...As much as Pi's project was a homerun for the Purists, this has "Innovators" written all over. Another wonderful start to the season and a great illustration of why I picked Star Wars to represent the "Purists vs. Innovators" theme. Space, realism is definitely a factor here but I don't want you to get frustrated with that. I love the risks you took with the main walk through. Much like Last Jedi itself there are fundamental shifts in the way you'd typically design a theme park attraction of this scale, not everyone in the park would 100 percent love it, but it'd most certainly be something that would be talked about. The Porg encounter is honestly my favorite part of the project just because of how realistic and funny it is, no disrespect to the star attraction.

Creativity: 9.5/10 - I'm halfway hesitant to theme a whole land around a recent Star Wars location from a divisive movie (coming from the side of loving The Last Jedi btw ;) ) Generally speaking though, this takes big risks and pays off fantastically from the creative side.

Detail: 9/10 - Solidly written all the way through.

Realism: 6/10 - Like I said, there's a few things here I'd worry about. Notably the repeat factor for the main attraction after you've experienced the two variations. To me it seems like a do it twice and then you've had your fill sort of situation. Don't get me wrong, I love everything you set up, and I love the idea of this being a "boutique" Star Wars expansion...I'm just not sure Disney is as forward thinking as the project itself is leaning.

Presentation: 8/10 - The maps definitely help give a picture of the layout and the reference photos perfectly showcase how the island blends in with the rest of the park. Solid work!

Total: 32.5/40

@kmbmw777, solid job all around. First off, I love how different all of these projects are and how they can fit into various parks. EPCOT works well as a transitioning point from the Science of the franchise to the Fantasy of a Disney attraction. Detail was your achilles heel. You started out strong but I really wanted to see more out of the actual attraction. Having said that I very much commend you on the choice of doing a Doc as the presentation method. It allowed for a level of visual stimulation you simply can't repeat on just a forum post. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the use of the Calrissian family as well as the casino theme feels like you're trying to improve on the much maligned Kanto Bae.

Creativity: 7/10 - Tying it into Epcot was a good touch, though I question the energy attraction having all that much to do with Star Wars. The casino theme felt a bit too Last Jedi, but as I said it felt like you were trying to improve things that felt off about that movie's interpretation of a casino planet so I'll give you a bonus .5 point!

Realism: 9/10 - While I wish there was more to it, for pure practicality sake given Epcot's sheer size and the fact that the tech outlined feels to match right at home with where were at in the industry, this is definitely among your strongest categories.

Detail: 5/10 Pains me to score this low, but this really felt like half a project given that we wanted most of the emphasis to be on the E ticket. Keep it up though, as I really appreciated the world-building and the inclusion of the Calrissian family.

Presentation: 9/10 Very solid website design and concept art. As others have pointed out the yellow is a bit striking, but my eyes adjusted to it pretty easily. Just because I'm in a good mood I'll throw in another bonus .5 point for the website!

Total: 31/40

@AceAstro gotta admit, I'm conflicted about this one simply because I'm a huge fan of Inner Space and know the layout and space of that attraction really well. This is where research would have come in handy for you because out of any past Disney attraction Inner Space is one that has a ton of resources for information. Another issue I have is the timeline really didn't seem coherent. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't seem like there was any reason why we started post-Jedi and then went back into the past for the rest of the attraction. Also jumping between different moments in the original trilogy felt a little off. Honestly I feel really bad about being so harsh about this because all these gripes are just fanboy things that you had no way of avoiding or knowing about.

Creativity: 6/10 - As I said, the timeline of this seemed a bit jumbled. I think it would have worked better if you stuck the ride in one time period and stuck to it instead of jumping to different iconic moments.

Detail: 8.5/10 Everything you had was really well fleshed out. Good job going scene by scene.

Realism: 7/10 I'm honestly giving you a bit of a free pass of the space issue because there's NO way there would be room for all this. Top marks for considering reusing the Inner Space track and everything. Also I very much enjoyed the new spin on the Omnimover you came up with. Ehhh...see what I did there...spin... ;) :p

Presentation: 10/10 I honestly want this to be an example going forward that even if you don't have a ton of resources at your disposal, you can still use visuals to outline your points in a way that amounts to a slam dunk. Top marks!

Total: 31.5/40

The rest will come tomorrow morning, before Jacob and I go live with the podcast. I'll keep everyone updated on the time we go live.


Well-Known Member
to create a new state of the art dark ride experience based on a Disney movie which hasn't yet gotten the dark ride treatment
Question for you when you have a chance (I know today will be busy for you). When you say a Disney movie that hasn’t gotten the dark ride treatment yet do you mean only in the Disneyland resort? An example would be Beauty and the Beast for example is getting a dark ride overseas so is it okay to have a BatB attraction in Disneyland? Also, there is a small backstage area behind Pinocchio’s. Are we able to extend the building into that area if needed?

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Question for you when you have a chance (I know today will be busy for you). When you say a Disney movie that hasn’t gotten the dark ride treatment yet do you mean only in the Disneyland resort? An example would be Beauty and the Beast for example is getting a dark ride overseas so is it okay to have a BatB attraction in Disneyland? Also, there is a small backstage area behind Pinocchio’s. Are we able to extend the building into that area if needed?


As long as it doesn't CURRENTLY exist in the parks and if it's in the planning stages you don't just repeat what we know is coming from a future attraction I'm okay with working on stuff that will be getting dark rides in the years to come. Feel free to use the backstage area. I basically want that entire half of the courtyard from Snow White to Village Hause utilized in some way.


Well-Known Member
You're goal is to come up with three other films from the Walt era and give them the dark ride treatment for a "What If" opening day Magic Kingdom lineup...again you may NOT use Poppins, Sleepy Hollow, or Sleeping Beauty as the basis for these attractions.
Question: Do we have to use a film from the Walt Era or can we use a film that was being made while he was alive, but you know since he died it wasn't released in the Walt Era?

An example being Monkeys, Go Home! or The Happiest Millionaire.

Thanks in advance for your answer.


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Original Poster
Question: Do we have to use a film from the Walt Era or can we use a film that was being made while he was alive, but you know since he died it wasn't released in the Walt Era?

An example being Monkeys, Go Home! or The Happiest Millionaire.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

I'd prefer if you kept it to animation just to maintain the traditional dark ride approach. For the timeline, basically anything that was in production BEFORE the opening of WDW is acceptable, so you can technically go outside the Walt era but not by much.

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