Should we or Shouldn't we????


New Member
Tell our kids that we are going to WDW? We have a D of 13 and S of 9. We have told them we are going to have the Spring Break of a Lifetime, but they don't know where. Shoudl be keep it a surprise or tell them??


Well-Known Member
Totally surprise them!!! I just did this for my son for Christmas!!! He had no clue and his reaction was priceless to the point we were all crying! I highly recommend the surprise factor!!!
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Active Member
Personally, I think the anticipation of a trip that you know is coming can help build excitement, and my personal opinion is that the "surprise Disney vacation" is most successful with younger kids than 9 and 13.

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Well-Known Member
Surprising them would be fun...we did that on our last trip w/ our 2 youngest (they were 10 & 8)...the oldest one would have figured it out, so we told him & luckily he kept the secret. :)

It was easier to do b/c we drove.
When we arrived on the WDW property, one of the kids said, "Why does that sign have hidden Mickey on it?"
The other one said, "Why does that bus say Magic Kingdom?"

I say go for the surprise!!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Normally I would vote for surprise, but since this is their first trip and your family's first trip, I think you should tell them a month ahead of time and let them help pick what attractions they want to see. You only have 5 days during spring break. Surprise them on your next trip.
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Well-Known Member
I am with you Mukta. Let them in on it you have already said some stuff just not everything so it sounds like you want to tell them and have fun planning. The first time is special so enjoy every aspect of it. That includes the pre-trip. :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I say tell them. I also agree the anticipation of going is part of the fun. They could watch the video, and catch some things on youtube to help get them excited. I agree it would also be fun for them to help in the planning.
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Well-Known Member
I say surprise them. I've had friends pull off very successful first WDW trip surprises - one of which was even for teenagers. I think you're probably going to have to have that "We're going to Disney World" moment in the airport- if you fly, but you don't have to reveal any other details of the trip until each aspect comes about...just kind of add to the excitement. As for the ideas of giving the kids time to pick out things they want to do- kids usually don't go for the weeks of planning adults like, at least in my giving them some planning materials for the flight or road trip should be more than enough for them to help plan a few things. I know that won't allow for some of the things that require advance booking, but you know your kids and what they like- so you can always build in a few added surprises based on that personal knowledge.
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Well-Known Member
I would also normally say surprise them but in this case it sound like you should tell them so it will be much easier to plan with them out in the open. Time is now limited for you and your there for a busy time being spring break. If you plan to do any table service meals you need to pick them NOW and make advanced dining reservations. Your chances of walking up to a resturant and walking in to eat are very slim...unless your willing to wait for a long time and then your wasting time. When you check in at the POP they can sell you tickets at that time and then they will be on your room card. Good luck and hope you all have a AWESOME trip!!!
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Well-Known Member
When our kids were young, we always told them, with the anticipation being part of the excitement. But after watching all these new WDW commercials where the parents surprise the kids, even at the airport, I totally would do that! Now that I see the kids screaming and hugging and laughing, I regret I never did it. Go for it!!
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We are also trying to decide whether or not to tell our 3 kids. We have an 8 year old son and 5 year old twin daughters. We are leaving in 49 days and they have no idea. We originally decided to not tell them but are thinking about telling them a couple of weeks before.

I would love to surprise them at the airport but our flight leaves at 6:50 a.m. We have to leave our house by 4:30 a.m. to get through security so I'm afraid if we wait until the morning of we won't get the reaction because it is so early.

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Diane Hughess

New Member
I pulled off the ultimate suprise @ 3 yrs ago--I showed up at their school @ noon and asked what they felt like doing, finishing the day of school or going to Disney! The entire office staff was cheering and clapping for them. One teacher even came in to watch their reaction. As we left the school, my daughter's friend saw all of us and said "Where are you going?" And my daughter was like "I'm going to Disney World!!" My then 9 yr old daughter cried the entire drive to the airport b/c she was in such happy shock. My son who was 7 was really concerned about missing lunch and not going to soccer practice! But he got over it once we go to the airport. It was SO HARD to keep it secret, b/c I had some issues with ADR's, and Disney kept calling my home and leaving messages--I could have sworn my daughter heard them. So this year, I have convinced them we can't afford to go, like last year. But with them being 12 & 9 it'll be really hard to pack without them noticing. So I'm telling them we're going to a local beach for a week, That way I can pack them up and they can pack up their accessories without a second thought. Then the day of, I think we'll fly out of Atlantic City Airport, so they really think we're going to a Jersey beach, then just get off at the airport and wait for them to figure it out!! The reaction is serioulsy priceless!!
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Original Poster
Well we are still 31 days away. We havne't told them yet. We are leaving for a wedding on Monday the 11th. They know that we are going some where fun but still don't know where. They think it is a indoor water park. daughter is 13 and son is 9. Luckly when all the mail has arrived it has been my day off and I got to the mail box before our daughter. One more packet to come and we hope I will be off that day. We plan on driving into Disney early Morning and waking them up right infront of MK. Hope we can make it without them knowing. We think that will be the ultimate surprise for them. :zipit:
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We are also trying to decide whether or not to tell our 3 kids. We have an 8 year old son and 5 year old twin daughters. We are leaving in 49 days and they have no idea. We originally decided to not tell them but are thinking about telling them a couple of weeks before.

I would love to surprise them at the airport but our flight leaves at 6:50 a.m. We have to leave our house by 4:30 a.m. to get through security so I'm afraid if we wait until the morning of we won't get the reaction because it is so early.


Maybe you could make dinner the night before be a special event and give them a card to open that has your travel plans in it. That way you can really enjoy the moment with them and they can have that wonderful, sleepless "night before Disney" night. :sohappy: We are planning a secret quick trip for our DS's 6th birthday in a few weeks. I am not sure how long we'll make it before telling him! We got APs this year, and he knows we'll be going some, he just thinks we may not go again until Thanksgiving.
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i think we have come up with a plan. We fly out early Friday morning so I think we are going to surprise the kids as soon as school is out on Thursday by telling them we are headed for vacation RIGHT NOW!. We reserved a hotel room for Thursday night at the airport and will tell the kids where we are going at dinner on Thursday night. Can't wait.
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