Snow White to Close Thursday, May 31


Well-Known Member
SW, especially its first incarnation, provided more thrills and scary excitement than any kiddie coaster ever will, even if they do manage to get that swingin effect right. I remember riding Snow Whites Scary Adventures over and over, together with my sister, being absolutely terrified. We loved it!

Can we start taking bets on how many months the swinging effect will actually work after it opens?


Well-Known Member
Can we start taking bets on how many months the swinging effect will actually work after it opens?

Two... or I just suspect the ride might break down a lot from the beginning Though I figure they are going to have to keep the swinging effect going/well maintained as that is truly going to be one of the selling points of the least from the computer model, the theming of the ride doesn't look like it's going to be very good. One scene with the dwarfs does not a well themed ride make...


Well-Known Member
*cough* Yeti *cough*


True...though honestly as cool as the yeti is, Everest is a great roller coaster in and of itself so it's not a deal breaker for me at least. I will say I had the fortune of seeing it in A mode so again, since I did get to experience it several times in A mode, it's not such a big deal to me that it doesn't work as well now. I know others never got to so I do understand people being upset that Disney has yet to fix it and won't for the forseeable future.

But the mine cart ride is definitely no Everest. If it becomes just another kiddie roller coaster without the swinging effect (which I at least consider somewhat innovative) you can count me out. Kiddie roller coasters are fairly lame in my book...I haven't been on Barnstormer or whatever they call it now in years. Maybe I'll give it another try with it's new themed look. And to get me to wait for the Mine Cart it either has to be innovative (via the swinging) or it has to be well themed, which from what I have seen, it doesn't seem like it will be.


Beta Return
Can we start taking bets on how many months the swinging effect will actually work after it opens?

My prediction is that they'll completely fail in their attempt to make the ride vehicles work, and scrap that concept altogether, hoping that most people forget they every mentioned it.


Well-Known Member
We actually got to ride it tonight right before the park closed. At closing, there was still a 40 minute wait to get on. Saw some people dressed in Snow White and Evil Queen outfits in line. Glad we were able to get on it one more time.


Beta Return
We actually got to ride it tonight right before the park closed. At closing, there was still a 40 minute wait to get on. Saw some people dressed in Snow White and Evil Queen outfits in line. Glad we were able to get on it one more time.

Anxious to hear from anyone who may have been one of the very last few riders. Did you happen to see Ben and family?


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this has been discussed but does anyone have any insight as to the timing of this closure?

First of all... the logic is that there should not be two rides about Snow in the same land. Fine, I understand. But why not wait until the Mine Train is close to completion? Why have a (long) period of time with 0 SW rides?

They probably want to get the Meet and Greet going as quickly as possible in anticipation of the increased traffic by school age girls once Mermaid and the Beauty and the Beast restaurant opens. I can't fault Disney with this logic, just where they choose to build the thing.

It does make sense to have the Meet and Greet near the castle, HOWEVER a lot of folks aren't interested in the whole Disney princess thing due to a lack of young girls in their party. For that reason, I think that the Meet and Greet should have been well done, but located on the periphery of Fantasyland. Small girls and their families will already be treking over to Mermaid, and a good chunk will eat lunch at the B&B restaurant, I think they should have given Belle's diner a second level, made it bigger, . . . something, so that the Meet and Greet could move there. They could theme it around Belle inviting all the princesses to visit her in the castle.

I worry about clogged traffic in the castle's courtyard. I recently visited Ariel's Grotto in DCA for the young girl in our party . . . its a trip to hell for adults as the waiting is way too small and it is always jammed packed. I don't want to have to wade through Disney Princess hell to get to the rides in Fantasyland.

As an April Fool's joke, somebody should announce that they are building a Princes Fantasy Faire Hall, which will include Prince Charming, however many there were, Prince Eric, as well as newly retro-actively minted Disney Princes such as Ichabod Crane, Mr. Toad and Woody.

As for the two Snow White ride issue . . . Disneyland has two Alice in Wonderland themed rides, technically. Its hard to compare the 7Dwarfs coaster to SWSA, but I think that if SWSA was plussed, it wouldn't have been that bad having two rides in the world of Snow White. Does anybody even know if Snow White makes an appearance in the new ride?

The coaster has some dwarfs, hinted appearance by the witch and . . . is that it??


Well-Known Member
Got in during the early afternoon when Dream Along With Mickey brought down the wait. I'm optimistic about Mine Train, though I'd definitely prefer it if they incorporated something with the scary woods and the witch.


Well-Known Member
Too tired to write about the epic day. Will take a few days for me to document the whole thing. But this picture sums it up for Ben's farewell to Snow White's Scary Adventure:



Too tired to write about the epic day. Will take a few days for me to document the whole thing. But this picture sums it up for Ben's farewell to Snow White's Scary Adventure:

That photo does look like it was magical. I can't wait to hear about the day. I hope future visits to the Magic Kingdom go smoothly without the ride.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to hear about Ben's farewell, too. Since the day I heard about SWSA being replaced I thought of Ben and wondered... Bless him. The picture says a lot. I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Too tired to write about the epic day. Will take a few days for me to document the whole thing. But this picture sums it up for Ben's farewell to Snow White's Scary Adventure:


Wow, they grow up fast - I can't believe how tall Ben has gotten since you first shared your SWSA Saga with us.

Looks like it was amazing, can't wait to hear more!

Forgot to post this last week. Love's Mom snagged the "Floridian" section of the newspaper for me from Sunday, May 20th's paper. They did a big, full-color story on Snow White's Closing.


You can read the text of the article here:

Just thought you guys might be interested to see that.

As usual, you Rock, Miss M - thanks SO much for posting that!!!


Beta Return
Too tired to write about the epic day. Will take a few days for me to document the whole thing. But this picture sums it up for Ben's farewell to Snow White's Scary Adventure:


What a great pic. As they say, a picture says a thousand words. Knowing enough about him from your many stories and updates over the years, it is quite clear in this photo that Ben had a much deserved great day! I'm very excited to hear your full report!

Great, another meet and greet, my kids will be so pleased.....NOT!!!

The way I see these large, multi-character meet-n-greets.....crowd eaters! A bunch of families and children will be trapped inside a building for an hour or more, taking a tiny load off the rest of the rides and attractions.

The more "distractions" they can squeeze into the parks, the better for anyone wanting to enjoy rides and attractions. It's just a shame they're removing a RIDE to put in a Meet-n-Greet. Fortunately, this ride is being replaced (eventually), but I'm not sure how capacity will compare.

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