Skyway's Return


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
alrighty... given the evidence at and, I feel safe releasing this:


although the filename IS a bit confusing


Well-Known Member
If you're going to go through all the trouble of creating a fake sketch to post here, at least spell check the thing so it's believable!

"Lead Singoff" :lol:


MrNonacho said:
Is it supposed to be "DWI Internal" at the bottom? If not, this means that either someone at WDI is dyslexic, or this is a clever fake.

Edit: "Singoff," too. Good catch, Dr.Seeker!
They're confused on the spelling of "Distribution" also. "Distro." ? :lol:


Nice try...

It's a good fake, I haven't seen that template before.

Next time, though...pick a project that is a bit


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Lee said:
Next time, though...pick a project that is a bit
exactly, my first thought was how the vehicle design wouldnt make for quick load/unload

secondly, did you ask George Jetson if you could borrow his car for a model?


New Member
RIPHorizons said:
I assume at the bottom of the blueprint, you know where it says "DWI Intrenal - Not For Distro." means that its not for distrobution.

Thus bringing me to my question(s).
A.) Where did you REALLY get this, and
B.) How much longer do you think your uncle will work for WDI.

This is my first clue that this might be's WDI not DWI.


New Member
There is no way this is real. First of all the thing is way to wide and probably way to heavy to ride on the cable. not to much they have alreayd removed all the posts. Can you imagine that rotating around and being swung by a CM? I sure don't see it happening.

I'm all for new ideas by people but passing this off is real should be a reason for banning a person.


Premium Member
Interesting idea - however - how on earth would people get on and off? They would have to stop the ride every 10 seconds to load and unload. It doesn't even make sense.

Looks like some people fell for it though LOL.


Has anyone noticed that the poster has not stood up to defend his position after all the posts claiming this to be a fake? Hmmm!!:lookaroun

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
jmaxwell007 said:
exactly, my first thought was how the vehicle design wouldnt make for quick load/unload

secondly, did you ask George Jetson if you could borrow his car for a model?
You mean you can't see the load/unload system? A glass test tube forms around you and you shoot out the bottom and then glide to you destination. Man and I thought you were a smart guy.:lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Master Yoda said:
You mean you can't see the load/unload system? A glass test tube forms around you and you shoot out the bottom and then glide to you destination. Man and I thought you were a smart guy.:lol:
i was over thinking it..... my bad. i conpletely forgot about the Glass Test Tube Technology. im so embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
jvenegas said:
Has anyone noticed that the poster has not stood up to defend his position after all the posts claiming this to be a fake? Hmmm!!:lookaroun

Would you come back if you were him/her? :lol:

The number of typos alone would be enough to make me run away and never return


Well-Known Member
I got no further than thinking about the fact that the pillars along the way that supported the cable no longer exist. No more discussion needed. If they would have even REMOTELY thought they were going to revive the ride, the supports wouldn't have been removed. End of story.

I second the vote to remove the poster, personally.


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
You mean you can't see the load/unload system? A glass test tube forms around you and you shoot out the bottom and then glide to you destination. Man and I thought you were a smart guy.:lol:

Yeah, and they don't even need to put the cables back up because the vehicles will just zip right across invisible wires. Everybody say it with me now..."Oooh, aaaah" :lookaroun

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