Smoking in Non-Smoking Rooms

Disney for Bonk

New Member
My wife and I are diehard Disney fans and go to the World at least once a year.
We just came back from the World after a 5 day vacation and stayed at POP Century. Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee. The best that they could do was offer us a room in the 50's building on the 3rd floor near the parking lot.
Like clockwork, at 7-7:30am each morning, we were awoken by cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom venting.
On the way to the park that morning, I brought this to the attention of Concierge. They told us that there was no way of determining the originating room since they share the same venting. Their suggestion was to move rooms or they could ozone clean the entire room. I opted for the ozone, since we didn't want to disrupt our park visit, along with our 1st timer friends. It already took us over an hour to get settled into the room. We didn't want to have to re-pack, then un-pack again. Our stay was too short as it was. Also, I was hoping that the person smoking in one of the bathrooms wouldn't be staying long and go away. That didn't happen.
Before checking out on our last day, we talked to a cleaner and he acknowledged that he smelled the smoke and had reported the room to his supervisor. At Check-Out, we again brought this to the attention of the resort management. Their suggestion was that we should have moved. But, our reasoning was: Why should one bad apple ruin it for the entire bunch? What if others complained about the smoke within the same building? Would Disney rather move everyone out and let the smoker stay?
Yes, smokers have the right to smoke, if they choose to, but do it in the smoking rooms and sections! Who's to say that a new room would have been any better for us? Someone could be smoking in that area as well.
We suggested that Disney install cigarette smoke sensors, like other hotels, in select rooms, in 1 building, that share the same venting, with warning signs posted within. I realize that the resorts are meant to have a friendly atmosphere, but this would deter others from smoking in non-smoking rooms and allow the problem to be addressed right away, instead of telling us that they have no way of finding out which room is the culprit. This is Disney...they have the resources!
What do you think? How do you think this problem could be resolved. I realize that smokers are just as frustrated because they are limited to where they can smoke, but this is not fair. We give you your space, please let us have ours...:hammer: :brick: :dazzle: :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
My wife and I are diehard Disney fans and go to the World at least once a year.
We just came back from the World after a 5 day vacation and stayed at POP Century. Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee. The best that they could do was offer us a room in the 50's building on the 3rd floor near the parking lot.
Like clockwork, at 7-7:30am each morning, we were awoken by cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom venting.
On the way to the park that morning, I brought this to the attention of Concierge. They told us that there was no way of determining the originating room since they share the same venting. Their suggestion was to move rooms or they could ozone clean the entire room. I opted for the ozone, since we didn't want to disrupt our park visit, along with our 1st timer friends. It already took us over an hour to get settled into the room. We didn't want to have to re-pack, then un-pack again. Our stay was too short as it was. Also, I was hoping that the person smoking in one of the bathrooms wouldn't be staying long and go away. That didn't happen.
Before checking out on our last day, we talked to a cleaner and he acknowledged that he smelled the smoke and had reported the room to his supervisor. At Check-Out, we again brought this to the attention of the resort management. Their suggestion was that we should have moved. But, our reasoning was: Why should one bad apple ruin it for the entire bunch? What if others complained about the smoke within the same building? Would Disney rather move everyone out and let the smoker stay?
Yes, smokers have the right to smoke, if they choose to, but do it in the smoking rooms and sections! Who's to say that a new room would have been any better for us? Someone could be smoking in that area as well.
We suggested that Disney install cigarette smoke sensors, like other hotels, in select rooms, in 1 building, that share the same venting, with warning signs posted within. I realize that the resorts are meant to have a friendly atmosphere, but this would deter others from smoking in non-smoking rooms and allow the problem to be addressed right away, instead of telling us that they have no way of finding out which room is the culprit. This is Disney...they have the resources!
What do you think? How do you think this problem could be resolved. I realize that smokers are just as frustrated because they are limited to where they can smoke, but this is not fair. We give you your space, please let us have ours...:hammer: :brick: :dazzle: :veryconfu

I can't stand smokers who don't follow the rules. I have had many times where I walk by someone and get a face full of some all because they are too lazy to walk to the next smoking section.

I really think that smoking in a non smoking room is entirely unacceptable. At least go outside and smoke on the balcony, that would be more acceptable than doing it in the room. Sorry to hear you had to go through that.
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New Member
I'm with you on this one. I say they put all the smokers in one building in every resort. This way they can stink up the entire building and leave us non smokers lungs to our selves. I just called today to have my ressies state that I have asthma. I was just diagnosed with it today and I'm not doing to well with it. Even my father-in-law has accepted that he can no longer smoke near my house. I just wish that the smokers would respect everyone elses health and smoke where it is clearly ok for them to do so.
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Well-Known Member
My wife smokes(WHICH I HATE) but she is very respectful of others and never smokes in our house and would never smoke in a non smoking room.People who do that are just RUDE. I say Disney should have a policy that if you infest a non smoking room with smoke and they catch you they should ask you to come outside and then use a FIREHOSE on you.
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New Member
kinda of ironic that you make this post because I was just aggravated at the fact that I can smell smoke in the bathroom of my new apartment coming from the air vent. My bathroom stinks...I dont think I can do anything about it either since it's not like the building is non-smoking... argh..

But yeah, many people in my family have died from lung cancer, or they have the hole in their throat, so I get very upset when people are disrespectful to non-smokers. :mad:
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Well-Known Member
Last time we were at the BW, our nextdoor neighbor was kind enough to smoke on the balcony...but the smoke drifted in our direction and we had to go in every time.

It wouldn't have been so bad, except it was those "funny" cigarettes, if you know what I mean. :lookaroun

I felt that behavior was completely out of line at WDW.

I can understand the original poster's point; my father is an ex-smoker, and he HATES staying anywhere that even smells like there is a hint of smoke. It all comes down to respect.

Respect, people!!!​
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New Member
Last time we were at the BW, our nextdoor neighbor was kind enough to smoke on the balcony...but the smoke drifted in our direction and we had to go in every time.

It wouldn't have been so bad, except it was those "funny" cigarettes, if you know what I mean. :lookaroun

I felt that behavior was completely out of line at WDW.

I can understand the original poster's point; my father is an ex-smoker, and he HATES staying anywhere that even smells like there is a hint of smoke. It all comes down to respect.

Respect, people!!!​

That's usually the problem we end up having. Someone smoking on the balcony above or below us and it wafts over to us, so we can't go outside. Mind you, I've never smelled THAT kind of smoke!!

I feel bad for the OP, that the smoke was coming into the room through the vents. That is unacceptable. I honestly can't believe they still have smoking rooms.

I can't stand the smell (I get nauseous, headaches) and my husband has asthma, so even a hint of it will cause problems.

Hotels all over, not just Disney, need to find a solution to this problem. I would rather sleep in my car than in a smoke-filled room!
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New Member
Last time we were at the BW, our nextdoor neighbor was kind enough to smoke on the balcony...but the smoke drifted in our direction and we had to go in every time.​

It wouldn't have been so bad, except it was those "funny" cigarettes, if you know what I mean. :lookaroun​

I felt that behavior was completely out of line at WDW.​

I can understand the original poster's point; my father is an ex-smoker, and he HATES staying anywhere that even smells like there is a hint of smoke. It all comes down to respect.​

Respect, people!!!​

what is BW?
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My wife smokes(WHICH I HATE) but she is very respectful of others and never smokes in our house and would never smoke in a non smoking room.People who do that are just RUDE. I say Disney should have a policy that if you infest a non smoking room with smoke and they catch you they should ask you to come outside and then use a FIREHOSE on you.

I am a smoker. As a smoker, I state the following.....
Smoking in a non-smoking room is completely unacceptable.
Smoking in the parks outside the designated areas, is completely unacceptable!

There is NO need at all not to follow the simple rules.
And as a smoker, I simply can not understand why some people just cant seem to follow the rules asked of them.

That is my 2 cents.
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New Member
I am a smoker. As a smoker, I state the following.....
Smoking in a non-smoking room is completely unacceptable.
Smoking in the parks outside the designated areas, is completely unacceptable!

There is NO need at all not to follow the simple rules.
And as a smoker, I simply can not understand why some people just cant seem to follow the rules asked of them.

That is my 2 cents.

I want to thank you for being probably the only smoker I know of that follows the rules in the parks. Thank you for thinking of us non-smokers.... Now could you tell your fellow smokers to do the same.:p
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Disney for Bonk

New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for your positive feedback! It's obvious the WDWMAGIC family cares. Now, we just need to teach and train others to be respectful of those with special needs.
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New Member
I wonder if some of those breaking the no-smoking rules are doing it out of ignorance and not out of lack of consideration.

There is a decent percentage of non-English speaking visitors to the parks and resorts, and I'm sure some of them come from countries where the no-smoking rules are lax or nonexistent.

Although, you'd think the signs with the universal red-circle-of-don't-do-this around a smoking cigarette would be a subtle clue. Are there countries where that type of "don't" sign are unheard of?
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New Member
what is BW?
By the context, I'm guessing they meant Disney's Boardwalk Inn over by Epcot.

As frequently as acronyms are tossed about around here, our kindly host Steve has taken the time to put together a comprehensive list of the more commonly used ones here:

Note that there are two sections, the first is mostly attraction/resort related, and the second is forum specific, so acronyms like DD have two distinctly different meanings based upon the context.
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I am a smoker. As a smoker, I state the following.....
Smoking in a non-smoking room is completely unacceptable.
Smoking in the parks outside the designated areas, is completely unacceptable!

There is NO need at all not to follow the simple rules.
And as a smoker, I simply can not understand why some people just cant seem to follow the rules asked of them.

That is my 2 cents.

Another 2 more here. DH & I pretty much have all the smoking spots memorized. We do however smoke on the balcony of our room w/ the door shut. We wake up later than most and we're up later than most and every time I've looked around when we're outside, we've never had balcony company.
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Active Member
I understand that smokers need a place to smoke but....

I usually stay at POR and it seems that every time there is a smoker on at least one side of me. I can tell because there is always a soda can with cigarette ashes all over it or a drink cup half full of water filled with ashes. You would even think housekeeping would remove that trash everyday when thay are cleaning but no....its there till the day I checkout.
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
My views on this. If you are a smoker, and reserve a smoking room, you can smoke in whichever room you are alloted- even if it is a nonsmoking room. It was the hotels fault that you didn't get the room you reserved.

However, if a smoker smokes in a nonsmoking room, without prior knowledge, that's a no-go. That person should be responsible for the cost of cleaning the room and the nightly rate for every night that room is out till the room is acceptable again.

However if a nonsmoker reserves a smoking room cause it was all that was available, they have no right to complain.
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Well-Known Member
I am a non-smoker and also have problems when being around smoke for too long. I was on a cruise once and spent half the time sick because there were very few areas of the ship where people weren't allowed to smoke and since it took 2 days from the time we left port to the time we got to our first destination I was stuck in a smoke filled room on a smoky ship for a looooong time and it was totally unpleasant.
I haven't stayed in the POP resort so I was wondering how is it laid out? Are the smoking rooms not kept seperate from the non-smoking rooms to prevent this sort of problem, or was someone smoking in a non-smoking room? I work in a hotel and all our smoking rooms are confined to one part of one floor of the building. But we have very few smoking rooms so it does become a problem especially when we are sold out. I wish we'd charge people who smoke in nonsmoking rooms more but we don't. I think the hotel telling you that they don't have a way of knowing with the smoke was coming from is kinda crap unless most of the rooms around your room were smoking. It is pretty easy for us to tell when someone was smoking in a roon in a NS room, for one thing it stinks and there are cigarettes in the trash and probably all sorts of ashes on the balcony. They probably should have done more to accommodate your request since they probably get requests like that all the time.
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New Member
I am a smoker. As a smoker, I state the following.....
Smoking in a non-smoking room is completely unacceptable.
Smoking in the parks outside the designated areas, is completely unacceptable!

There is NO need at all not to follow the simple rules.
And as a smoker, I simply can not understand why some people just cant seem to follow the rules asked of them.

That is my 2 cents.
Good man.

Sadly there are a significant number of people in any group who raise the middle digit to any rules or just plain don't care about the convenience of others.
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New Member
Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee.

This surprises me about Disney - when I have visited Orlando and have travelled with my mother with mobility issues (staying off-site at budget hotels) said hotels have never had a problem supplying a suitable easy access room.
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Fried Chicken

New Member
My views on this. If you are a smoker, and reserve a smoking room, you can smoke in whichever room you are alloted- even if it is a nonsmoking room. It was the hotels fault that you didn't get the room you reserved.
How on earth does two wrongs make a right? Just because the hotel couldn't accomodate your request doesn't mean that it gives one a free pass to break the rules. That is terribly inconsiderate of that person, especially when the guests in the room next to you have to smell the smoke as well. If the sign says no smoking, they mean it, the rules apply to everyone, not everyone but me.
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