Send the country bears packing!

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Rescue Ranger

Well-Known Member
I haven't been to this attraction since like my trip in 1991 lol. With that said, I still think it should always stay in the park, just maybe give it a big needed overhaul.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been to this attraction since like my trip in 1991 lol. With that said, I still think it should always stay in the park, just maybe give it a big needed overhaul.

I got you beat. I haven't been in there since late '80s, ;) but will probably catch the refurbed show late Oct if it's done on-time.


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I remember going to the movies when I was little to see Song of the South during it's re release in 1980 and loving the movie. Of course I was a little girl so I did not get any of the so called racial connotations. I can see now how it could be deemed as maybe not so politically correct. I have always been interested in Disney's stance on this so would you mind filling me in.

I don't know their stance but im sure the fact that brer fox refers to nuts someone is eating as N***er toes is reason enough for them to stand far, far, far away from it. Plus the whole happy slaves thing is pretty much a long bygone era from the 40's & 50's.


Active Member
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I was raised and live in a southern state in a country area. I find your implied definition of redneck and racist in this post highly offensive. Perhaps you should be removed from the these boards.

I don't like the OP because he/she is racist against Southern Americans and those from country areas that listen to bluegrass. THAT post is one that looks racist.

Exactly! I do not go to WDW to hear music that I can hear everytime I switch on a radio. Then again, I live in a southern state and listen to country so I must be racist. :cool:

Can you make your prejudice anymore obvious? I am baffled by all this racism to a certain class so openly. Hick? Wow.

Now you are characterizing slaves as all miserable and never happy? I suggest you do an actual bit of history research and read through diaries of slaves (yes! several were taught to read and write). In a good number you will read about the jubilees that they held and wait for it... wait for it.... were singing and smiling. How much more prejudice will you get?

Your right...i've never been to a slavery jubilee..i should get out more...and if you would correctly read my post i am saying that disney is portraying the bears as uneducated, drunken, dopey looking southerners and i have a problem with that. I did not say everyone from the south are like that, in fact i think in this day and age a very small few are like that and thats why i don't like the show. But if you are telling me slaves singing (which is were blues comes from) enjoyed being forced to work against their will, had their familes seperated & torn apart like dogs at the pet store are happy enough to zip a dee doo da...then i think you need to talk to some real black people before you post next time


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For those of you just tuning in, here is an abbreviated version of what you've missed thus far. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion as to what we're talking about:

Mr Saget you always bring it! and who is this black president everybody is talking about?


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Wow. Someone failed to pay attention to Song of the South, or to their American history class.

I don't quote the bible often, this's all I have at this point.

"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions." - Proverbs 18:2

EDIT -- remus

Seems someone is trying to forget certain parts of american history. And yes i saw the movie...the message is if you get attacked by a bull, slave stories will miraculously save you..happens all the time.
and i too will quote the bible
” Jesus was a Jew, yes, but only on his mother’s side.” All In The Family 19:78


OV 104
Premium Member
Your right...i've never been to a slavery jubilee..i should get out more...and if you would correctly read my post i am saying that disney is portraying the bears as uneducated, drunken, dopey looking southerners and i have a problem with that. I did not say everyone from the south are like that, in fact i think in this day and age a very small few are like that and thats why i don't like the show. But if you are telling me slaves singing (which is were blues comes from) enjoyed being forced to work against their will, had their familes seperated & torn apart like dogs at the pet store are happy enough to zip a dee doo da...then i think you need to talk to some real black people before you post next time

How about you go read a real slave journal vs stories passed down through mouths over 200 years.


Well-Known Member
I have only seen it one time. Every time we go to the world, I am always back in Frontierland right after it starts. I want to see it on the next trip in 100 days, 13 hours, 32 minutes and 14 seconds.. but whos counting???


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Seems someone is trying to forget certain parts of american history. And yes i saw the movie...the message is if you get attacked by a bull, slave stories will miraculously save you..happens all the time.
and i too will quote the bible
” Jesus was a Jew, yes, but only on his mother’s side.” All In The Family 19:78

But does that apply to the obvious troll as well?


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How about you go read a real slave journal vs stories passed down through mouths over 200 years.

well i have seen documentaries on historians who bought old court records, and anything they could on about 12,500 cases and found the following. Most families were seperated due to price, age difference and need of certain types of help. Babies were often sold when buying female slaves with children for a dollar or for a that the mother wouldn't rebel watching her child being beaten into a good worker. Im not here to debate slavery over a water ride at disney world...i just didn't think anybody had a positive view of it.

im sure there were many slaves that were treated good during their tenure..and im sure there were good people who treated them like family in some cases. But thats sort of the same thing as being kidnapped for a week released, then complimenting the kidnapper on how he ties knots...


Active Member
Original Poster
But does that apply to the obvious troll as well?

i like how your so called trendy little term trolling bothers you, but someone saying slavery was greatly appreciated by slaves flicks off you like a bug on a windshield...sigh...We get it you are a master of conversation, and a gentleman and a scholar and never say anything anyone would ever not like. I know there are people like the country bears in the south..people just like the country bears...even the one wearing the fancy white hat. Does that warrant a show


OV 104
Premium Member
im sure there were many slaves that were treated good during their tenure..and im sure there were good people who treated them like family in some cases. But thats sort of the same thing as being kidnapped for a week released, then complimenting the kidnapper on how he ties knots...

Very very very wrong. It is not like that whatsoever for a good portion (note not good majority, better part, etc but portion) were rather happy and not treated as slaves whatsoever. Hence the fact that they kept journals. YES I mean some knew how to read and write. History channel documentaries stay in the politically correct realm and will never reference journals and diaries kept by some and how some of them were actually happy. I guess it takes seeing them firsthand and not conforming to the forced image by media to understanding it. Some people feel better with media telling them how to think... not my thing.

i like how trolling bothers you, but someone saying slavery was greatly appreciated by slaves flicks off you like a bug on a windshield...sigh...

Where did someone say that? I surely did not.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
i like how your so called trendy little term trolling bothers you, but someone saying slavery was greatly appreciated by slaves flicks off you like a bug on a windshield...sigh...We get it you are a master of conversation, and a gentleman and a scholar and never say anything anyone would ever not like. I know there are people like the country bears in the south..people just like the country bears...even the one wearing the fancy white hat. Does that warrant a show

More of a show than your obvious trolling, throwing around terms at the onset such as racist, and then trying to bring in any factoid you can to support your claim. In case you hadn't noticed, the CBJ isn't really looking to rewrite American history, so if you want to say you don't like the show, so be it. But by starting off your little show here by claiming some sort of racist undertones, you're just trolling along.....


Well-Known Member
Your right...i've never been to a slavery jubilee..i should get out more...and if you would correctly read my post i am saying that disney is portraying the bears as uneducated, drunken, dopey looking southerners and i have a problem with that. I did not say everyone from the south are like that, in fact i think in this day and age a very small few are like that and thats why i don't like the show. But if you are telling me slaves singing (which is were blues comes from) enjoyed being forced to work against their will, had their familes seperated & torn apart like dogs at the pet store are happy enough to zip a dee doo da...then i think you need to talk to some real black people before you post next time

Your bears comment is connecting slavery to the CBJ? Wow.... as for the southerners being offended by this show WE HAVE THICK SKIN and can take Humor....something you are apparently having difficulty in doing....which is your problem... but please do not try to push your philosophy down my throat becuase its "Not gonna happen".

Seriously dude.... I think perhaps it is you that is out of touch... this is called HUMOR.... stop taking everything so personal.... I am sick and tired of everyone being offended by every thing and any thing.... I liked the movie and as an adult I *DO* know the true history so dont even go there. The movie was a work of fiction by a man who is BEYOND your ability to call racist: Walt Disney. I have watched countless movies about different historical times and I have some news for you: NONE of them are as wonderful as portrayed so Thank God or whomever you believe in that you are in this day and age..... The Song of the South was a work of fiction.... news flash: most of the animals in it were NOT REAL so where is this movie trying to portray itself as "factual". For the record I will say this: Uncle Remus was the most awesome person to be your Uncle no matter what! The story teaches some devent lessons in morality and our current society could use some of that.

I dont know you...but thus far it appears that if something in the world does not fit into your Vision of how the world should be you attack it with racism or other derogatory terms... you apparently either fail or refuse to realize that YOUR ideas are in the minority....and while I respect your right as an American to voice your opinions....there comes a time when the You need to respect the will of the majority...
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