Send the country bears packing!

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Well-Known Member
The thing is, there are also people for whom the Tower of Terror is not their cup of tea. One of the best things about Disney World is that it has something for everyone, from small children to great-grandparents. For those who want non-stop excitement, you've got it. For those who want to see only the latest characters, you can find them, too. And for those of us who enjoy entertainment at a slower pace, in a style which actually hearkens back to a bygone time and place (which is, after all, what Frontierland is all about), for those of us who have an attention span longer than 5 minutes and who don't require pyrotechnics or laser light shows or interactive touchscreens in order to enjoy good music, we have things like the Country Bears.

Switching up the Country Bears for something newer, flashier and more watered-down in terms of a Frontier-era connection (an animated toy in a cowboy hat = American frontier, apparently?) would be a shame. It would homogenize the park's attractions instead of preserving their diversity, and throw away something perfectly good just for the sake of change.
Well said...


Well-Known Member
I might be in the minority, but I concur with the original poster. I find the show very dull and boring. The music is way too slow for a Jamboree. It's a great place to take a nap though. That and the Tiki Room are good for naps. Just my two cents.

I agree as well... while I like tradition and nostalgia, those are both really boring attactions that they could do so much more with it's space/buildings. The last time I was in the Country Bears I don't think ANYONE got into what they were doing... it was so quiet in the audience. The tiki room has some neat things going on and a lot of movement to look at, it just doesn't really do much.


Well-Known Member
And if anyone tells any of you that having a sense of humor is useless. Just show um this thread. The constant refrain of.."I don't like it, get rid of it". is starting to get tiring.

It's such a simple thing really. If one doesn't like something they just shouldn't go to it. But, to think, even for a minute, that due to their specific judgment, everyone should be denied access, is just beyond my ability to understand. Trust me, if enough people agree with the OP, it will close down.

Even now, I'm not sure what the intent of management is with CBJ. How many things in the past were "temporarily" closed for renovations never to open again. Guess we will just have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Ok so only some of the bears look racist...

Okay there you go with that word again, but you never explained yourself. Come on, spill. How exactly are the Country Bears racist?

Did you like sneak in after hours and see them putting shoe polish on their faces?

Did they start wearing conical bamboo peasant hats and screaming "OH! ME SO SORRY YOU NO LIKE SHOW!"?

Did they start goosestepping across the stage while burning books and ranting about how MEIN WALT-FURHER HASSTE DIE JUDEN?





Well-Known Member
since when is having an opinion inflammatory?

Simply having an opinion is not inflammatory. Choosing words like racist, sterotyped, and redneck are inflammatory words when expressing ones opinion. While we are on the subject, the word racist gets thrown around entirely to loosley. It is more exceptable too use that word if you choose too provide a supportive explaination as to why you feel it is racist. That being said, why do you feel the CBJ is racist?

Edit: I just saw that others are now posting pictures of the bears with KKK hats on. I feel that this demonstrates how your post was inflammatory, and my above post is no longer necessary. As the cliche goes, "a picture says a thousand words."

Edit2: Darnit, I just realized I got roped into feeding the troll, and that is the very thing that I reposted so that others would leave the OP and his opinions alone


Well-Known Member
First, please read back to the part in which I stated that you are entitled to an opinion. Apparently, you do not feel the same about others. Second, newer technology is what many people today seem to crave, hence my statement about an attraction that has often been criticized for its outdated and somewhat under maintained works. Why you chose to personalize this statement, I do not know, nor do I care. This thread involves a discussion amongst several people, and so it would be best for you to keep any egocentric behavior at home. Thirdly, being a “stiff” implies that someone is so mentally or emotionally tight that they can not enjoy a laugh or two without having to over-analyze the implications of a simple show. Such behavior, in my humble estimation, would include taking offense with any perceived racial issues within CBJ. Take it however you desire, because I’m honestly not concerned. Your statement regarding seeing something over and again with no interaction would apply to many attractions and shows through WDW, and so I would imagine that we can all expect a thread from you for each one, yes?
Lastly, I will point you to the fact that I believe you are entitled to your opinions. If you feel that CBJ is offensive to your racial sensitivities, then by all means boycott the attraction. If you desire a live show, then by all means contact Disney and make the suggestion. Just leave me out of your little battles- I was just stating an opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ironically I was going to comment that I don't get how anyone could "look" racist but I stand corrected with that lovely Photoshop job. I guess that would be what racist "looks like." Sheeze.


Well-Known Member

That was pretty funny, but I think the op is talking about racism against white people. I think. I could be wrong. The bears are so far from racist that it's a tough call, but I think the op is taking up for white hillbillies.


Well-Known Member
That was pretty funny, but I think the op is talking about racism against white people. I think. I could be wrong. The bears are so far from racist that it's a tough call, but I think the op is taking up for white hillbillies.

Yah, that's why my first post here I stated that he didn't know the difference between stereotype and caricature, complete with photos comparing Liver Lips McGraw with Mick Jagger. :p

After he refused to state what was "racist" about Country Bears, I decided to have a little bit of fun with him.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad it's getting a refurb. I love this show and have always found the humor in it, which apparently, the OP has not a lick of a sense of humor. Secondly, it did go down for a refurb last week. I made sure I got there the last day it was open before refurb to see it.

Woody's roundup did exist in frontierland in the MK at WDW but it was just a few minute singing/dancing thing on the street that they got rid of at least 2 years ago. The frontierland hoedown took it's place. Country Bears don't need to go anywhere. If you don't like it, just don't go. I'm not a fan of TOT so I don't go.


Well-Known Member
Can't you just go enjoy the Country Bears without bringing race into it? Is everything about race these days? I have always enjoyed it and have no idea how you would sleep through that attraction. If you don't like it move on, there enough other attractions you can visit that you may enjoy. This one is a classic. Hasn't Disney gotten rid of enough classics already, Mr Toad, Skyway, 20,000 leagues, Snow White. Then I was informed that DLR no longer has their Wedway.


Well-Known Member
I loves me some bears! I like 'em just the way they are. :)

Yes, they are a stereotypical portrayal of C&W, perhaps even of Appalachian America. But is it really any more offensive than Canucks in lumberjack shirts, Germans celebrating Oktoberfest, or a Beatles tribute show in the UK?

:eek:o_O:confused: OMG...the Beatles rule and they were imitated not stereotyped.
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