Also, I always thought the "Rix" might be miscast for the resort it is in.
I would agree, if it even had a theme any more. Classic example of not knowing what you want your business to be.
Another point though related is that the lack of customers at the resort clubs such as Rix or Jelly Rolls indicates to me that there isn't overwhelming demand for such establishments on property.
Jelly Rolls is actually remarkably popular, given the lower than Disney level of service and $10 cover. And Rix can get a crowd, when there is a convention in CSR (although it is dead otherwise). The only club that is perpetually dead is ADH. Several reasons:
*Lack of advertising. Based on talking to people who would come up to PI Live and ask about the clubs or where they can watch a game, the vast majority of WDW guests have never heard of the Boardwalk.
*Transportation. Last buses leave BW at midnight. Leave the club by 11:30 (when PI was just getting busy) or catch a cab.
*Parking. Locals hate BW and CSR because you have to go thru the hotel gate (a lot of people don't know you can it as a day guest, or just hate showing their license), and once you park, you still have a long hike to the clubs. I can understand not wanting to do that in heels and a miniskirt.
*Specific to ADH itself, much like Rix, it lacks a clear identity. It's nice, but not really themed, and the music is, to steal Zulemara's phrase, like a wedding. Just a hodge-podge. The place comes off as a dance club designed by a committee who never actually went to a dance club.
Just to illustrate the market, the last three Monday/Tuesdays, Mizners (in the Grand) has been slammed with over 200 Wells Fargo college interns getting out of orientation training at 9:30. Rather than overwhelming a bar not built for that size a crowd, how much better would it be to have buses waiting to take these kids straight to PI? WDW would make more money, guests would be happier, fire marshal wouldn't have to get once again makes me question how anyone connected to the closing of PI still has a job.