Rumors from abroad


Wow...this could be one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. I know Epcot needs some more family attractions, but I don't think UoE should have to sacrifice its purpose to get one. Sure, Monster's Inc. has to do with energy, but it is completely fictional energy. Please enlighten me on why this is a "perfect tie-in" because don't see how kids screaming and laughing has to do with fossil fuels and the fuels of the future. UoE was supposed to show us where our power comes from, not where monsters get theirs. I know that this would be great for the kiddies, but Disney has pretty much destroyed Future World's purpose already, and now with WoL most likely going down The Land and UoE are the only Pavillions left w/ their original message in place. I don't see the benefit of messing this up. I could understand adding the MI ride onto the existing pavillion as a side show, but I don't think it is an appropriate replacement for UoE.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me. I know alot of people consider it a classic Epcot attraction, but I can't stand it. I could see if they shortened the film to 7 minutes, then proceeded to the dinosaurs, then exit. A 15 minutes UOE would be great, but 45 minutes is way too long. I miss Horizons, I love SSE, but UOE either needs to be retooled, or ripped down and replaced.


Active Member

I love UoE, its been my favorite EPCOT attraction since I was a little kid, loooong before Ellen. What's wrong with a 45 minute ride anyway? I always thought it was very engaging. The "birth of the universe" sequence always leaves me with a dropped jaw.

The problem with a Monster's Inc. ride, is that its not really educational. Maybe have Mike, Sulley, et al searching for energy sources (both traditional and alternative), but I don't see how that can work within the "operating rules" of the Monsters Inc. Universe (children's emotional outbursts provide power). I think the educational value will be pretty limited.


Well-Known Member
I've recently come to terms with the fact that the general public seems to want more character attractions in the parks.
I'm OK with it now.

What is bothering me is does every new attraction really need to be a Pixar attraction?
Doesn't Disney have any characters they can use?

Give it time folks I'm sure in 5 years we will be riding:
"Soarin' with Mr. Incredible"
"BuzzLight Year's Mission Space"


Well-Known Member
jrriddle said:
I've recently come to terms with the fact that the general public seems to want more character attractions in the parks.
I'm OK with it now.

What is bothering me is does every new attraction really need to be a Pixar attraction?
Doesn't Disney have any characters they can use?

Give it time folks I'm sure in 5 years we will be riding:
"Soarin' with Mr. Incredible"
"BuzzLight Year's Mission Space"

No, obviously they don't b/c the one they do have (ahem, Stitch) they have been advertising up the ying yang! So they have to rely on Pixar characters now b/c that is what is hot. (Seriously, besides Lilo and Stitch can anyone name 1 recent movie that wasn't Pixar related that was even remotely as successful???)

Back to the topic:
I can see both points of view on this one. I absolutely love the idea of changing UOE's ride into a Monster's Inc. ride and I really think that it would help make FW (Ok, possibly all of Epcot) a little more kid-friendly.

However, I can also see the side that believes that taking out this attraction to put in an attraction based on "false" forms of energy would take the educational part out of Epcot. (Although truthfully, how educational have they been making Epcot recently? It seems to me, that they are trying to take the education out in order to make it more like a "normal" theme park. Anyone disagree?)

Either way, if they left UOE or changed it to Monster's Inc. or anything else, I would probably be happy.


New Member
I say as Darth Vader says: Nooooooooooooooooooo!

Yes, Universe of Energy needs a rehab. Mainly due to the new forms of energy production found in the past decade but I completly hate the idea of any Movie or Franchise tie-in. (well ok, Jeapordy was good but no Disney character could be able to do the same).

So that is why I say monsters is a big no-no. I rather see a Monster's Inc. Darkride in Fantasyland or DisneyMGM studios.

Hey, does Disney MGM Studios even have a Pixar based attraction?


Well-Known Member
wow...I LOVE this Rumour. Bring it on!

Universe of Energy has already been tied-in to a lot of things (Jeopardy, Ellen, and Bill 20th century..), Monsters Inc. would be a perfect tie-in and would keep the nemo-ized Living Seas company.

This would be PERFECT! it would certainly not be as out of place as building a Monsters Inc. dark ride in Fantasyland. The movie itself is a bit energy related this is awesome!!!


New Member
I think Monsters, Inc. could be brought into re-theming without them bringing Monsters, Inc. science. It's not like we really think Ellen is on Jeopardy! with Jamie Lee Curtis and that she's really travelled back in time.

Anyway, my DH, who is a chemist, thinks it's a pretty cartoonish variety of science anyway. Does it still have the footage of the Exxon Valdez in the movie?


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
Wow...this could be one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. I know Epcot needs some more family attractions, but I don't think UoE should have to sacrifice its purpose to get one. Sure, Monster's Inc. has to do with energy, but it is completely fictional energy. Please enlighten me on why this is a "perfect tie-in" because don't see how kids screaming and laughing has to do with fossil fuels and the fuels of the future. UoE was supposed to show us where our power comes from, not where monsters get theirs. I know that this would be great for the kiddies, but Disney has pretty much destroyed Future World's purpose already, and now with WoL most likely going down The Land and UoE are the only Pavillions left w/ their original message in place. I don't see the benefit of messing this up. I

Here Here. I think all of the arguments about family-friendly attractions are correct, but this sounds simply trite and stupid to me. I see a giant Tiki Room UNM or JIIw/F happening again. I think this ride sounds great. I would love to see the MI characters do something with the screams and laughter (this actually sounds like a GREAT tie into MGM to show how sound effects are made... in a humourous way), but I think this would be very ill placed in Future World. I would much rather see UoE become a roller coaster or something else along those lines than this blatant marketing tie in IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Epcot82Guy said:
I would love to see the MI characters do something with the screams and laughter (this actually sounds like a GREAT tie into MGM to show how sound effects are made... in a humourous way),

Actually that sounds like a great replacement for Sounds Dangerous (which I do like, BTW. But I am in the minority, I know).

Unfortunately Epcot Center is dead and so is it's message. I would rather see a Monsters Inc attraction than nothing there at all, I guess. It's a shame that the average attention span can't sustain a 45 minute attraction anymore. But the ride layout of UoE is almost too good to just throw away. It's a true one of a kind.


Well-Known Member
Someone on MiceChat came up with a new good Epcot acronymn...

Evil Pixar Crap of Tomorrow

Yeah, that sums up my ideas of this new ride.


Well-Known Member
You people are way too narrow minded. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the Universe of Energy needs something big and new to happen to it and that EPCOT needs more kid-friendly attractions. having Monsters Inc.'s plot of having screams and laughter be used for a source of energy; it would be ridiculous to not even explore the possibilities of a tie-in between the two.

you can tell them to put it in MK sure, but it would NOT fit in MK with all the movie's industrialized look and feel, it would certainly not fit with the renaissance fair look of MK's fantasyland.

you can say add it to MGM and give it a sort of "Sounds Dangerous" twist where it would have something to do with sound effects but... Monsters Inc. has NOTHING to do with Sound Effects! you'd just be stretching it too far. (Although there are many other ways you could tie in Monsters Inc. to MGM...)

EPCOT changes, Pixar is Disney's only supply of currently popular movies, deal with it.


New Member
I believe it is a good tie in, because kids can relate to MI and they relate to what the screaming and laughter did...produced energy. Mike and Sully could lead in with their movie energy and then turn to our real life energy. The characters just replace the main act! The remaining or reworked movie/dinosaurs etc could be much the same!


New Member
Testtrack321 said:
Someone on MiceChat came up with a new good Epcot acronymn...

Evil Pixar Crap of Tomorrow

Yeah, that sums up my ideas of this new ride.

Uhhhh, The Living Seas is the only place that Pixar has been tied into all of Epcot. People are blowing one attraction (that is largely successful) out of proportion.

dxwwf3 said:
Unfortunately Epcot Center is dead and so is it's message.

The EPCOT Center message died when Walt did. The original EPCOT Ccenter's message and the current Epcot's message are two TOTALLY different subjects.

Epcot82Guy said:
I think all of the arguments about family-friendly attractions are correct... I would much rather see UoE become a roller coaster or something else along those lines than this blatant marketing tie in IMHO.

Either you didn't realize you said those two things together, or I'm not following you.

jrriddle said:
What is bothering me is does every new attraction really need to be a Pixar attraction?

Every new attraction is NOT based on PIXAR creations. The Finding Nemo overlay is practically brand new, and Buzz Lightyear is pretty old. The main reason that Disney is in a PIXAR rut is becasue the movies are popular and sell. What people fail to see is that Disney Imagineering is doing a great job of making great rides and attractions based off these movies that are also popular and sell. Who doesn't like Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin? Turtle Talk with Crush is also a great innovation from WDI.

CoffeeJedi said:
The problem with a Monster's Inc. ride, is that its not really educational. Maybe have Mike, Sulley, et al searching for energy sources (both traditional and alternative), but I don't see how that can work within the "operating rules" of the Monsters Inc. Universe (children's emotional outbursts provide power). I think the educational value will be pretty limited.

I think that they could have Mike and Sully come to the human world and realize the insufficiencies of our energy sources (which would lead to educational talks on coal, naural gas, oil, solar power, et al) and then have a brief introduction into scream and laughter power. Almost like an infomercial. Only less tacky.

Okay, well. Sorry for the rant. I had a lot of opinion.

I tried to keep everything I said non-hostile. But the internet is a confusing place and things that sounded fine in my head may sound confrontational to and/or snide to others. It isn't that way.

*wipes sweat off brow* :)


Well-Known Member
I should have been more clear on that. I apologize. I meant I understand and agree with the argument about having family-friendly attractions. However, I think Epcot will never really be a "family friendly" place, so why not embrace the older crowd and cater to it.

The roller coaster comment was my own personal opinion that even this would be better than a tie-in that tries too hard and imports characters unnecessarily. If they could do an original ride that is family friendly and brings the message of energy, I would be absolutely all for it. Even if they had a character set that talked about how energy is REALLY gathered and used, that could work, too. Having said that, this is all very speculative because the "screams" or "laughter" angle came up here. However, I just agree that Epcot is the one park founded in reality and actual human accomplishment and understanding. This angle seems only appropriate for Imagination. To think there are no concepts to present something educational in a fun and entertaining way without, IMHO, unnecessarily relying on characters is very sad. I think the current version does a pretty good job of this, although it needs some sort of larger draw for the amount of time it takes.

Disney is just a very different place today. The people of America are a very different group today. Not sure which this decision would reflect more on, but I just think it shows a downgrade either way. And please don't bring up the "Disney purist" argument that I was there for the original or anything. I went to Disney for the first time in 1988 at the ripe old age of 6. Even then, EPCOT Center was my favorite b/c of the sheer grandeur. Yes, I felt that as a very young chid. So, I am living proof that saying EPCOT was boring for young children cannot be absolutely true.

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