Selfie sticks - is this a thing at WDW yet? Disney clarifies policy

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
I can't wait until they ban cell phones/cameras on rides. This will be more difficult to implement, but the deterrent of telling you not to or face potential discipline might help.

My issues with phones/cameras now are:

1) Excessive flashing
2) Holding up a camera the entire ride, blocking views and generally annoying other guests.
3) Potential safety issue if a camera is dropped or jostled free and hits someone
4) Potential safety issue for people trying to take pictures and hanging out of ride vehicle or stretching their arms out of the vehicle to get shots.

I would not be on board with that. I'd be on board with them actually enforcing no flash policies, etc. I enjoy taking pictures of the rides. I don't use a flash, don't have my LCD screen on, and I'm considerate of those around me when shooting. It's the idiots who flash, or hold up their ipads that are the problem. Just enforce the current policies.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
I would not be on board with that. I'd be on board with them actually enforcing no flash policies, etc. I enjoy taking pictures of the rides. I don't use a flash, don't have my LCD screen on, and I'm considerate of those around me when shooting. It's the idiots who flash, or hold up their ipads that are the problem. Just enforce the current policies.
This is the classic problem with allowing cameras. You get the idiots ruining it for everyone. Unfortunately, you are the exception, not the rule.

Most people have no idea how to turn off the flash and constantly have their bright LCD screen on, ruining the ride for others. Most people aren't careful or respectful of their surroundings, so my solution is to just ban them.

Seriously, it's so bad sometimes. Especially on "shared" rides like Pirates, Small World, and even the Haunted Mansion because it's so dark.


Well-Known Member
Coming up with the rule is one thing. They have a very spotty history of enforcing any of them, so we shall see.

There's been discussion that the ban would be mentioned to guests as soon as security check finds a selfie stick in their bag... so there's a good chance of proactive prevention since most guests won't even make it into the park with one (vs. the previous policy that just trusted guests to determine appropriate use). And since Disney has banned them for safety reasons, I'd like to think security would take the ban seriously.

Either way, it's great news to hear. This has been a long time coming.


New Member
I would agree that this is great news! I had some foreigner who was standing behind me and my girlfriend, put the stick between our heads so he could video the parade. I yelled at him to get it out of my face but he didn't speak English. I had to scream at him multiple times for him to finally stop doing it. I was so close to taking his phone and throwing it. The people all around were laughing because they could see how mad I was getting. Good job Disney on this new policy.


Well-Known Member
Yes! My DGF who has a lot of food allergies was just down 2 weeks ago and said she saw people with decent sized coolers going through the parks. She also has a pretty fun story about seeing someone in line at the security tables with one as well. Basically, the lady was in line at the table with handbags and larger sized cooler and the security guard looked at her and said ma'am, these people on this side have small purses with nothing in them and you have a lot of stuff. I'm going to get them done first and then I'll check your things to not hold up the line. The lady apparently started flipping out and the guard was just like... this was your choice to bring these things to the park.

we use one of these


They work great because it holds a lot but is basically a backpack so its not a huge cooler being dragged around

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Ah... Hopefully Disney starts a trend. I can't believe more people don't get run over by cars and trucks when cowards take "Selfie" pictures in the middle of the streets.

Once, having just parked in a car park, I noticed that the other cars had come to a halt. Why, you may ask? Well, it was because the driver of the car at the front of the queue had stopped so she could take a selfie of her and her friend.

Yes. A selfie. In a multi-storey car park.

*shakes head* Kids these days...


Well-Known Member
If iphones get banned along with IPads. Then what will happen to the "My Disney Experience App" which is helpful for finding various Disney characters around the parks and when they are out?

Who said either of those were going to be banned? That'd be like banning shoes at this point, they're far too ubiquitous for that sort of treatment. Plus the only people really getting bonked in the head are the iPad owners.


Well-Known Member
Stop and think....what in the world did people do before smart phones and go pros and selfie sticks.
My God we actually had to take real photos with actual cameras....and yes....we could take selfies.
We were far less vain
We actually were able to watch the entire ride and immerse ourselves in the experience because we weren't worried about filming or snapping constant photos.
We didn't ruin the rides for anyone else
And we actually had to rely on our memories.....which were far better by the way.

Smart phones are good for somethings....but honestly.....stop taking so many damn pictures and actually enjoy the experience.
I agree, I remember visiting Walt Disney World in 2004 and 2006 and alot of guests we're loving the experience they we're having. During my Senior Trip last month, the majority of guests we're missing the Disney experience due to Selife Sticks and Iphones. The My Disney Experience App doesn't count since it's helpful for finding certain characters in the parks. But still, every guest I saw weren't interested like they we're years ago.


Well-Known Member
If iphones get banned along with IPads. Then what will happen to the "My Disney Experience App" which is helpful for finding various Disney characters around the parks and when they are out?

Iphones are not getting banned as they are the central focus of the my magic plus worries there

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