Send the country bears packing!

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Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Here is my thought... With brand spanking new attractions we will have whatever the Imagineers come up with and thats Just Fine with me....

However as for the classic attractions there ARE what Walter Elias Disney wanted them to be... so adding this or that just screws it up (Tiki Room Under New Management is a huge example of this).....

Please get this point as it is important... SOME things should be left alone....and the absolute core of the CoP, Tiki Room, and CBJ should be hands off.
My thoughts on the matter are different. I think Walt would be turning over in the grave (or his freezer) if he knew that attractions had run for 40 years without fundamental changes and upgrades. The Tiki Room Under New Management was certainly better than the old Tiki Room but they didn't go far enough in changing it. Now it's back to its old boring self. CoP is terrible and it's nothing but an old commercial for GE electric products.
You want to preserve and protect these attractions. That's fine with me! Put them in an historical park. CoP, Tiki Room and CBJ appeal to a small core of preservationist fans. Most guests are bored to death by these old shows.

I think the best way to save them is to update the shows from top to bottom and make them entertaining to most of the audience, not just historic preservationists. The plain fact of the matter is that if they don't change, they will be removed. CoP is going to be the first one to go and it will be a toss up between the other two as to when they get closed.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
The University of Illinois does not states:

Geographical Origins
Hip hop music is related to the griots of West Africa, traveling singers and poets whose musical style is reminiscent of hip hop. Some griot traditions came with slaves to the New World. The most important direct influence on the creation of hip hop music is the Jamaican style of toasting. Toasting is the act of talking or chanting over a rhythm or beat. This was initially developed in Jamaica during the 1960s. Toasting developed at dances in Jamaica known as "blues dances". "Blues dances" were dances which took place in large halls or out in the open in the slum yards. "Blues dances" were a regular feature of ghetto life in Jamaica. At these dances black American R&B records were played. Jamaicans were introduced to these records by black American sailors stationed on the island and by American radio stations in and around Miami which played R&B records. MCs from sound systems employed the technique to further enhance their dub plates. As time progressed the MCs would become more creative in their chants, eventually overshadowing the tunes they were initially supposed to enhance. This led to the earliest forms of what is know known as dancehall in Jamaica and hip hop in the US.

So while Blues, Jazz, and Soul are perhaps part of the origins...the other music genres do not appear to be involved... I checked a few different .EDU sites and even some non- .edu sites and the over all narrative is similar.

In any case....the origins I posted seems to be the more popular history.....
I liked that you investigated the geographical origins. Now you need to look at the cultural origins as that's a bit more complex. I'll give you a hint. The cultural origins will expand upon the geographical origins as well. A friend sent me a CD today featuring Ranadhir Roy, Radhika Mohan Maitra and Liyaqat Khan.

This should be helpful as well:



Well-Known Member
I think its finally time to hibernate the bears that have been putting guest to sleep for the last few decades. They are racist looking, creepy, stereotyped rednecks and not sure how they are still in business. I'm sure some of you like them, but thats more nostalgia than entertainment. Why not bring in a woody's roundup kind of show and give some love to jessie, and bullseye. I find that the western portion of the park is lacking and that would give it an a-list show. You could even get some use out of stinky pete..there is nowhere in any of the parks that i seen a show with woody or buzz unless im missing something.

Magic Kingdom:
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin

Disney's Hollywood Studios:
Toy Story Mania
Pizza Planet
Woody's Roundup

anyway, i do agree. Country Bear should go.


Well-Known Member
MK as a whole is incredibly racist. Why did it take the park until the year 2008...almost 40 years after opening to finally add a black AA figure to Hall Of Presidents?

you do realize that you just sounded stupid right? because in 2008 we got a first black president. ever. and his name is Barrack Obama.

that's right, shocker. Obama's the first black president. ever.

right, so nice try. wanna give us a real example as to how MK is racist?


Well-Known Member
you do realize that you just sounded stupid right? because in 2008 we got a first black president. ever. and his name is Barrack Obama.

that's right, shocker. Obama's the first black president. ever.

right, so nice try. wanna give us a real example as to how MK is racist?

Oh jeez, how could you and pluto1976 not get that joke??? You really shouldn't be calling anyone stupid.


Active Member
Original Poster
Wow, glad to see people can take a light hearted forum that seriously...guess it means you care! If you like your hick bears playing washboards than by all means stick with them. To each his own..i don't like C.O.P. either, or the tiki birds and im sure some of you would chain yourself to the C.O.P. if they were tearing it down. But i will avoid there rides for the next 5 years and give them a chance again..maybe i've seen them too many times in the last 14 years


Well-Known Member
I hope you are joking or are you just trying to stir up something.

you do realize that you just sounded stupid right? because in 2008 we got a first black president. ever. and his name is Barrack Obama.

that's right, shocker. Obama's the first black president. ever.

right, so nice try. wanna give us a real example as to how MK is racist?

This is actually funnier than Bob Saget's original reply.


Well-Known Member
well its going for refurb but i wouldnt take it down its like taking down pirates its a classic and the only thing i noticed being a little weird is the song about blood on the sattle That might be unappropriate for some children but these days thats not that bad.


Well-Known Member
you do realize that you just sounded stupid right? because in 2008 we got a first black president. ever. and his name is Barrack Obama.

that's right, shocker. Obama's the first black president. ever.

right, so nice try. wanna give us a real example as to how MK is racist?


Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls tomorrows lesson will focus on not just reading words but making an attempt to understand them.


Well-Known Member

Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls tomorrows lesson will focus on not just reading words but making an attempt to understand them.

why did you quote me? I got the joke...I was saying to pluto that I hoped he was joking with his comment. Please re-read and understand my words thanks :)


Well-Known Member
why did you quote me? I got the joke...I was saying to pluto that I hoped he was joking with his comment. Please re-read and understand my words thanks :)

Sorry, I knew what you meant but absentmindedly clicked on the wrong post. I apologize for that error, I will be more careful next time.:(:oops: I'm hoping that this will be my stupid thing for the day, but I'm not real optimistic.

I have deleted it from my post because it never was supposed to be there. Again...sorry!


Well-Known Member
sigh. where to begin...?

i'm sorry, but your original post might be the silliest thing i've ever seen. anamatronic bears are racist? the post above may more accurately reflect your opinion. you want a sound upgrade, maybe a new act to keep it fresh. that's fine.

if you're laying down and closing your eyes in an attraction, you're doing it wrong. and sorry, but that's exceedingly rude. if you're tired, go back to the room and take a nap. no one wants to see you kick your feet up on a place where other people will sit.

mine train is not an e-ticket. i really don't know how many times this needs to be said.

the reason you're getting a vehement response is that disney has a habit to listening to a vocal minority. and no offense, but i really don't want an attraction gutted our retired because it doesn't fit the comedic requirements of a handful of people.

that picture of big al might have given me the biggest laugh i've had in weeks.

finally, politics have nothing to do with this.

The last sentence brings up an interesting observation. It is not Disney related, but it is still interesting. The OP never brought politics into the thread. He used the word racist when describing the CBJ, but nothing political. Your comment made me realize that certain political factions are doing a very good job of making racism a political issue, which in turn creates division in our beloved country. You can choose which factions I am referring to because I would like to avoid a thread lock.


Well-Known Member
i never said the bears were racist..i said they were racist looking. I meant a racist look at people from the south..sort of like the briar animals in Splash Mountain..but i have no problem with them because they are part of a ride not the actual only entertainment. It's kinda just saying we are dumb, but know how to have a good time and thats ok. It is ok, doesn't mean i want to see it when there is a world of possibilities out there and imagination. If it were ok then why aren't there any song of the south blu rays...and not sure if you have seen the movie...they use the n' word to describe Brazilian nuts.

I accidently hit the like button on this post, but it doesnt mean I like it. Wish there was a way to change it. I was actually trying to hit the reply button. Now on to my reply. I think you are getting stereotypes and racism mixed up. By reading all your post it seems you believe they are one in the same.
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