Snow pictures!!

Well I was going to blame Maria for all the snow we got today in Michigan, but Disney PhD beat me to it. With the promotional rates, she might find her self in Michigan with paint brush in hand. :animwink:

Just kidding! I am going down to Venice Fla, to visit my grandparents in two weeks. Todays weather just makes me want to go sooner.

Mrs. PhD, thanks for the feedback. Perhaps someday you'll make it down. On the advice of others, that being I am young and single with no obligations, I am really going to take my best shot at moving down there. If it doesn't work out, there are plenty of engineering jobs in the auto sector to come back to here. I don't want to regret not taking a chance.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by monorailmike
Well I was going to blame Maria for all the snow we got today in Michigan, but Disney PhD beat me to it. With the promotional rates, she might find her self in Michigan with paint brush in hand. :animwink:

Just kidding! I am going down to Venice Fla,

:( :mad:

I envy you for both things! :animwink:
Originally posted by Maria
:( :mad:

I envy you for both things! :animwink:

Sorry Maria! :(
I happened to have a few vacation days left. I know they were disapointed that we couldn't meet when I was in Orlando in October. So I looked into rates and found a good deal to fly down and stay with them.

Truthfully I think it would be a blast to meet in person! You seem pretty cool based on our conversations in the various threads. Which reminds me. I have yet to see Frida. I was going to take a date to see it tonight, but the weather ruined that.

Did you like the snow that much that you would subject yourself to it again? It is miserable here! In any case, here's hoping we meet up one day down the road. :D :animwink:


Active Member
"Snow Tubing"

WDWFREAK53, thanks for posting the "snow tube" photo for Maria to see...since I don't have my photos scanned.

It was a lot of fun, and thankfully there was no problems where I went (Fraser Hill)


Well-Known Member
I've snow tubed once - a long time ago. Like a water slide in a tube although you're bundled up with scarves and jackets and can look forward to a big mug o' hot chocolate!:D :cool:


New Member
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Originally posted by monorailmike
Sorry Maria! :(
I happened to have a few vacation days left. I know they were disapointed that we couldn't meet when I was in Orlando in October. So I looked into rates and found a good deal to fly down and stay with them.

Truthfully I think it would be a blast to meet in person! You seem pretty cool based on our conversations in the various threads. Which reminds me. I have yet to see Frida. I was going to take a date to see it tonight, but the weather ruined that.

Did you like the snow that much that you would subject yourself to it again? It is miserable here! In any case, here's hoping we meet up one day down the road. :D :animwink:

hahahaha! Lucky you!

Sorry about your date ruined by the weather... we don´t have those kind of problems here! hehe... the most that will happen is that a hurricane like Isidore hit you! LOL Well... that was bad...really... but the funny thing was that the movie theaters -with energy plants- were working and full at the third day! People were so fed up of not having power at home, that everybody was out at the stores open! ;)

Yes, I liked snow very much... although I have to be honest, I´m not sure if I could bear it for the whole winter! The scenery was sooo beautiful and so different from where I live. I found it breathtaking. I visited first in september and then in December, and both times, it looked like being at "The little house on the prairie"! BEAUTIFUL!

Have a great trip to Florida! I´m sure people will envy you back home if you come back with a little tan.... not a snow burn! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by monorailmike
Well I was going to blame Maria for all the snow we got today in Michigan, but Disney PhD beat me to it. With the promotional rates, she might find her self in Michigan with paint brush in hand. :animwink:

Just kidding! I am going down to Venice Fla, to visit my grandparents in two weeks. Todays weather just makes me want to go sooner.

Mrs. PhD, thanks for the feedback. Perhaps someday you'll make it down. On the advice of others, that being I am young and single with no obligations, I am really going to take my best shot at moving down there. If it doesn't work out, there are plenty of engineering jobs in the auto sector to come back to here. I don't want to regret not taking a chance.

Go for it. I wish we had. We are too tied down now. (jobs, family, house ect...) Did you grow up in R.O? (I did)

Maria here is a kind of snow picture of little PhD.


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Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Maria here is a kind of snow picture of little PhD.

She is adorable!!! :kiss: And her hair is so long!! She is a cutie! Thanks for posting an update on her! :king: :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, we think so. We are very proud parents. However her hair gets in the way a lot, and she gets food in it all the time. She hates to have clips and bows in it and hates having it washed even more. We hope to have her first offical hair cut on Main Street in WDW this upcoming March.
What a cutie. A first official haircut in WDW would be so cool. As for your question, I spent my years growing up in Troy and Sterling Heights. I lived in Somerset for 12 years, which is on the border of Royal Oak. So it is like coming back to my old stomping grounds.


Well-Known Member
Monorail Mike, Kinda a small world.

My parents house was in Troy when I was growing up, but I always went to R.O. Schools. Kimball class of 1989. (that seems like a long time ago now!) R.O is a nice central location. I work in Detroit and my hubby works in Livonia, so it is close to both. For a few years he was commuting to MSU to teach, that was too much!!!!!
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Monorail Mike, Kinda a small world.

My parents house was in Troy when I was growing up, but I always went to R.O. Schools. Kimball class of 1989. (that seems like a long time ago now!) R.O is a nice central location. I work in Detroit and my hubby works in Livonia, so it is close to both. For a few years he was commuting to MSU to teach, that was too much!!!!!

Cool! I picked R.O. for the same reason. It is central to where I go to meet people and whatnot. It worked out for the job as well. Right now I work in Auburn Hills, but I could always take a position at our engineering facility in Detroit. Either way, the drive time is pretty short. I would agree that the MSU commute would be too much. I try to get a company car for days I need to go to Chelsea for meetings.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Go for it. I wish we had. We are too tied down now. (jobs, family, house ect...) Did you grow up in R.O? (I did)

Maria here is a kind of snow picture of little PhD.

Awwww!!!! She's the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D She looks like a lil doll baby! :p
It's snowing here right now. And there's some snow on the ground. So, I'll take some pics tomorrow and post em if anyone would like.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDW*babe
Awwww!!!! She's the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D She looks like a lil doll baby! :p
It's snowing here right now. And there's some snow on the ground. So, I'll take some pics tomorrow and post em if anyone would like.

Thank you, thank you thank you. She does look like a baby doll with all the hair and teeth and she is so small (only 20 pounds at 20 months) We had the hardest time getting her to cooperate for the pictures, a baby doll with a mind of her own.

WDW babe, where is here?

Mike, Gald you like the area. Did you hear Troy was listed as the 11th safest city to live. I didn't see Royal Joke listed (I think we have too many bums for that list.)

Right now it is so cold here I can't remember why I live here.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Thank you, thank you thank you. She does look like a baby doll with all the hair and teeth and she is so small (only 20 pounds at 20 months) We had the hardest time getting her to cooperate for the pictures, a baby doll with a mind of her own.

WDW babe, where is here?

Mike, Gald you like the area. Did you hear Troy was listed as the 11th safest city to live. I didn't see Royal Joke listed (I think we have too many bums for that list.)

Right now it is so cold here I can't remember why I live here.

The great state of Ohio! :D


Well-Known Member
No snow here. :( Just rain, rain, rain, and more rain. It's been raining the past 2 days! It's freezing outside now, though. ::crosses fingers for snow:: You northerners must think us southerners are pretty crazy hoping for snow. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321

It's also snowing here, RIGHT NOW!!! :D NO SCHOOL!

I guess I can see how snow in Nevda would close things down. ( I don't know about Push, it is in the montians? )

You have to get about 6 inches in 8 hours to close things down around her.

Micbat, I guess snow would be more fun then cold rain, sometimes. But it is never sometimes here, just another part of life. I don't mind snow so much before Christmas. If I could just get ride of Jan, Feb and March I would be fine. Wait I go to WDW in March so just ake Jan and Feb of the calander.

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