So I'm watching the Christmas parade on TV...


MICKEY & BASKETBALL!?!?!? AND SHAQ??? That was a little out of place I thought, ... but whatever....[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. That was the weirdest, funniest, and most out of place ending to the WDW Parade ever. It was so random my family and I were all like..."what was that all about?" Yes, we realize the much-hyped Shaq vs. Kobe game is on in like 15 minutes, but come on, that was silly. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yea, that was me wearing green, and Tifani was right next to me in her Tigger hat. I'll post a picture soon lol. I'm surpised all of you saw it. If it weren't for me taping it, I would of missed our part.

I'm really glad the folks next to us got airtime too. It was a family with 3 small children and they wanted really bad to be on tv.

As for the Jump5 song...I liked how they did the old footage of the kids running across the drawbridge and then had the Disney characters coming out of the front.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I enjoyed it, and we recorded it for the little one when she wakes up. Hard to believe that we were there only two weeks ago.

Merry Christmas

General Grizz

New Member
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings
50th Anniversary Celebration
Magical Gatherings Magical Gatherings Magical Gatherings Magical Gatherings

Did that cover it? :D


New Member
aimster said:
But... why does Disney keep putting these awful tennybopper groups that nobody has ever heard of and claiming they're "sensations" int heir parade? It really ruins it for me. I swear the performances get worse every year. Julie Andrews is honestly the only familiar face for me (besides the usual Disney characters and Kermit & Miss Piggy).

I'm also going to chime in here, I agree with KentB. I absolutely LOVE Jump 5. Their music is upbeat, actually has meaning and is very catchy! I always listen to them before I go to work because they get me pumped up and ready to go! They've been in the past 3 Disney Christmas Parades (First year singing "Beauty and the Beast" and this year and last year singing "Welcome" from "Brother Bear") and I LOVE their music. I just bought their new album, and I have to say they're 1. One of the very feew "tween" groups that actually has talent and 2. They can actually dance and do incorporate gymnastics (backflips etc.) into their songs and performances. It's hard to find such talent these days. I love how they took the old shot of Disneyland opening, and made the new shot with all the Characters I definitely screamed with joy when I saw that! I'm such a dork!

I'm just curious, if it is Jump 5 you're talking about, why do you think they're awful?

Plus, I don't know why you only recognized Julie Andrews, but I saw many familiar faces (i.e. Disney Channel Stars) and more that I recognized. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Well I can't wait to see the tape.

I didn't know if they would plug SGE or not. Especially considering that it might be closed here for a few months. You would think that they would try to downplay it being open right now. Of course it is a big commercial for them, so you can't blame them for taking advantage of the airtime.

I'm sure the show is corny as all get out, but you gotta love it.
So I got to "tune in" a little late....

Can anyone tell me what Zach Braff was doing on the special? I love scrubs and have heard good things about Garden State and was curious what he was doing for disney.

When they some earlier clips, they showed him and Chicken Little pretty close so I thought it might be something to do with that movie?

Anybody catch it?


New Member
launchpad03 said:
So I got to "tune in" a little late....

Can anyone tell me what Zach Braff was doing on the special? I love scrubs and have heard good things about Garden State and was curious what he was doing for disney.

When they some earlier clips, they showed him and Chicken Little pretty close so I thought it might be something to do with that movie?

Anybody catch it?
He's the voice of Chicken Little


Well-Known Member
To the die-hard Disney fan--like most of us on here--you would notice the old footage, the subs in the lagoon, etc. To the average WDW goer, they won't notice that stuff, but it will get them pumped up for another trip. It's a great PR/propoganda tool.

As for Mickey and Shaq, yes the game came on right afterwards and it was a great lead in. Disney owns ABC, ABC has the television rights to the NBA, it's a huge game, so why not? Some Shaq fan might have just become endowed with Mickey Mouse because Mickey was in a commercial/lead-in with Shaq.

As, for Patrick, WTG!! *thumbs*


Quick Impressions

Some quick impressions on the first viewing of today's Christmas parade.

I'm glad to see some movement in building into a new parade. Same floats over the past few years were getting tiresome. Given the old 10th anniversary, Mrs. Santa's, and a few others were repeats the rest looked fresh and new.

I didn't see the 20K lagoon the first time on the ariel shot but the skyway really jumped out. With the choice of old footage or a barren 100 Acre Wood/20K area I'd choose old footage as well.

Staging more of the parade from the castle forecourt/hub area appeared to give TV production more room to work in than the confinement of Main St. The way it was segmented probably made for a terrible parade from the sidelines but on TV this made a much better show.

". . . Lucky the Dinosaur will be there [DAK] for a FEW MONTHS." YIKES! did DL Tokyo buy that up too?

Never been to DL. Are their streets really that narrow? It doesn't look like they can hardly get a parade down the streets at all.

In the distance past, weather permitting, the parade was aired live. They would run a banner across the screen “Live from Walt Disney World” and even show what the Orlando temperature was in the corner of the screen when it was warm enough. I noticed they said “direct from” instead this year. Better they tape it ahead for safety than no show. Watching the parade is part of Christmas day at my house.

Wasn’t the little princesses segment cute? I’ve got a granddaughter that will love seeing that. Funny wasn’t it? Even at that young an age they all know the stately royal wave.


Account Suspended
More thoughts from the edge

Not really understanding the fascination with everyone wanting to be on TV. Fifteen minutes of fame isn't THAT big a deal. Guess it's okay for envious friends and what-not.

Anyway, I'm also not sure that whether or not you are a "casual" Disney guest, or not, that would make any difference as to whether or not you would notice the video footage errors, or fly-over errors. Not even sure if people really care about that. Hard core perfectionists maybe. For those of you in the audience who are those perfectionists, hmmm.

As for Grizz, my friend, it's about marketing your product. Yes they again spoke a lot about Magical Gatherings. I'm curious and have a question for all of you who feel the same as Grizz.

Exactly how, when, and what is Disney "supposed to advertise?" I mean, to read a lot of these threads on any Disney attraction, movie, product, etc., there are always complaints about how Disney markets it too much.

Let me ask, how many commercials do you see about everything from Desperate Housewives, the NBA, NFL, MLB, the latest "reality show", etc. etc. And Yes, I know, Disney owns ABC. What I AM getting at is this: It is the job of any company to hype and market its product. You people (and you know who you are), have got to get over this problem you have with CAPITALISM.

There's nothing wrong with promoting a product your company has to offer. I guess if Disney had no commercials on TV, then the complaint would be "Why don't they market more thru TV?"

Geez. Some people are NEVER satisfied.


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Not really understanding the fascination with everyone wanting to be on TV. Fifteen minutes of fame isn't THAT big a deal. Guess it's okay for envious friends and what-not.

Anyway, I'm also not sure that whether or not you are a "casual" Disney guest, or not, that would make any difference as to whether or not you would notice the video footage errors, or fly-over errors. Not even sure if people really care about that. Hard core perfectionists maybe. For those of you in the audience who are those perfectionists, hmmm.

As for Grizz, my friend, it's about marketing your product. Yes they again spoke a lot about Magical Gatherings. I'm curious and have a question for all of you who feel the same as Grizz.

Exactly how, when, and what is Disney "supposed to advertise?" I mean, to read a lot of these threads on any Disney attraction, movie, product, etc., there are always complaints about how Disney markets it too much.

Let me ask, how many commercials do you see about everything from Desperate Housewives, the NBA, NFL, MLB, the latest "reality show", etc. etc. And Yes, I know, Disney owns ABC. What I AM getting at is this: It is the job of any company to hype and market its product. You people (and you know who you are), have got to get over this problem you have with CAPITALISM.

There's nothing wrong with promoting a product your company has to offer. I guess if Disney had no commercials on TV, then the complaint would be "Why don't they market more thru TV?"

Geez. Some people are NEVER satisfied.
Well someone is certainly feeling the Christmas spirit today...

General Grizz

New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Not really understanding the fascination with everyone wanting to be on TV. Fifteen minutes of fame isn't THAT big a deal. Guess it's okay for envious friends and what-not.

Anyway, I'm also not sure that whether or not you are a "casual" Disney guest, or not, that would make any difference as to whether or not you would notice the video footage errors, or fly-over errors. Not even sure if people really care about that. Hard core perfectionists maybe. For those of you in the audience who are those perfectionists, hmmm.

As for Grizz, my friend, it's about marketing your product. Yes they again spoke a lot about Magical Gatherings. I'm curious and have a question for all of you who feel the same as Grizz.

Exactly how, when, and what is Disney "supposed to advertise?" I mean, to read a lot of these threads on any Disney attraction, movie, product, etc., there are always complaints about how Disney markets it too much.

Let me ask, how many commercials do you see about everything from Desperate Housewives, the NBA, NFL, MLB, the latest "reality show", etc. etc. And Yes, I know, Disney owns ABC. What I AM getting at is this: It is the job of any company to hype and market its product. You people (and you know who you are), have got to get over this problem you have with CAPITALISM.

There's nothing wrong with promoting a product your company has to offer. I guess if Disney had no commercials on TV, then the complaint would be "Why don't they market more thru TV?"

Geez. Some people are NEVER satisfied.
Magical Gatherings? :)

Simple joke, by jove. :wave: :p

(P.S. It's Disneyland's 50th Birthday next year. . . go to WDW

. . . can't resist. :D)


Account Suspended
Yes I am as a matter of fact

My comments come from this:

Was talking to my Wife during the parade and was saying that I would guarantee her that I would find some negative commentary on the parade on this site. And lo and behold, here ya go.

I AM in the Christmas Spirit, if you MUST know. We loved the parade. Thought it was great. I didn't start the thread, just added my 2 cents. I tend to see the positives in things, not the negatives. I don't turn on the parade, or any video presentation from Disney, with the intent of finding flaws. Some do. If that's your thing, then it is. I just happen to think it's counterproductive.

General Grizz

New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
My comments come from this:

Was talking to my Wife during the parade and was saying that I would guarantee her that I would find some negative commentary on the parade on this site. And lo and behold, here ya go.

I AM in the Christmas Spirit, if you MUST know. We loved the parade. Thought it was great. I didn't start the thread, just added my 2 cents. I tend to see the positives in things, not the negatives. I don't turn on the parade, or any video presentation from Disney, with the intent of finding flaws. Some do. If that's your thing, then it is. I just happen to think it's counterproductive.
Dude, I didn't see any mass negative reaction in this thread. I was just poking fun at a known truth; I, too, thought the special was very entertaining. What's up? :)


Premium Member
While I knew it was expected, all the commercialism tied in to the parade made watching it worse IMO.

It was okay. I did see Patrick and Tiffany like a few others pointed out during the Latin guy's song.

I liked the Disneyland parade float that Jump 5 performed around for next year. And that was the first time in a while that I saw Tinkerbell up close.


Account Suspended
Hey Grizz

Sorry if you thought I directed those comments at you. They weren't. Some on these boards think that if your opinion doesn't "fit the mold" that somehow your views don't matter, or aren't important. Moreover, they try to dismiss you by name-calling or labeling you as this or that. (not in the Christmas Spirit). So, I felt compelled to say something to that end.

Indeed, we are all entitled to our own points of view. And we're entitled also to disagree. It just happens that I somehow always tend to be in the minority on most of the issues here, so I wind up taking a lot of arrows here.

No matter. I still believe in Disney, and how they promote themselves. I have NO problem with it. The more the merrier I say. If you don't like the presentation, don't watch. Someone here said it made it more difficult to watch the parade. I can't see how that could even be possible. Get up and walk away during the commercials if it's THAT bad.

Or if you don't like how it's done during the telecast, again, don't watch. It's that simple.

General Grizz

New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Sorry if you thought I directed those comments at you. They weren't. Some on these boards think that if your opinion doesn't "fit the mold" that somehow your views don't matter, or aren't important. Moreover, they try to dismiss you by name-calling or labeling you as this or that. (not in the Christmas Spirit). So, I felt compelled to say something to that end.

Indeed, we are all entitled to our own points of view. And we're entitled also to disagree. It just happens that I somehow always tend to be in the minority on most of the issues here, so I wind up taking a lot of arrows here.

No matter. I still believe in Disney, and how they promote themselves. I have NO problem with it. The more the merrier I say. If you don't like the presentation, don't watch. Someone here said it made it more difficult to watch the parade. I can't see how that could even be possible. Get up and walk away during the commercials if it's THAT bad.

Or if you don't like how it's done during the telecast, again, don't watch. It's that simple.
I just thought it was pretty funny. "Oh, my son loves Stitch," said Kelly. "He airs every Sunday morning here on ABC and on 'Lilo and Stitch the TV Series' on the Disney Channel daily!" (Something to that extent, pretending to be very casual). Cracked a smile or two with some family members. :D

Not criticism, you can't blame 'em. But the guy who introduced the show, now that's some text you can really spend some time analyzing. :drevil:

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