Scammers in the parks


Well-Known Member
I am the same way, it is the small things like this that build up and make me mad
Yeah I mean to me there's like a "Disney etiquette" or something and people should seriously get their heads out of their own butts and start realizing there are other people around them and it's not "all about them".


New Member
One of this things I most miss about being a CM is calling out people who pull crap like (all of the above. Especially you, @TLtron, I hope that wasn't too traumatic.)
Just remember, folks, if you get cut off in line by a CM merging the FP and SB lines, BE NICE. I promise you have a much better chance of getting on faster if you're not rude.
Also, if you're getting on the PeopleMover and the CM asks how many in the party, tell them a number. Not "69, huhuhuh", not a number not including children, not "we have two, and then two more are coming up the ramp right now". I assure you, I have heard all of these multiple times.
Also, don't try to exit CoP while it's running.
Also, I know Stitch is terrible. I'm sorry.
Also, no, I don't get to decide if you're "That Guy" in Monsters Inc.
Also, don't put the chips in Astro Orbiter in your mouth.
Also, don't stop the line to take pictures in front of Buzz in the Space Ranger Spin queue.
Also, don't hit the characters. Don't kiss the princesses. Don't ask Beast if it's "hot in there".

Guys, I feel so much better getting that all off my chest.

so it is possible to kiss the princesses? i had not thought about that. i may join my daughters in the meet and greet lines :) (j/k)


New Member
just go back from WDW and several times during our days in park we felt like we were the only ones speaking English. i cant imagine working there and having to deal with real language barriers everyday. but i also would not like dealing with the scammers. and we felt like we noticed a change this trip compared to others in that several times CM's seemed un-disney like. very rigid in what was going to happen. but compared to the other few places my family visits, Disney is head and shoulders over everyone else for customer satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
Last December, while at the MVMCP, I had arrived early on main street to try and get a decent place to view the parade. To my disgust, right in front of Casey's some people had spread out a blanket by the curb and anchored it at each end with strollers to save their place. Of course, those "saving" that spot were nowhere around. I was so tempted to alert security that there were abandoned strollers and I feared they might pose some sort of risk to others. IMHO, those who leave strollers unattended should have them searched and confiscated in the same manner as, say, an unattended bag left on a bench. I wound up behind two women who had brought in their own folding chairs (cup holders and all). To my joy, a CM came along and informed them they could not have their own chairs and they had to be removed by parade time. How in the heck did they get in the park with those in the first place..???
Years ago I sat down on the curb in front of a stroller left there (clearly for saving the spot). The woman returned and lit into me informing me that I was in HER spot!......give me a break!
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Well-Known Member
The worst offenders are the S. Americans. Most of the line-cutters who suddenly don't speak English that many of you are referring to are speakers of Portuguese who I can tell you for a fact do understand and speak English perfectly fine. A few years ago we had a group try to line cut on us and pull the no speak English thing. I laid into them in their language and not only were they shocked (and said in almost disbelief "you speak Portuguese?!) but they stopped and left the line LOL!
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Premium Member
Ok, Honest question.. because I don't want to become one of the people that this thread is about.

My family really wants to try the Kitchen Sink at Beaches and Cream. There is 6 people in our party but I can only get a table for 4 during our trip. How horrible is it if we show up with two extra people? We are only ordering 1 thing and since we're all little people we could all fit in a booth together. is it bad? Or what if four stay and eat inside while 2 get "to go bowls" and eat outside? :oops: This is weighing on me and not sure what to do. I have been and will keep checking to try to get a reservation for 6.
The booths at Beaches and Cream are tight and won't accommodate 6 adults (even tiny ones.) There is no guarantee a party of 4 would get a booth either, as there are more tables than booths. Unfortunately if you show up with 6 with an ADR for 4, two guests in the party will be turned away. This is a safety measure as fire codes only allow a certain number of guests inside an establishment, and B&C is a small restaurant.

I am not sure if you can get "to go" bowls from a kitchen sink on the table service side. You can get a mini kitchen sink from the take-out side though.
A few years ago in Epcot guest relations I overheard a man trying to get his family's Les Chefs de France meal comped because the Remy "living character" was no longer appearing at the restaurant. He claimed he had booked a character dining meal. I don't think Remy was ever guaranteed to appear or was ever advertised as character dining.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago in Epcot guest relations I overheard a man trying to get his family's Les Chefs de France meal comped because the Remy "living character" was no longer appearing at the restaurant. He claimed he had booked a character dining meal. I don't think Remy was ever guaranteed to appear or was ever advertised as character dining.
It wasn't.


Well-Known Member
We have a saying, "go wide".

A couple of months ago I was in the single riders line for Test Track. There was a lady that was working her way up through the line. She had made it to the point where she was behind me, and I was preparing myself to stop her. But then I heard from a guy behind me telling this lady "wait a minute - you were behind me". She laughed and said that it's not really a line, and a lot of shuffling takes place. He thought about it for a minute, then said "But you were BEHIND me!" She got the hint, moved behind him, and stayed there for the rest of the queue.


Horror Movie Guru
I can assure you this happens everywhere and not just at WDW. I work in retail and people try stuff like this on all the time like taking expensive stuff off the shelf and taking it to customer service for a refund and claim they lost the receipt and stuff like that. Sad times we live in unfortunately.

That's what we call flat out fraud.


Took the family to Disneyland two years ago - and the line jumping (in all forms) was far worse than anything I have experienced at WDW. We go to WDW about every 2.5 years and I've seen the occasional "I am meeting family up ahead". DL had teens jumping in the middle of lines from outside the queue. It was worst at DCA. I asked a couple of CMs about it and pointed out a couple of groups that line jumped to no avail. The CMs really didn't seem to care at all about line jumpers. So, after the first couple of days I just quit let it bother me.


Active Member
Ok, Honest question.. because I don't want to become one of the people that this thread is about.

My family really wants to try the Kitchen Sink at Beaches and Cream. There is 6 people in our party but I can only get a table for 4 during our trip. How horrible is it if we show up with two extra people? We are only ordering 1 thing and since we're all little people we could all fit in a booth together. is it bad? Or what if four stay and eat inside while 2 get "to go bowls" and eat outside? :oops: This is weighing on me and not sure what to do. I have been and will keep checking to try to get a reservation for 6.

This happened to me, 4 people at the table and my buddy and I sat at the counter. Not the best scenario but it made due.

Princess Kaylee

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You can't forget the person in front of you who has their family of 40 jump in right before they get to a character and take an individual picture with every single person and by the time it's your turn the character has to go in for a break.

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