It has been announced that as of January 2009 Goofy’s Liberate Your Appetite Character Dinner will no longer be offered at Liberty Tree Tavern. Not only are they removing the characters but Dinner will remain the same including PRICE! This is not acceptible. This is once again lowering the Overall Guest Experiance by presenting a lessened experiance to guest without any adjustments made to price. I know alot of people at Liberty Tree who this will effect and I am not happy about it. I have made a petition in hopes to stop this from happening. Please, PLEASE, sign it. Every voice counts. This is a popular experiance that can be saved!!!! PLEASE HELP SAVE IT! This is the first time I have ever felt this strongly about a particular subject. This means alot to me, the Cast Members at Liberty Tree, and the characters. Not only is this a popular place for guest to visit but also the Characters really love being there as well. Please help make a Difference.
You can find the petition at this link: Please send this to as many friends as possible! Also feel free to post this pitition in other Disney Forums as well as any other online comunnity you are apart of!