Save the Adventurers Club


Well-Known Member
WHy don't we just lock up this thread?
There's nothing but arguing going on anyway.
There hasn't been and credible information in months..maybe longer.
We can start a new thread when the AC re-opens.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming, then, that you have complete access to each location's financials. :rolleyes:

But I would hope at the very least that you're smart enough not to take TDO's word for it.

Yes. It's all a conspiracy. TDO does nothing but lie. Especially when investors and stock holders are involved.

for 15 years ??

Where did I say 15 years? You can't base this off 15 years. Did Circuit City make a profit for fifteen years? Not for the last few. Oops. They're out of business. You guys keep looking at things in a very skewed vision. I'm just trying to get you to look at the bigger picture.

Towards the end, and it's well documented, AC was more of a hang out for a select few that still liked it, and cast members. You're not going to make money on that kind of attendance. It was the same way for much of PI. It was financially better to shutter the whole thing and start from scratch again.


Well-Known Member
WHy don't we just lock up this thread?
There's nothing but arguing going on anyway.
There hasn't been and credible information in months..maybe longer.
We can start a new thread when the AC re-opens.

New thread idea:




Well-Known Member
Yes. It's all a conspiracy. TDO does nothing but lie. Especially when investors and stock holders are involved.


You completely miss the point, and just solidified my assumption that you know nothing about how big business works.


Me thinks it's YOU who should be careful not to overdose on the pixie dust.

Did Knee

Active Member
You are correct. Working in management at a Fortune 500 insurance company makes me clueless.

Well, your business experience hasn't taught yuou to have empathy for the feelings of others. Thumper said "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". This axiom is my reason that I stay out of threads championed by those who have strong emotional attachments to points of view opposite my own. There are a million reasons that the AC may be a lost cause. I AGREE with you that is true. But to come in here and argue with the people that have a strong attachment to the place, just because you don't feel the same way, shows a sort of callousness and a need to argue. Let us have our corner to reminisce and hope. Really doesn't hurt anything. :shrug:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Well, your business experience hasn't taught yuou to have empathy for the feelings of others. Thumper said "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". This axiom is my reason that I stay out of threads championed by those who have strong emotional attachments to points of view opposite my own. There are a million reasons that the AC may be a lost cause. I AGREE with you that is true. But to come in here and argue with the people that have a strong attachment to the place, just because you don't feel the same way, shows a sort of callousness and a need to argue. Let us have our corner to reminisce and hope. Really doesn't hurt anything. :shrug:

It could leave a dearth of pixie dust available for others though.....:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
If big business followed Thumper's little saying (and I wish they did sometimes), it'd be a much nicer place to be! :D

I am not attempting to be calous, or "antagonistic." I am merely stating that this thread has been going on for almost three plus years, and it seems to filled with assumptions, falsehoods, and hopes (which I admire, as I one day hope to see a Horizons back at EPCOT - although I know it'll never happen), which are taking mythical pieces of information, transforming them into fact, in hopes that the reality of AC coming back is actually happening. It isn't. I'm sorry, but it isn't, and it was never in the plans to re-imagine it.

At this point, I'd rather see a "Remember the Adventurer's Club" thread than pining for it being brought back.

My first remark of people being "delusional" was a bit strong, and I apologize. From there on out, I have tried presenting facts, and have only been told I'm "antagonistic" and I have no idea how big business is run. True marks of people that are not willing to except fact, and instead turn it into a confrontation of name calling.

My entire presence in this thread was to point out that there are certainly better things to be discussing about Disney than a club that as been shuttered as long as it has been, and hoping that some Disney Exec is reading this thread and will "see the light." AC was not making money anymore, nor was PI. It was also a security issue with gangs, crime, etc., and it was best to just close it down, and reimagineer it. That's part of the Disney way.

I have lots of issues with what they've done to the parks, and rides they've closed. But to dwell on it, is rather silly. I loved PI (although ACE was probably my least fave), and miss it. It was something I never thought I'd see Disney jump into, an adult only entertainment center (which sounds more risque than it is :lol: ).

Anyway, go about your business. Move along, nothing to see here. Except nice arbor vitae bushes :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
You are correct. Working in management at a Fortune 500 insurance company makes me clueless.

So do you blindly believe everything you're told by your management? Do you not believe that they ever massage information to be able to present it in a favorable light they'd like to cast?

If so... Care to come work for me? I could use a few more blindly trusting folks like you in my fold. :D


Well-Known Member
AC was not making money anymore, nor was PI. It was also a security issue with gangs, crime, etc., and it was best to just close it down, and reimagineer it.

You, PERSONALLY, have no idea this was actually the case. Zero. This is what you heard, and what you were told, and you believe it.

I merely state that it's possible that it's NOT true.

Anyway... I liked the club, but I haven't been beating the drum in this thread for years... In fact, I really never even check in on this thread. I just poked my head in to see what was going on, and got talking about how I never believe what people tell me to believe. I need proof. And without proof, there is only suggestion.

What can I say... I'm from the "Show Me" state.

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
GAH, AC was one of the underperforming clubs! The entire PI complex was underperforming!!!

Towards the end, and it's well documented, AC was more of a hang out for a select few that still liked it, and cast members. You're not going to make money on that kind of attendance. It was the same way for much of PI.

Hmm. . .That is not how I remember the last days of Pleasure Island, or the popularity of the Adventurers Club at all. I seem to remember it looking more like this:







Of course this was because for the first time in years Disney gave people a reason to go to Pleasure Island, (though I'm sure we all would have prefered the reason to have been a reintroduction of the turnstiles and New Years Eve every night instead of closing). Also, this was after Disney took away the free admission to cast members (I remember some of my friends having to buy their tickets instead of using their ID's, thankefully I had an annual pass). But, this is what the last months of Pleasure Island truely looked like.

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



Well-Known Member
Profitable enough is determined by those who work for the organization who are in positions of responsibility. Profitable enough is not determined by those of us on message boards who wish the club would open back up. are all MBAs infallible gods, or just the ones that work for Disney?

I've known hundreds of PI fans...and there are many I'd trust to run a business over the career-oriented execs who closed the Island without even doing basic background research into the Orlando market. Even one or two who post on message boards.

Back to the issue of profitability--with the possible exception of Bippity Boppity Botique, I cannot imagine a space the size of 8-Traxx making as much money as 8-Traxx did. Have to trust me on this one, but I've heard the numbers.

I once worked for a company that made a $12,000,000 profit one year.
The very next year the profit was only $9,000,000. They closed the place. Apparently it wasn't "Profitable enough" that year.

Presumably to use the resources for something else profitable. TDO has not done this.

And we aren't even getting into questions of "show" with this Econ 101 focus on "profit." Or the fact that pride (or CYAism) often trumps sound business sense.


Le Meh
Premium Member are all MBAs infallible gods, or just the ones that work for Disney?

I've known hundreds of PI fans...and there are many I'd trust to run a business over the career-oriented execs who closed the Island without even doing basic background research into the Orlando market. Even one or two who post on message boards.

And you know this how?

Further, you could know each and every PI fan in the world, and they could all be execs for Fortune 500 companies, but if none of them work for Disney in a capacity that is responsible for making business decisions about acceptable profit levels at PI, then the point is moot.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Someone was arrested in a bathroom with a loaded gun, there was a robbery, cars have been broken into, and teens still hang out outside AMC all since PI was closed. That crime, gangs, etc line is complete B.S. DTD had and continues to have police presence because people are idiots and bad things happen. PI was not the cause of these things.

And TDO DID lie, they told people there were surveys indicating people wanted more restaurants. There were no surveys, that was a lie as told to a CM by Barry Carlson, who after saying "come back in 2 years and see me, this place will be so much better" took the buyout and left the company. Oh and he had never stepped foot in any of the clubs during operation either.

There was a change in management and that change prompted several things to be eliminated from PI until they could justify closing it even though it was still profitable. When you kill the main marketing tagline about having New Years every night, ungate the island, cut entertainment, what do you expect? Poor, greedy management lead to PI's demise, not its popularity.

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