So I'm watching the Christmas parade on TV...

xfkirsten said:
Yes, I did recall them being separate, I'm just saying it felt like a rehash putting those two back into the parade. IMHO they should have found something else to showcase there, because it felt like a rehash.

Well, they had a unit from each different park in the parade. What would you suggest they include from Animal Kingdom as there is only so much entertainment. They did include items from Mickey's Jingle Jungle parade this year. Besides, FoLK is the number one show on property, so naturally they are going to include that.


Premium Member
I just watched a few minutes of the parade yesterday and I thought it was so great. Gave me the warm and fuzzies LOL. I recorded the rest - maybe I'll watch it later.

However, I did notice the Lagoon with subs and the skyway in the footage they were showing and I was really confused!! That must be REALLY old footage, but I can understand why they'd choose it. I'm sure a current view from the sky wouldn't look as great. Was that the last time everything in the MK was actually running?


New Member
Oh, I can. not. wait. to reveal my thoughts about this year's parade.

Overall, I thought it was a textbook example on integrated marketing. After the first mention of a Disney DVD in corolation with a float, I made a checklist in my head of stuff they were going to promote. Magical Gatherings? Check. Stich? Check. Happiest Celebration on Earth? Check. Disney Vacation Club? Nope! Sure, there was a commerical (although it was difficult to tell where the commericals began and ended), but there was no visit to Saratoga Springs or any of the resorts. Shocking, I must say.

Question: Was there a special on gold lamae at Joanne's Fabrics? Mickey was wearing it. Minnie was wearing it. A troupe of dancers was wearing it. And then during the Jump 5 performance, all the characters were waving it around on a stick.

When I was a kid, I remeber the parade being live and having a special feeling about it. I'm not sure if it's because I'm an adult or what, but it just isn't as magical as it used to be. If Macy's can pull it off, so can Disney.

My favorite part of the whole shebang was the trainwreck that is Mariah Carey. That first performance with the gifts and the dancers and the dress was crazy. I loved it. Did anyone else think her descending into the stage and then rising up on the wreath was some sort of a Christ metaphor? I mean, Jesus is the reason for the season.


New Member
MouseMadness said:
I am LOOOOOOOOOVING the commercials!! Especially the one with the dogs set to "So this is Love" :lol: I dunno why that made me giggle so much... I had tears rolling down my cheeks. :eek: :lol:

I did a photo shoot with that dog for work (Not the poodle-ish dog, the terrier looking one) and she is the cutest thing in the world. She is in all of the commercials and photo shoots for Disney! I loved that commercial!

I didn't know too, that the "Welcome" song was the new parade song! Then yes, it wouldn't have seemed so repetative.


Active Member
I missed a good bit of the parade due to the local TV breaking in with weather updates. We do not normally get ice and snow flurries so every five minutes he would let us know it was snowing and sleeting outside. One time in particular he stayed on for a longer than usual. He came on for about five to ten minutes and as the parade came back, Kelly Clarkson had just finished her song "Breakaway" which I would have liked to see. Did I miss anything good before Kelly came on?


New Member
Mary Poppins said:
Well, they had a unit from each different park in the parade. What would you suggest they include from Animal Kingdom as there is only so much entertainment. They did include items from Mickey's Jingle Jungle parade this year. Besides, FoLK is the number one show on property, so naturally they are going to include that.

I did like that they put Mickey's Jingle Jungle Parade in there. Like you say, Animal Kingdom only has so much entertainment... so maybe they should have put something else in there instead. Even if they were to include FoLK, they should have significantly changed it. IIRC, they even did the same song from the show. I am not a dancer, and I do not pick out if the routine is exactly the same as it was last year, and I would assume that the vast majority of people watching the parade are the same way. To me, it felt like the same number all over again, with the rollerbladers thrown into the mix with their mini-ramps again.


New Member
I loved Diana DeGarmo and think she is smart if she teams up with Disney. But did anyone else think Maria Carey was wearing a RED FRENCH MAID (especially wither her stiletto heels) costume when singing in the opening number. I guess she forgot it was a family park.


Account Suspended
So I guess that Disney shouldn't market anything during the ONCE A YEAR telecast of this parade. Nor should they try to reach those folks who MAY NOT watch the Disney Channel, or any other Disney programming day to day.
Let's remember, not everyone watches this programming on a daily basis, so there is a demographic out there to reach. And when you do, you have to try and put your best foot forward. I know I know, Disney is the ONLY company, or INDIVIDUAL in the ENTIRE WORLD that crassly promotes itself in this way right? Yeah, no commercials about the latest (so-called, but not REALLY), reality show. Or no whoring done by MLB, the NFL, the NBA (how many times did we see the footage of the basketbrawl across all the networks?)

I would LOVE to know what everyone here thinks they should have done differently? Maybe fill the commercial time ON THEIR OWN NETWORK, with viagra commercials? Yeah, you can't see too many of those can you? And they would have tied in nicely with the.....oops, this was a FAMILY EVENT!!!!

As for Mariah Carey. Yes, she's a train wreck. I would wonder what they were thinking in booking her in the first place. But, it may have been a financial issue. Let's surmise this:

Most of the stars who have done voice-over work for Disney will often complain in the press how Disney underpays. Now, I for one think that working for Disney would be considered an honor, and that you could put your ego aside, and accept a lesser check to do some work for them. I would be curious to know who else they MAY have tried to book, but couldn't do to scheduling conflicts, or contractural conflicts. She certainly would not have been my first choice. As for her dress, it was a bit inappropriate for the occasion, but I wonder again who had the final call on that in wardrobe. Maybe she refused to go with anything else they offered. As for the conclusion of her first #, I thought it was a cool idea. And the ending to her second # kinda reminded me of opening day of both US parks.

But all that aside, the telecast was VERY WELL DONE. BRAVO to Disney.


New Member
I agree with the exception of her wardrobe it was a very nice parade. We all watched it as a family and all kept talking about our upcoming trip in May Made us want to be there even more---LOVE TINK on the 50th Anniversay float.


New Member
nickcarraway said:
My favorite part of the whole shebang was the trainwreck that is Mariah Carey. That first performance with the gifts and the dancers and the dress was crazy. I loved it. Did anyone else think her descending into the stage and then rising up on the wreath was some sort of a Christ metaphor? I mean, Jesus is the reason for the season.
I am so glad you mentioned this! I have been watching that opening number on a continuous loop since the parade. On one hand, I love that song and was glad to see it in the parade. On the other hand, I hated her dress. On the other hand, I LOVED her dress. On the other hand, why on earth was there such violent choreography for a Christmas song?! On the other hand, I loved the dancing gingerbread men jumping out of gift boxes. On the other hand....

I loved it because it made absolutely no sense. LOVED it. I can't stop watching it. But I too thought, "Um...why is Mariah going down in flames?"

Didn't she already do that with Glitter? ;)


New Member
aimster said:
And I noticed the arial footage of MK is OLD! You can see the 20k lagoon with SUBS GOING AROUND THE LAGOON! It's gotta be from at least 1993 since they closed the ride in 1994, right?

And then they showed a preview for Stitch's Great Escape and of course made it look like the complete opposite of the turkey it really is. Okay I still think that Stitch AA is the most awesome thing ever, but I digress.

I will admit that Chicken Little looks like it might actually be good. It's a kinda "original" story as it picks up where the old fable ends. We'll see what the final verdict is soon enough.

But... why does Disney keep putting these awful tennybopper groups that nobody has ever heard of and claiming they're "sensations" int heir parade? It really ruins it for me. I swear the performances get worse every year. Julie Andrews is honestly the only familiar face for me (besides the usual Disney characters and Kermit & Miss Piggy).

And I love how they make you think the whole thing is live. Yeah it's sunny in Orlando today.... NOT! It's cold and raining! LOL!

Okay I'm done ranting. Off to go watch the rest of the parade. :lol: :xmas:


You're honestly my new hero on here! I mean honestly, every single thing you said is pretty much every single thing I thought when I was watching it. My friend called me from California and asked me why Disney ran a 2 hour commerical on Christmas Day. I explained that was actually the parade.

My favorite part of the entire show, hands down was the commerical break with the skyway running in the background in Fantasyland. So I'm pretty sure it was taped live this year.

Second best was probably when Tenny Bopper #72 rode Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and then pretty much said "Oh yeah and Tower of Terror's here too." and left it as that... likely to not undermine the (awful) promo they ran just prior for DCA's Tower of Terror. Probably wouldn't get anyone out to Disneyland and be the draw they wanted it to be if they showed it back to back with the Florida version!

Miss Piggy and Kermit amused me though.


Account Suspended
So what's the answer then?

I'm reading lots of complaints about the so-called "crass" promotion of its' own theme parks and attractions, but I'm not reading any IDEAS as to how they SHOULD have handled the air time. I for one, again, think they did it right. You take advantage of the opportunity provided you. Let's look at this yet another way.

If Disney didn't own ABC/ESPN, how much do you think they would have had to pay for the telecast and subsequent commercials? Then the outcry would have been, "Geez, they could have taken all that money they paid ABC, and paid their cms more money."

So, again I ask, what is the answer to this, ahem, problem?


New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
I'm reading lots of complaints about the so-called "crass" promotion of its' own theme parks and attractions, but I'm not reading any IDEAS as to how they SHOULD have handled the air time. I for one, again, think they did it right. You take advantage of the opportunity provided you. Let's look at this yet another way.

If Disney didn't own ABC/ESPN, how much do you think they would have had to pay for the telecast and subsequent commercials? Then the outcry would have been, "Geez, they could have taken all that money they paid ABC, and paid their cms more money."

So, again I ask, what is the answer to this, ahem, problem?

The parade has been on tv for far longer than ABC was owned by Disney. This was it's 21st year. And if they did pay to air it, they would not be paying for the commercials. The COMMERCIALS pay the network for airtime during specific broadcasts. The WDW parade is a pretty prime slot to air your commercials as a lot of people watch the broadcast.

Now - you said that everyone is complaining but no one is suggesting improvements. Well, though we all know that Disney doesn't care what we think about it in the grand scheme of things - people *have* suggested improvements - such as go back to using celebrities that are actually significant - cut the teeny boppers out - stop milking the Disney channel stars and pay for real ones like it always USED TO be. It's great to show what's new at the resorts for the next year - that's something they've always done - but it's bad to try to shove down customer's throats the basic idea that the only smart thing to do is turn off your TV and book your vacation right now. The original purpose of this parade was to celebrate the season, not to drive revenue. That's what we need to get back to.


New Member
the people wearing the red hat with the mickey ears in them are the one that disney wanted in there show. they are the ones who they asked to be in the show. we were there for the taping of the diane d part. my daughter was taken up front by some the cast member there so she can see the show. but since she didn't have on one of those hats they made her come back to the back with me. the parade is also noghing like the very merry christmas parade to this year . goofy is on the ride instead of chip and dale on the float and also the outfit that brer bear and brer rabbit has on is red this year. on the show they have on a blue outfit on. so yes i think they used last year stuff too do to the weather on saturday. it was cold and cloudy that day that they taped. the singing was all done on sunday.


Well-Known Member
Montu said:
The parade has been on tv for far longer than ABC was owned by Disney. This was it's 21st year. And if they did pay to air it, they would not be paying for the commercials. The COMMERCIALS pay the network for airtime during specific broadcasts. The WDW parade is a pretty prime slot to air your commercials as a lot of people watch the broadcast.

Now - you said that everyone is complaining but no one is suggesting improvements. Well, though we all know that Disney doesn't care what we think about it in the grand scheme of things - people *have* suggested improvements - such as go back to using celebrities that are actually significant - cut the teeny boppers out - stop milking the Disney channel stars and pay for real ones like it always USED TO be. It's great to show what's new at the resorts for the next year - that's something they've always done - but it's bad to try to shove down customer's throats the basic idea that the only smart thing to do is turn off your TV and book your vacation right now. The original purpose of this parade was to celebrate the season, not to drive revenue. That's what we need to get back to.

Bravo!! You took the words right out of my mouth. I completely agree with your short, concise, and spot on analysis.


Well-Known Member
Montu said:
Now - you said that everyone is complaining but no one is suggesting improvements. Well, though we all know that Disney doesn't care what we think about it in the grand scheme of things - people *have* suggested improvements - such as go back to using celebrities that are actually significant - cut the teeny boppers out - stop milking the Disney channel stars and pay for real ones like it always USED TO be. It's great to show what's new at the resorts for the next year - that's something they've always done - but it's bad to try to shove down customer's throats the basic idea that the only smart thing to do is turn off your TV and book your vacation right now. The original purpose of this parade was to celebrate the season, not to drive revenue. That's what we need to get back to.

Heck Yes! This year was better than what we have seen the past few years, but your ideas there would definately improve the show.


Active Member
Original Poster
Question: Was there a special on gold lamae at Joanne's Fabrics? Mickey was wearing it. Minnie was wearing it. A troupe of dancers was wearing it. And then during the Jump 5 performance, all the characters were waving it around on a stick.
Gold lamae on a sitck.. the newest souvenir from Disneyland. Yes you too can take home a piece of the "Happiest Celebration on Earth™" with your very own GOLD LAMAE ON A STICK!

$50 says Disney actually puts this out in the park to sell next year. :lol:


New Member
aimster said:
Gold lamae on a sitck.. the newest souvenir from Disneyland. Yes you too can take home a piece of the "Happiest Celebration on Earth™" with your very own GOLD LAMAE ON A STICK!

$50 says Disney actually puts this out in the park to sell next year. :lol:

Don't give them any ideas. :lol:
xfkirsten said:
I did like that they put Mickey's Jingle Jungle Parade in there. Like you say, Animal Kingdom only has so much entertainment... so maybe they should have put something else in there instead. Even if they were to include FoLK, they should have significantly changed it. IIRC, they even did the same song from the show. I am not a dancer, and I do not pick out if the routine is exactly the same as it was last year, and I would assume that the vast majority of people watching the parade are the same way. To me, it felt like the same number all over again, with the rollerbladers thrown into the mix with their mini-ramps again.

What song would you have had them use? Last year they did use "Circle of Life" but it was a much different version of it. I just don't see "Be Prepared" as a Christmas parade kind of song!


New Member
Mary Poppins said:
What song would you have had them use? Last year they did use "Circle of Life" but it was a much different version of it. I just don't see "Be Prepared" as a Christmas parade kind of song!

Neither do I. Use "Just Can't Wait to Be King" or "Hakuna Matata" or even "Can You Feel the Love Tonight." I personally love the arrangement of Can You Feel the Love Tonight that is used in FoLK.

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