Six Flags article: How they want to emulate Disney


Well-Known Member
I like the "visits 1.2 times in their lifetime" part. I've been there three times (once for 5 months straight!), and I'm only 22! Not as many a lot of members here, but I'm still above average. :)


Well-Known Member
Even though Six Flags is a sometimes fun weekend or daily excursion it will never ever replace any of the Disney parks anywhere. I remember having fun at Six Flags Atlantis(now closed) growing up in Ft. Lauderdale.It was fun cooling off in the hot Florida sun during the summers but it was no Disney!
Disney far surpasses any of its competition on everything from cleanliness,Cast Members,Theming/Attractions,Marketing/Synergy,etc.
We just came back from Cedar Point(Sandusky Ohio) and it was really fun for the family but was nothing like Disney.


As a child, my family went to then Great America, in Gurnee, IL, every summer. I LOVED that place and looked forward to going as I got older. Now that I have my own children, we've gone twice with them in the past 2 years, but with my folks and siblings and their children. I don't have much desire to go there anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, I love thrill rides, but it's just become a very undesirable place to go. It's just dirty and there seem to be many trouble-making kids (how old do I sound?!?!) I don't feel safe, clean and the food stinks!!!

If they improve themselves, significantly, then I might take my money back there again (it's a 2 hour drive), otherwise, I'll just take th $250+ I'd spend in a day there and put it towards my next Disney trip.


Well-Known Member
This Shapiro guy is hilarious! :lol: Mr. Shapiro has been doing these interviews for local newspapers for several months now, as the various parks reopen for the summer season. He's never worked at a theme park before, and it's obvious he just ripped off the last few PowerPoint presentations he sat in on at a Jay Rasulo meeting and is rehashing them as his "vision" for Six Flags. So far, it's all just words and very, very cheap fixes.

Have you seen the "parade" that he is talking about at these Six Flags parks? I've seen it. It honestly consists of about a dozen Marvel Comics characters walking along a pathway through the park, with a couple of guys riding on ATV's or dune buggies. They throw in a standard electric golf cart carrying Daffy Duck; and by golf cart I mean just that - a grey, off the shelf golf cart with a Six Flags decal stuck on the side. And for the big finish they drive the Six Flags fire truck around with the lights flashing (A red Chevy pickup with fire fighting equipment). The guys driving the vehicles or walking along with the characters are dorky Six Flags employees in spiky hair, baggy shorts and sloppy blue polo shirts. They play some random music over the loudspeakers as this motley collection of characters and small industrial vehicles drives around the park for 20 minutes. The whole thing takes about 3 minutes to pass you from beginning to end. I'm not making this up. That is the "parade" they have added this year to Six Flags Magic Mountain near Los Angeles, one of the chains biggest parks, and about the only Six Flags to stay open year round. I can only imagine how wimpy the "parade" at the smaller, seasonal parks must be like.

Six Flags has allowed itself to sink so low, and get so disgusting, that it will take years and years of very generous capital investment into infrastructure, training, personnel, maintenance and park amenities before they could even begin to approach a Disney park experience. It will take hundreds of millions of dollars spread throughout the entire chain every year for several consecutive fiscal years. And even then, it's going to pale in comparison to the level of polish and knock-your-socks-off showmanship that Disney has developed in the last 50 years.

Nevermind the fact that Six Flags has absolutely no Research & Development department like WDI, or even Universal Creative, to develop and design new attractions, themed environments and park entertainment. All they have is a small corporate office filled with cubicle drones who sometimes go to an amusement park industry convention and purchase a roller coaster or spinning ride out of a catalog. And they think they can even begin to approach Disney's level of showmanship that way?!

And how do you even begin to address the level of customer service the Six Flags employees provide?! You would have to fire the chains entire employee roster and simply start from scratch to even begin to attempt a Disneyfied level of customer service, at everything from churro vendors to ride operators to senior sales managers.

This Shapiro guy may have stolen a few key phrases from last years Jay Rasulo PowerPoint presentation at an executive retreat, but it's going to take years of hard work and major financial outlays to even begin to get close to a Disney-like "experience". I applaud him for trying, but let's be honest here, he doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of succeeding.

At least most of the Six Flags parks are enjoying some new paint, a good cleaning and a hose down. God knows they need it desperately. But there's no way this Shapiro guy is ever going to get close to Disney. My bet is that he'll have jumped ship to some other company in three years anyway. But his plagiarized sound bites are impressive, aren't they? :rolleyes:


Well, I live 45 minutes from Six Flags Great Adventure, and they were saying this kind of thing last year when they opened The Gold Kingdom with Kingda Ka. They were saying how this adds a new kid area to the park, and how great the theming was. Well, fast forward a year. Kingda Ka is broken down more often than not, and that new kid area is just a play ground. They're never going to change their ways, and they still have the worst maitenance in the world.


New Member
I gotta agree with cowboibabyy! I too would feel safer even walking downtown Atlanta at midnight than I would at Six Flags over GA! This place is always loaded with teenagers with zero supervision and you can never find any employees in the park to even complain too. The last time my hubby and I went we were trying to find the entrance to one of the rides and literally could not find the beginning of the line because all the teenagers were just standing around the entrance discussing where to go bother people next!

As for them ever being "Disney-like" good luck with that! I guess I am way over the 1.2 times in my lifetime because at last approximate count I was up to 135 - 140 times since 1971. With an average of at least 4 - 6 times per year until we moved to Atlanta and now go twice a year. I have a 6 yo dd who will be going on her 8th time and 2 yo twin dd's going on their 5th time.:wave:


Active Member
I don't think Six Flags is ever going to offer wholesome family entertainment like Disney, at least not without investing serious money and completely revamping the way they do business and whom they cater to.

I live about 45-50 minutes from Great Adventure here in NJ and the last time I was there was in 1998. I can honestly say I have no desire to return.


New Member
Haha wow. I just started working at Lake Compounce, which is a theme park that's basically across the street from ESPN, and when I got hired the guy who interviewed me (who's head of rides there) was telling me about this after I told him I was interested in maybe trying to get into WDI someday. ESPN used to host all these parties & picnics at Lake Compounce, so maybe that's why he thinks he's qualified? haha yeaaaah.

The park where I work has been family-focused since forever, and since they were bought out by Kennywood they've really expanded. These regional theme parks are never going to be the immersive experiences that Disney is, but then again, people aren't going to spend a week there, either. Disney's just different.

I miss Riverside :( Ever since it became Six Flags NE the whole taste of the palce is completely different. It's weird, but the last time I went there (a good 4 years ago, now) we were walking around adn every once ina while would be like "Awww, this part still feels like Riverside!"

Six Flags definitely has the Big Corporation feel to it. It's staffed by underskilled, undertrained people and will need to work very hard (and invest a lot of money that they don't really have) to change their image. The stinking commercials from the last few years were enough to keep me out of their parks.


New Member
ok so when did this forum turn to six flags bashing? seriously? the only reason y u dont like six flags is because is not up to par w/ disney. i personally love six flags. i love their roller coasters and think that maybe disney should start building more. six flags probably has the best roller coasters ever. yea the park may not be clean but do you see how many people are in the park every day. they arent as big as disney so they dont have the money and employees to keep up with it all. and great adventure draws some scary ppl cuz to the north we got new york, and to the left we got philadelphia. the park is still a great park and im sure the others are too. just because it isnt up to disney standards doesnt mean its a bad park. some of you sound like people who pester waiters at a resturaunt cuz the steak is medium when u ordered medium rare. im sorry if i seem to be over reacting, but you need to stop picking on other places just because it isnt disney.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
lilphil6487 said:
ok so when did this forum turn to six flags bashing? seriously? the only reason y u dont like six flags is because is not up to par w/ disney. i personally love six flags. i love their roller coasters and think that maybe disney should start building more. six flags probably has the best roller coasters ever. yea the park may not be clean but do you see how many people are in the park every day. they arent as big as disney so they dont have the money and employees to keep up with it all. and great adventure draws some scary ppl cuz to the north we got philidelphia, and to the left we got philadelphia. the park is still a great park and im sure the others are too. just because it isnt up to disney standards doesnt mean its a bad park. some of you sound like people who pester waiters at a resturaunt cuz the steak is medium when u ordered medium rare. im sorry if i seem to be over reacting, but you need to stop picking on other places just because it isnt disney.

Six Flags isn't just sub-par to Disney, its sub par in the theme park world. Look at Cedar Point, Universal Studios, The Busch Gardens parks, Kennywood, and other parks that aren't up to Disney standards, but atleast they are CLEAN, safe, and nice unlike Six Flags.

I agree that Six Flags does have some awsome coasters, but its bad themeing ( "Friar Tuck's Turkey Legs." ? ), bad show, rude employees, and bad maintenece really make an overall, drab experience. I mean, seriously, the parkinglot at Six Flags St. Louis is a mess! There's trash everywhere, and pot holes the size of craters. You'd think that they thought it never existed. I mean, come on, its not like they're broke.


Active Member
I'm personally fond of Six Flags Great Adventure here in NJ. They've been fixing it the past few years and it's coming along really nicely. The whole Golden Kingdom area is very detailed howbeit small. Each year a new area gets redone it seems of fixed up a bit. Hurricane Harbor attracts alot of families too. Of course it's not Disney but it's the closest thing too it near here and I appreciate it for what it is.
Plus I'm going there for Physic's Day this Thurs. Woo!:D


Original Poster
lilphil6487 said:
ok so when did this forum turn to six flags bashing? seriously? the only reason y u dont like six flags is because is not up to par w/ disney. i personally love six flags. i love their roller coasters and think that maybe disney should start building more. six flags probably has the best roller coasters ever. yea the park may not be clean but do you see how many people are in the park every day. they arent as big as disney so they dont have the money and employees to keep up with it all. and great adventure draws some scary ppl cuz to the north we got new york, and to the left we got philadelphia. the park is still a great park and im sure the others are too. just because it isnt up to disney standards doesnt mean its a bad park. some of you sound like people who pester waiters at a resturaunt cuz the steak is medium when u ordered medium rare. im sorry if i seem to be over reacting, but you need to stop picking on other places just because it isnt disney.

Ummm, the head of Six Flags compared Six Flags to Disney and their roller coaster strategy has failed so they want to become more like Disney. They invited this.


New Member
I worked for Six Flags over GA for 5 summers (2 as a manager) and I don't want to go back because I feel as though I'm (dare I say) too old. I'm 23. The park hires hundreds of 15 year olds and doesn't train how to give good customer service. I haven't been back since I worked there in 03 because the park is basically an oversized high school. Don't get me wrong, working at Six Flags was the funnest job I've had, but the employees don't go out of their way to help a customer. I've actually had to resolve many customer issues and even break up employee/customer fights. That's the main problem. The employees there are disrespectful mainly because of age. The coasters are okay but could definitely be put together better IMHO, because there are rides that wouldn't even open because of it being broken or taking off limbs of ride dummies. To appeal to families the company as a whole will have to do a major remodel of their parks and extensively train the employees in customer service. I don't think it will happen ANY time soon though, if at all.


New Member
Kadee said:
I am 5 hours away from Atlanta (Six Flags over Georgia) and 3 hours from the one they put in New Orleans. I'm not sure of the fate of the N.O. park, but in any case, I wasn't thrilled with it. I only went once and do not plan to go back. The one in Atlanta is just too geared toward teens (just like the article said). I hope they succeed in making their parks more "family friendly" because that is the only way I would ever even think of going back.

I live about 30 minutes from the Six Flags in NO. It has not re-opened for this year since Hurricane Katrina. Most of the park was flooded with several feet of water. (I do not remember the exact number.) An article in the local newspaper a few months ago said it would not re-open for 2006 and 2007 was still questionable. The area where the park is located was heavily damaged by flooding and very few people are back, even 9 months later. Even if the park did open, I am sure there are not enough locals to support it. Besides, we are busy trying to rebuild out lives so going to Six Flags in not a priority. In my opinion, the New Orleans park was very boring. I am a DISNEY lover, so I compare everything to Disney. But...that park needed a LOT of work even before the hurricane in order for me to go back.
This exctited me, since I work at Six Flags New England.

Then I saw all the bashing.
That did not excite me.

By the way, Mark Shapiro is a really nice guy.
I've met him.


lilphil6487 said:
ok so when did this forum turn to six flags bashing? seriously? the only reason y u dont like six flags is because is not up to par w/ disney. i personally love six flags. i love their roller coasters and think that maybe disney should start building more. six flags probably has the best roller coasters ever. yea the park may not be clean but do you see how many people are in the park every day. they arent as big as disney so they dont have the money and employees to keep up with it all. and great adventure draws some scary ppl cuz to the north we got new york, and to the left we got philadelphia. the park is still a great park and im sure the others are too. just because it isnt up to disney standards doesnt mean its a bad park. some of you sound like people who pester waiters at a resturaunt cuz the steak is medium when u ordered medium rare. im sorry if i seem to be over reacting, but you need to stop picking on other places just because it isnt disney.

They may have some of the best roller coaster ever, but they never work. I go to Six Flags Great Adventure 4-6 times a year, and atleast 3 of their coasters aren't open each time I go, including their big ticket attraction Kingda Ka.


New Member
I'm really excited to hear that Six Flags is trying to improve their parks and make them more family friendly. I really hope they make it happen.

We live near Six Flags (Great America) Gurnee, IL and the place is dirty, bad food :hurl: and full of gang members and seedy types. And it seems like they're only focus has been thrill rides - they just keep building one bigger roller coaster after another.

We went a lot as a family when I was growing up, but it's just not worth it anymore and can you believe a day pass is $59 + $16 for parking!!!! What a joke.

They added on a waterpark last year, so we bought a pass and went about 4 times. We took our nephews (5 and 8) who loved it, but to an is really small. The small lockers cost $8 with no money back. They just price gouge you everywhere! And there is no capacity limit - they just keep letting people in and it's a small water park. Not even close to the size of BB or TL. By 11am, the place is swarming.

It just makes me love Disney, they know how to do things right! :D

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