Well-Known Member
...I have been injured badly twice by people on scooters, but to say that handicapped people should just stay home is wrong.
You laid out a pretty compelling case. Nobody wants handicapped people banned tho. I think the consensus is some want the dangerous hard vehicles they happen to drive, banned from sidewalks jammed to the gills with squishy pedestrians. Just those format of vehicle. Not ALL vehicles. Wouldn't be rocket science to tweak the current scooter to be safer. Soft bumpers. Heck, soft front end all around so when a driver rams you, you have a nice place to fall. Front facing sensors linked to extremely effective auto brakes. Or cheapest solution would be a high rise bumper that hits victims in the groin or butt (thus just pushing them) and not in the ankle, snapping it, or knocking you over. There! Everybody wins. Much safer vehicles on sidewalks doing much less damage to those they plow into.
Hmm,, that high rise safety bumper actually could make money. Maybe I'll be rich soon.
Or put everybody in a vehicle. Vehicles and vehicles mix. People and people mix. People and vehicles don't mix.