Snow pictures!!

Re: Re: Go Blue

Originally posted by Maria
Thanks Mike!
I had a boyfriend from Flint and I went to spend Christmas with him and attend his commencement ceremony, but it was cancelled due to snow. :( ;)
What did you study there? I have to say... I was in the computer lab...but don´t tell anyone... :lookaroun :D

That's cool. I am trying to get my friend from Florida to come up and visit. I'm willing to spring for the tickets. Now she has a newborn making things more difficult to get her here. I need to get permission to post a picture of us in the post a picture thread. I have an electrical engineering degree, with a computer engineering focus.

Wow cool another Royal Oak resident from U of M. We'll have to get together some time.


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Re: Re: Re: Go Blue

Originally posted by monorailmike
I am trying to get my friend from Florida to come up and visit. I'm willing to spring for the tickets.

If she can´t make it, I could! :lol: :animwink:

Career sounds interesting.... a typical one for a man! :animwink:


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Originally posted by DisneyPhD
It IS a small world isn't it.
Here's a picture from the same storm that Maria showed earlier. This was taken in Royal Oak, MI which is about 4 miles from Detroit and 50 miles south of Flint. That's me, another UM grad behind the snowblower.
Go Blue!

Go Blue! :lol:

Nice picture! thanks! Although I loved seeing the snow, it kinda got me frustrated when the storms started... driving was so stressful! :animwink:


Well-Known Member

Nice pics. Brings back fond memories when I used to live up there. And may I say that you look quite stunning and attractive in the Michigan hat. I bet you would even look good in a Michigan State hat!:lol:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Go Blue

Originally posted by Maria
If she can´t make it, I could! :lol: :animwink:

Career sounds interesting.... a typical one for a man! :animwink:

Careful, I might take you up on it. If only to have someone else help me paint my place! :lol:

Part of the problem is that she doesn't like the cold. Maybe she'll visit in the summer. Who knows though, as my career path has stalled at my current employer, I have been toying with trying to find a gig in Orlando.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Go Blue

Originally posted by monorailmike
Careful, I might take you up on it. If only to have someone else help me paint my place! :lol:

Part of the problem is that she doesn't like the cold. Maybe she'll visit in the summer. Who knows though, as my career path has stalled at my current employer, I have been toying with trying to find a gig in Orlando.

If you pay for my ticket from Miami, no problem! that could be fun! LOL :animwink:

Isn´t that what most Michiganders do? Move to Florida? :D :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Go Blue

Originally posted by monorailmike
Careful, I might take you up on it. If only to have someone else help me paint my place! :lol:

Part of the problem is that she doesn't like the cold. Maybe she'll visit in the summer. Who knows though, as my career path has stalled at my current employer, I have been toying with trying to find a gig in Orlando.

Hi Mike. :wave: That is what we all dream of. A few years ago my hubby was looking for jobs all over the nation. Now he found one he likes in Michigan, and I really want to move to FLA!!!! (or any place warmer, but why not have warm and WDW at the same time!!!!)

I can't get anyone to visit us. Thank goodness all our friends live in nice places to visist them. BTW you don't want a newborn in your house anyway, enjoy your sleep.

Mrs. PhD (the one who took the picture, not the one in it!!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Geeze! Haven't seen full blown out snow in good ol' Louisiana since I was 8 (about 10 years ago!)... I think we're about due for some more :( ::starts wistling "white christmas"::


Active Member
Oh yes, I remember that year it snowed here too, MicBat. Historically, it does snow here about every 10 years or so... Yep, I agree...we are due for snow :)

But the closest I have been to snow recently was when I went on vacation to Winter Park, Colorado in January 2001. One of the most fun things I did was go snow-tubing. It reminded me of growing up in Philadelphia, and looking forward to "snow days" so we could play all day out in the snow. :sohappy:


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Originally posted by Camelot

But the closest I have been to snow recently was when I went on vacation to Winter Park, Colorado in January 2001. One of the most fun things I did was go snow-tubing. It reminded me of growing up in Philadelphia, and looking forward to "snow days" so we could play all day out in the snow. :sohappy:

What is "snow tubing"? Any pics? :confused: :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
What is "snow tubing"? Any pics? :confused: :animwink:

You don't know what snow tubing is???

Take an inner tube...go to the top of a hill...and slide down (much like sledding but you can pick up so MAJOR speed and the bumps don't hurt as much :) (and you can make turns like a bobsled...(with banked sides))

There was a hill near my old house that got closed because of tubing :)

43 people were sent to the hospital in ONE WEEKEND on that hill (yes, I dared to brave it) Average speed on a well inflated tube got in excess of 35mph. But, some idiots decide to put a JUMP at the bottom of it...and you could see people flying about 15 feet into the air...which I landed successfully...scared the crap out of me though and I never did it again.

Others decided they thought it would be fun to bring a fiberglass boat up to the top, load 25 people in it and go down...

Little kids were getting smashed into by these tubes flying down the hill at 30-35mph sending the kids flying in the air...luckily, nobody was killed. (and luckily nobody was hit by the boat)

Needless to say, the town shut the hill down...and to this day...nobody has been able to dare the hill.


  • tubers.jpg
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Ooohhh.... that´s a tube! LOL
I was thinking in Spanish and couldn´t figure out how someone would dare to slide in what I thought a tube was! (don´t ask me... dunno how to explain it). :animwink:

Sounds like a lot of fun, but I don´t think I would dare to slide down a steep hill without something to hold on tight to! :eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
Ooohhh.... that´s a tube! LOL
I was thinking in Spanish and couldn´t figure out how someone would dare to slide in what I thought a tube was! (don´t ask me... dunno how to explain it). :animwink:

Sounds like a lot of fun, but I don´t think I would dare to slide down a steep hill without something to hold on tight to! :eek:

Oh it's ok Maria...I'll go down with you...I don't mind you holding on to me tightly... (the things I do to make people happy :lol: )


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Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Oh it's ok Maria...I'll go down with you...I don't mind you holding on to me tightly... (the things I do to make people happy :lol: )

LOL! Thanks! (If it´s really you the one in the pictures, I could be brave and try it!) :lol: :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
LOL! Thanks! (If it´s really you the one in the pictures, I could be brave and try it!) :lol: :animwink:

thanks...and yes...I assure is me in the pics...I'll try to get more in a few :)


Well-Known Member
Maria, WHAT DID YOU DO??????

I woke up this morning and everything was white!!!!!!!!

There is now 2 inches of snow outside my door. Not enough to close anything down, but enough not to make you want to go out on the roads.

Thanks alot!!!! :lol: (Just kidding, like I didn't know this was coming after all I have lived in Michigan all my life!!!!!!!!)

Hope it is warm and sunny where you are!!!!!:lol:


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Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Maria, WHAT DID YOU DO??????

I woke up this morning and everything was white!!!!!!!!

There is now 2 inches of snow outside my door. Not enough to close anything down, but enough not to make you want to go out on the roads.

Thanks alot!!!! :lol: (Just kidding, like I didn't know this was coming after all I have lived in Michigan all my life!!!!!!!!)

Hope it is warm and sunny where you are!!!!!:lol:

LOL!! Two years ago, everybody blamed ME for getting so much snow (since I was very much looking forward to lots of it) ! :animwink:

It´s sunny here now, but the wind is nice, not so hot. The nights have been beautiful! :D


Well-Known Member
I am just looking for someone to blame.

My best friend is coming home Friday from Africa (after being there for 6 months). I should blame here. When she lived in Texas she always wanted it to snow here when she was visisting. Now that she attends U of M I think some of the fun has warn off.

I just keep thinking, 86 days until our WDW trip. It is what keeps me going (that and little PhD!!!!!)


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Originally posted by DisneyPhD
I am just looking for someone to blame.

My best friend is coming home Friday from Africa (after being there for 6 months). I should blame here. When she lived in Texas she always wanted it to snow here when she was visisting. Now that she attends U of M I think some of the fun has warn off.

I just keep thinking, 86 days until our WDW trip. It is what keeps me going (that and little PhD!!!!!)

Oh God... it´s been a year already! I remember when you went to WDW and then post pics of your beautiful "little PhD" !! :eek: There was one of her on the bed!!


Well-Known Member
She is getting big, I will post a picture later. I just had a snezing fit, and each time she said "Bless you." Of course now she is having a fit herself because she wants to hold the 350 $ digital camera and I won't let her. She keeps saying "please my camera please mama".

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