Should Disney keep Carousel of Progress?

Should the Carousel of Progress Stay Open?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 89.5%
  • No

    Votes: 17 10.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
You know, I love the ride, I love Disney, I love the idea of the ride. But...I have been to the park sven times in the last seven years (with 6 of them having CoP open), and there was never any line for it, no one wanted to see it. There were a few diehards (I was one), but the ride is very dated, and the timespan between the last two scenes has become too long. I would love to have this put in the Smithsonian Museum of American history, because it is a true classis work that should be kept. As a theme park attraction, the times have passed it by.:(


I've been visiting WDW since 1976 and although I will always have fond memories of CoP I think it makes good buisness since to take it out and use the space for an up to date experience. The thing about CoP is that back in the 70's it was amazing to see robots performing a show and there was a lot of buzz around the ride. I remember seeing stuff on TV about Disney's advances in entertainment all the time and lately it seems like Disney is being left in the dust.

I think it's time for Disney to step up and start creating again.

Living just 1.5 hours away I used to love going over to WDW at least once a week to watch the construction of new attractions. There was always something new. Now it seems that Eisner is afraid to open his wallet wide enough for a high dollar, buzz worthy attraction. (I hope that MS proves me wrong)

The biggest mistake Disney has ever made at WDW is opening AK only half complete. AK was Disney's ticket back to the top, if they only had Asia and BK open on opening day. I know a lot of Floridians that still haven't gone to AK because they heard it was too small and they don't want to pay $50.00 for a half day park.

Disney really has to get on the ball and get people talking again. Word of mouth has always been their greatest advertising.

Now please go easy on me...:lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I still think that a rotating theater is a good idea, and should stay. I mean, the show and animatronics may be dated, but I have yet to see a rotating carousel theater in any other place but Disney. It allows for more people to see the show during the day, plus its just plain cool. If they do take the show down, I still think they should keep the idea of the carousel theater and use it for a future show idea. Mabey they could make it even bigger?


New Member
Carousel of Progress should definetly stay. Its Walts direct idea. There are only a few things in WDW that can carry that description. If you want to move the ride to another area and add another ride in the Buzz Lightyear section fine but the Carousel MUST stay.


Active Member
:) :D :cool: :sohappy:

Yes, keep CoP! Absolutly, positively YES! :animwink: :)

Why? Because we like you. Ooops, wrong show.


It is a classic.
It gives you a chance to sit down for awhile in a cool,or warm depending on the weather, place.
It shows us some history(except the Wright brothers where from Ohio not North Carolina) without jamming it down our throats.

It takes pressure off other rides much like Horizons did before they closed it :cry: :cry:

The people who try like generally like it and ride it over and over again.

Now is the time, now is the best time of your life. Ooops, they don't use that anymore.

By the way dliddi, your idea of creating a WDW Classic Park is NOT a weird thought. Check out my post in the 5th Park thread. I suggusted the same thing. I would ever pay more for that than the other parks, an extra $25 or so. :cool: :sohappy:


New Member
When I went in 2000, I saw the show. I liked it, but it wasn't among my favorites. When I was planning my trip for May of this year, it wasn't high on my priority list. Then I heard rumors of it closing before I got there. Suddenly, I was obsessed with seeing it again.

My first night I went to Magic Kingdom and a castmember told me it, and Timekeeper, were closed for the week.:(

I guess what I'm saying is, it depends on what they replace it with.


Well-Known Member
Quote - A handfull of people here stated that it might be a good diea to move it to future world and keep it there. Someone had suggested that before in a diferent thread, and apparently it would be a nightmare to move. It is my understanding that underground, below the building there are enourmous gears and whatnot to rotate the thing. "but they were able to move it to WDW from DL", not really, they didn't move the building, just the sets. a new builiding was erected in WDW and a new show was eventually put in the theatre in DL. so in order to move it, a whole new rotating theatre would need to be built. that certainly would be possable, i just don't see them as willing to go through all that work just to move an attraction that has been running on a limited schedule recently. i guess there is only so much we can do.

I don't see the point in them moving CoP to Epcot or anything like that, because It'll still cost just as much to run, and i doubt it would bring in any more punters- sorry, guests.

It's not as if they need the space in MK, loads of room yet! (Get rid of the indy speedway, 20k?)


New Member
I voted yes but I think it needs to be updated. As others have said maybe moved to another location with something else in its current location.




New Member
The first time I saw COP, we laughed because the song was so repetitive. Now I can't get it out of my head...just like One Little Spark at the Imagination pavilion!

General Grizz

New Member
I'd vote it for the most "classic" attraction of any other - in spirit, it even beats HM, PoTC, CBJ, and the Tiki Room... and you just can't get more classic than Walt Disney!!!


Well-Known Member
I voted YES!!!~~ Its always been a favorite of mine. I don't know how to explain this...but there are certain "Disney things" that I want to share with my own children now. We were really disappointed that it wasnt open when we were there in May. There are certain things we never miss...CBJ, Hall of Presidents etc...and now there is a certain things we avoid..the new Tiki Room, but anyway, there is already alot that we miss....Skyway, 20,000 leagues..ok Ariel couldn't go anywhere else??? Sorry for rambling on...but I would really hope they would keep CoP

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