Well, Martin, everyone worships different things. Not everyone can be right, but, we all believe we are, so who makes the final decision? Individuals do! From the first time I saw it, (Cronkite) I felt the descent was anything but interesting. Please tell me other then screen supported little splashes of mini-drama, what was so spectacular about it. Yes, it was different then it is now, but, so what. It's whole purpose was to get us to the bottom and out.
If there were AA's I don't remember any. If it said anything that wasn't already said, or implied, I must have passed out from the speed of re-entry at that point. It was OK, just like it is today, nothing spectacular. To me the interaction between separate "two" seats, incorporating our own image was far more impressive then anything that proceeded it or have we become so jaded about modern technology that the fact the we are being included in this real time participation in communication (pretty sure that is what SSE is all about) is missed because they didn't give us a dizzying array of box pictures to look at. Sorry, but, I cannot agree that it was, and the only voices that will be heard are not going to be just one side. And yes, a lot of people disagree and, lets not forget that a lot of people also agree. The only reason that this topic comes up multiple times is because there is a difference of opinion otherwise there would be no disagreement, we would all just agree and move on.