No Fridges!!!!
If they start removing the fridges from all moderates let there be protests in the streets...
I agree that the mod's should be more grown up with a little disney/pixar tie in to remind you you are staying at disney. The comforters are ok but the borders look extremely tacky and you might have well stayed at a Value resort becuase there is no fridge and the rooms will look just as tacky.
No fridges:veryconfu
If thats true i dont book CBR.
If they start removing the fridges from all moderates let there be protests in the streets...
I agree that the mod's should be more grown up with a little disney/pixar tie in to remind you you are staying at disney. The comforters are ok but the borders look extremely tacky and you might have well stayed at a Value resort becuase there is no fridge and the rooms will look just as tacky.