SM Closing for a Year?


Park History nut
Premium Member
You must have been dreaming, Martin.:snore:
I rode it on the 2nd and had a limp for a hour or so. Terrible.:mad:
Yeah, I know. I must have been. Believe me, I was very surprised.

There again the whole 2 weeks was kind of a dream :wave:


Active Member
You must have been dreaming, Martin.:snore:
I rode it on the 2nd and had a limp for a hour or so. Terrible.:mad:

I'm gonna have to go with Martin on this, I find it no rougher than it has been for the past decade. Though your seat location HIGHLY affects the whiplash effect to be sure, so try to get towards the center of the cars (not seats 1 or 6) for a smoother ride.

I believe TDL's Space was closed for 4-5 months and all they got was some new signage, and a slightly redesigned queue with the fancy DL gates, a different ship, and some snazzy lighting. Not exactly a big change for all that time, so read into that as you will.


Well-Known Member
I could def. see them switching to magnetic brakes and LIM's to replace the lift hill but I don't buy them using the skyway station as a new station and launching into the mountain. However, I could see them getting a new track and doing it in a year. If they go in there and just rip everything out it should not take too long and putting in the new track would not take long. Esp. if they do construction 7 days a week. The question would be how long the test and adjust period.


New Member
I was on SM last May and I have to say it was uncomfortable. I remember my neck and back hurting slightly after the ride and I'm only 29. But, I'm a good sized person (6'2" 250lbs) so maybe that had something to do with it.

I personally would love to see them do a total rehab of this ride, including new track and cars. I think they could do this in a year, if they really wanted to get it done. Either way I'm just happy to see them putting so much money into updating all of the classic rides.


New Member
I feel for all of you who have been banged around on it. I'm 6'5" and weigh only 195, but I can't even fit my legs under the bars and they ram into my thighs on every drop and turn. It hurts so bad I skipped the ride our last couple of trips. My 15 year old is now 6'2" and he said the last time he was getting beat up as well. I realize this was built when people were a lot smaller so I hope they do something about it. I hate to miss it but I'm not a either.

Did Knee

Active Member
I rode SM last month, with 10yo neice, 12 yo nephew and 67 yo mom. All enjoyed the ride and none complained about pain or whiplash. Maybe the track on right is smoother than the one on the left? I have ridden roller coasters that gave me real pain (Ninja and Georgia Cyclone at Six Flags Georgia come to mind) SM does'nt come close to those. As far as this Refurb, my two cents is that I hope they keep the level of intensity of the current ride. I dont mind some pluses put in, but if they soften it (SGE comes to mind), I will not be happy.


New Member
I rode SM last month, with 10yo neice, 12 yo nephew and 67 yo mom. All enjoyed the ride and none complained about pain or whiplash. Maybe the track on right is smoother than the one on the left? I have ridden roller coasters that gave me real pain (Ninja and Georgia Cyclone at Six Flags Georgia come to mind) SM does'nt come close to those. As far as this Refurb, my two cents is that I hope they keep the level of intensity of the current ride. I dont mind some pluses put in, but if they soften it (SGE comes to mind), I will not be happy.

Actually I'm not sure if it was the ride itself or the seats. I seem to remember the seats being uncomforatable before the ride even started. Not Sure :shrug:

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
They can't tear down SM, bring in new track into that structure, and get it all up and running in a year.
You don't think? FL's Mountain has much easier access than CA's did. The only reason it would be "as hard" would be if they don't want to muck up sight lines in that direction. But, we already know that's not a problem. ;)


Well-Known Member
(repeating earlier question)

has anyone heard of the possible budget being appropriated to the referb? educated guesses? bank statements? anything?


Roughest coaster to ever give me a mugging was Son of Beast. Just brutal. Second place to Manhurtin' Express. Terrible.

Space is not in that league, but it is still far rougher than a Disney coaster should be allowed to be. From my experience, it's rougher even than Matterhorn.
A Disney flight through space should be fast and smooth, providing more "Wheee" than "Ouch!" At this doesn't.


Active Member
Space Mountain's "roughness" is all relative.

It's old, so yes, it can be a bit bumpy sometimes.

It's a wild mouse coaster, so the tight turns and quick dips is all part of the whole fun.

And it's completely in the dark, so you can't brace your self for anything.

Yes, I realize if you have a head, back, or neck pain, the ride could aggravate the problems.

But in reality, Space Mountain isn't as rough as people would make it out to be.


But in reality, Space Mountain isn't as rough as people would make it out to be.
That is, as you said, relative....

I'm in perfect health, and find SM the roughness of SM to be at an unacceptable level.

It's a wild mouse coaster,
No. It isn't. Mulholland Madness is a wild mouse. Space mountain is not. It's curves are banked (although not nearly as much as would be the case on a modern coaster) removing it from the "mouse" category.

A lot of the roughness could be in the wheel assembly. I know of a couple spots where you can feel the train rattling up off the track due to all wheels not being in constant contact. New trains would least a little.


Lee said:
Roughest coaster to ever give me a mugging was Son of Beast. Just brutal.
I have got to 2nd this one... I couldn’t see straight for an hour after riding SOB. Ride is a killer on your health. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
Screamscape is reporting SM will close for a year starting this summer. Seems like a long time for changing the entrance and cleaning. Can anyone confirm this?

It is really dumb to use abbreviations such as "SM". There is nothing in this post to indicate if you wanted to refer to splash mountain or space mountain. Please be more precise in the future.

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