Selfie sticks - is this a thing at WDW yet? Disney clarifies policy

Chef Kronk

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it's been answered in 53 pages of discussion, but what does this do to people, like @wdwmagic, who might use stabilizers with their smart phones and/or go-pro type device?


Well-Known Member
So an amusing side discussion over this....they were also debating a ban on the flags that tour groups tote around
I'm not sure if it's been answered in 53 pages of discussion, but what does this do to people, like @wdwmagic, who might use stabilizers with their smart phones and/or go-pro type device?

Stabilizers are not selfie sticks, as they do not extend 2+ feet from the body. They are safe.

The policy of what is accepted and what is not will be shaky at first (people arguing that the gopro pole isn't a selfie stick...which it is) and others who will be upset and claim that tripods should be banned as well. Its going to be an interesting summer.


Well-Known Member
Stabilizers are not selfie sticks, as they do not extend 2+ feet from the body. They are safe.
...Its going to be an interesting summer.

Thanks for the answer, I hope that's official policy as I was considering buying one for all of the park visits as well as general travel.

It will be in interesting summer indeed. I wonder how active non-customer service CMs will be in the park (PAC, Attractions, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answer, I hope that's official policy as I was considering buying one for all of the park visits as well as general travel.

It will be in interesting summer indeed. I wonder how active non-customer service CMs will be in the park (PAC, Attractions, etc.)

It's all a matter of necessity. Stabilisers and monopods etc., with no use apart form legitimate photography will most likely be fine, but there is not need for a selfie-stick when part of the Cast Member's job is to take photos of people so they can all be in the same picture, and nobody should be taking a picture of themselves on a ride, so there's literally no case where a selfie-stick is either needed or acceptable.


Well-Known Member there's literally no case where a selfie-stick is either needed or acceptable.

Well there aren't usually a lot of CMs in the Hub ready to take pics of people in front of the castle. Photopass is further down Main Street, but the closer you get to the castle the less CMs there usually are outside of PAC

Edit: I'm 100% for getting rid of selfie sticks, it's just that there isn't always a CM where you want your group photo taken. As a guest, I almost always offer to take a group pic when I see a dad or mom outside of a family photo, but that isn't the case for everyone who needs to go, go, go when they're in the parks


Well-Known Member
Well there aren't usually a lot of CMs in the Hub ready to take pics of people in front of the castle. Photopass is further down Main Street, but the closer you get to the castle the less CMs there usually are outside of PAC

Edit: I'm 100% for getting rid of selfie sticks, it's just that there isn't always a CM where you want your group photo taken. As a guest, I almost always offer to take a group pic when I see a dad or mom outside of a family photo, but that isn't the case for everyone who needs to go, go, go when they're in the parks

There are usually at least 3 CMs in the hub all lined up to take pics of guests. I say USUALLY because sometimes there is only 1.


Well-Known Member
Me, going through Spaceship Earth on my last trip; it says clearly NO FLASH PICTURES as you get on, but nooo the guy behind me, every two seconds, flashbulb. It drove me crazy! Same thing on Pirates

When that happens, go to a CM at the end of the ride and say that you were trying to enjoy the ride and someone kept taking flash photos. They usually will let you go again.
I had a friend who I took to WDW and it was her first time on Pirates. The flash photos were horrible so I talked to the CM at the end of the ride. She not only let us go again, but we had the entire boat to ourselves and she waited a bit before launching the next boat so we basically had the entire ride to ourselves. And I'll tell you what.........that made it SO MUCH better.


Well-Known Member
Stop and think....what in the world did people do before smart phones and go pros and selfie sticks.
My God we actually had to take real photos with actual cameras....and yes....we could take selfies.
We were far less vain
We actually were able to watch the entire ride and immerse ourselves in the experience because we weren't worried about filming or snapping constant photos.
We didn't ruin the rides for anyone else
And we actually had to rely on our memories.....which were far better by the way.

Smart phones are good for somethings....but honestly.....stop taking so many damn pictures and actually enjoy the experience.


Well-Known Member
To be clear, the problem isn't with the selfie-stick. It's about mutual respect among guests. The selfie-stick is just one of the tools that the disrespectful carry in their arsenal. Other tools they use include flashes on dark rides, line-cutting, and linking arm-in-arm while chanting.

Speaking for myself, someone who tries to be considerate of fellow guests, I don't carry a selfie-stick; I think they are silly. I do carry a monopod, which I suppose could be used in a disrespectful manner. But I make a point of keeping my photography equipment as much in my personal space as possible so as not to hit anyone or distract from their enjoyment of a ride or show.

I also occasionally carry a tripod, but will only use it if the crowd levels are low enough that I can have space for it without invading others' space. If it's crowded, then I keep it put away.

Again, the problem isn't the selfie-stick. It's how it's used. The problem with the selfie-stick in particular, however, is that there's no practical way to use it as it is intended without extending it out where it becomes a nuisance.

Note that balloons, strollers, and lightsabers built by young Padawans at Tatooine Traders are also items that extend beyond arms length and can be used in ways to hinder someone's enjoyment of the park. These are not likely to be banned anytime soon.


Oh.. I see there was discussion about "if I hand my phone to someone to take our picture they will run away with it...". So you worry about someone running away with your $X00.00 phone, but you have no problem putting it on a stick and hanging it out to get smacked and busted up? Makes complete sense. Not to mention most of the people in the park are with others in a group, is the whole group going to run away? See where I am going with this?

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