So is the Hyperion Wharf project dead?

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Steve: Enjoying your perspective about Disney business model and how it's changing. I'm not happy with the way Disney has changed from what I grew to love. Seems they are trying to right the ship. Let's hope Disney can find a way to meet their requirements while give their guests that magical experience. Disney isn't suppose to be ALL about profits at all cost, but a fair profit. There is a balance that needs to be in place. I don't think all units need to make a profit but the area over all needs to make a profit.

I use to work at a grocery store. Many items they took at a lost but knew they made up in other areas. That is how I view resort merchandise. They don't need to make a profite on every entity.


Well-Known Member
Details is what set Disney apart from the rest, making them both successful and profitable for years.

If for nothing else, they should put the details there so that 10 years from now they can have a DTD walking tour priced at $80 a person. Now THAT'S long-term planning... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
From Jason Garcia at his O'Sentinel Blog:

Disney's Pleasure Island makeover stalls

Walt Disney World's slow-moving makeover of Pleasure Island has stalled again.

The giant resort disclosed this week that construction of "Hyperion Wharf" — a dockside-themed shopping and dining area that was to replace Pleasure Island and its long-shuttered nightclubs — has been delayed indefinitely as the company re-evaluates plans for the site.

The move comes barely half a year after Disney unveiled the Hyperion Wharf concept. The resort recently demolished some of Pleasure Island's clubs, all of which have been closed since 2008.

"During the course of this site work, we identified opportunities to further refine our master plan and are pausing to evaluate them," Disney wrote in an update to its company-run blog.

"What does this mean for you? While we're moving quickly, it will admittedly cause a delay in construction. But we're willing to bet that any delay will be worth the wait once we're able to share details about the exciting work we've been doing."

Disney didn't provide a new timetable for the project. It had previously said an amphitheater-style park would be ready by this summer and that the entire Hyperion Wharf project would be completed by early 2013.

Asked if Hyperion Wharf would still be built at some point, Disney World spokeswoman Zoraya Suarez said only: "We don't have anything specific to share today, but we look forward to sharing more details in the future."

Although it acknowledged Hyperion Wharf has been delayed, Disney also said Tuesday that it would make some additions elsewhere in its Downtown Disney retail complex. The most notable change will be the opening of "Splitsville," a 50,000-square-foot bowling alley and entertainment venue that will also include billiards, dining and music.

Disney said construction of the "upscale entertainment center" will begin this fall. It will replace the retailer Ridemakerz, which is currently housed in the former Virgin Megastore building in the West Side section of Downtown Disney. Ridemakerz will move to a smaller location in Downtown Disney's Marketplace section, which is on the other side of the former Pleasure Island.

In addition, Disney said a fashion store dubbed "Apricot Lane Boutique" will open later this summer in a storefront on Pleasure Island that had previously been occupied by Harley-Davidson. The motorcycle seller recently moved into a bigger location in Downtown Disney's West Side. or 407-420-5414



Well-Known Member

I'm gonna go ahead and express early joy over this. I mean, sure the new plans could be worse, but I'm up for seeing what else they have up their sleeve concept wise. Normally not one to jump on the bandwagon so early but I think Disney is going to get this one right.


Premium Member
This is so embarrassing to the management team, creative people, and the company.... And they don't even know it. Sad really.

What, it's embarrassing to delay a project to improve it? I disagree with you. It would be far worse to just carry on blindly and deliver a product that is less than it can be. Fantasyland is another recent example of a change of plans midway, and I think most people will consider it was the right thing to do.


Well-Known Member
This is so embarrassing to the management team, creative people, and the company.... And they don't even know it. Sad really.

Yeah, it really is. Let's just hope they finally get their act together and get this right. Unfortunately, I'm not overly confident that they will. It's been three years, and we're basically back to square one. What a bold new vision.


Premium Member
Yeah, it really is. Let's just hope they finally get their act together and get this right. Unfortunately, I'm not overly confident that they will. It's been three years, and we're basically back to square one. What a bold new vision.

Not even close to being back to square one. Things are progressing well.


Well-Known Member
so I'll ask again, what are your thoughts on the rumors that they are going to allow 3rd parties to open venues to be operated as dance clubs at night?

Its obvious he knows whats going on, but hasn't been given the green light by his source to spill the beans yet.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
What, it's embarrassing to delay a project to improve it? I disagree with you. It would be far worse to just carry on blindly and deliver a product that is less than it can be. Fantasyland is another recent example of a change of plans midway, and I think most people will consider it was the right thing to do.

The reason I say that is because it gives the appearance of having no clue what they are doing... It is one thing to announce Disney's Animal Kingdom complete with Beastly Kingdomme, then cut Beastly Kingdomme because they were going over budget.. you still got the Animal Kingdom theme park...

Hyperion Whiff is a different animal... They make this grand announcement about this awesome re-imagining of Pleasure Island... They knock down a few buildings, add seed and mulch and THEN figure out a better way to maximize profits??? These things should have been planned and thought out before any kind of construction or demolition started. Just gives the appearance of a place run by clueless dolts.

A few buildings are demolished, grassy knoll is planted, then the MBAs with their Excel program and forecasting charts find a better way to rip off the guests, I mean maximize profits, I mean "provide better entertainment options to our guests" and BAM, project stopped.

Steve you have an advantage over most of us... You obviously know what the plans are... Most of us don't... So while the new plans may be pretty spectacular, all the rest of us can do is look from the outside, hear of a grand announcement, see the project start, then stop, and read from a blog that things are being re-thought... So yes, this looks embarrassing and that they don't know what they are doing and have no plan... Especially with TDO's track record...

I'll trust what you say about the project, but you'll have to look at the situation through the regular membership and general public's eyes... And I'm sure most of the people complaining about the stalling of this project, once the new plans are announced, will be on board with the plans... But, until then, people will continue to think management has no plan for Pleasure Island/Hyperion Whiff, no matter what insiders say....


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's the stockholders. I think it's the execs who want flashy numbers to show off to their bosses.
I think it is a gentleman named Jim Hunt who came up with the idea that all Disney shops have to generate a specific profit level or be closed/changed. Magic shop doesn't sell enough tricks to meet his magic number...adios magic shop.
I can't tell you how much I hate that way of thinking across the board. It is the death of real Disney magic, and the birth of (not gonna use the word that begins with "Wal", 'cause then I'd have to pay royalties to Spirit) the dumbing down of the experience.

Exactly this...and it is spreading to all levels of the Resort..if something doesn't generate enough profit or have a high enough margin, they do away with it, or find a way to cheapen it.

It's a shame because with WDW having such a wide vast of property and offerings, they should/could easily find the balance between those unique shops that might not sell too much or night clubs that barely break even (if that is indeed the truth) to add to the immersion and themeing and those revenue generating options that push the generic Disney Parks merchandise and offer the same 8 courses on all of their menus.

I think this is more of a function of people not knowing that the details are there until they're gone.


But aren't the details one of the major things that distinguished Disney from everyone else? If the details weren't so important why does the new FLE look like it will be filled with detailed theming, and why are there so many details at DAK, or in the Carsland expansion? In fact, most of DCA is being rebuilt to bring back the details that weren't part of the original design.

Details is what set Disney apart from the rest, making them both successful and profitable for years.

I wonder if the level of detail being produced in Carsland and FLE is going to equal that of Disneyland's Main Street or the queues of the Jungle Cruise. I have a feeling it might just be more eyecandy than anything and not littered with quirps, insight jokes, sight gags, and the intricate detail that the parks used to be built with. I will reserve my judgement of course until I see both in person, but I just don't think detail today equals the detail we used to see.


Well-Known Member
The reason I say that is because it gives the appearance of having no clue what they are doing... It is one thing to announce Disney's Animal Kingdom complete with Beastly Kingdomme, then cut Beastly Kingdomme because they were going over budget.. you still got the Animal Kingdom theme park...

Hyperion Whiff is a different animal... They make this grand announcement about this awesome re-imagining of Pleasure Island... They knock down a few buildings, add seed and mulch and THEN figure out a better way to maximize profits??? These things should have been planned and thought out before any kind of construction or demolition started. Just gives the appearance of a place run by clueless dolts.

A few buildings are demolished, grassy knoll is planted, then the MBAs with their Excel program and forecasting charts find a better way to rip off the guests, I mean maximize profits, I mean "provide better entertainment options to our guests" and BAM, project stopped.

Steve you have an advantage over most of us... You obviously know what the plans are... Most of us don't... So while the new plans may be pretty spectacular, all the rest of us can do is look from the outside, hear of a grand announcement, see the project start, then stop, and read from a blog that things are being re-thought... So yes, this looks embarrassing and that they don't know what they are doing and have no plan... Especially with TDO's track record...

I'll trust what you say about the project, but you'll have to look at the situation through the regular membership and general public's eyes... And I'm sure most of the people complaining about the stalling of this project, once the new plans are announced, will be on board with the plans... But, until then, people will continue to think management has no plan for Pleasure Island/Hyperion Whiff, no matter what insiders say....

You forget to also mention that it was 2 years after PI was shuttered before we had an announcement of what was supposed to replace it. Which probably means that when the place was shut down there were absolutely no solid plans of what to do with it. That's a big sign that they had no clue what they were doing.


Well-Known Member
Ok Ok OK I wish things were moving at a quicker pace... and I thought HW was kind of cool....though not everything it could be as far as night entertainment....but if the end result is something much better then I for one am Good with the delay. Let us try to be patient...seems like some course changes are happenning here in this case lets wait to see what is "the new Plan" before deciding your opinions. Regarding the time delay from the closing of the clubs until today: that is not a good thing at all!!!!!! In the end though we will truly look at the new result of this project (whatever form that may be) because that is what matters most...

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