Rumors Clarified

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Sadamxalp said:
yes they are. there buliding Monsters Inc the ride in the old superstar limo building. it isnt JUST getting the overlay but its getting the ride. dont try to be a smart alic.

No. The ride system is not changing AT ALL. It will be the exact same ride, just different displays.


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Lee said:
Top on my list of people not to believe regarding rumors: Tour Guides.

I remember taking Backstage Magic a couple years ago, and was telling folks around the lunch table that Food Rocks was going to close to make room for Soarin. The tour guide had no clue, and actually went to make some calls to try to disprove my story.

Didn't work, obviously. :cool:

So, Lee, you are saying none of these are true? That is proof enough for me.


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peter11435 said:
Lets not debate semantics.

Semantics? Thats not semantics. My original reply stated the exact same thing as I last posted, and Sadamxalp just told me I was wrong. I'm not. It is an overlay, nothing more. Thats why the guide that gave this information was not telling the truth, because there is no Superstar Limo to put an overlay on at WDW.

Blink Me

SirGoofy said:
I would also like to see The Alice in Wonderland Maze from DLP come to this spot. Another cool attarction could be a Robin Hood darkride. i think Robin Hood is an extremely underused Disney movie, and it could be a great dark ride.

The alice in wonderland maze is good, but it is frustrating for people when they get lost in the maze! And i completely agree that they should make a robin hood dark ride. Thats my favourite movie! I'm surprised they haven't made a Jungle Book one either.


New Member
ok i just gotta say sumthin. to everyone who has somethin negative to say about people's posts on rumors. it is fun to believe although it is most likely false. people are here to talk about rumors, not argue. if you dont like rumors and just wanna bash them, keep ur opinion to urself and not put people down. o love to here all these rumprs and when i do reply, i always say something positve whether i believe the rumpr or not. now im not saying oh you should be like me, but what i am saying is just keep ur opinion to urself so u dont make ppl feel like an idiot. if u put ppl down, they are gonna block u so there is no point in posting at all. as for this rumor, i would love to see things like this. whether or not it will happen, thats up to disney, not the cm or u any of you negative people.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Semantics? Thats not semantics. My original reply stated the exact same thing as I last posted, and Sadamxalp just told me I was wrong. I'm not. It is an overlay, nothing more. Thats why the guide that gave this information was not telling the truth, because there is no Superstar Limo to put an overlay on at WDW.
Wow, that comment seems extremely closed minded. The fact is, new ride system or not they are putting a Monsters INC. ride in DCA. They could also build this same ride at the MK. Look at Buzz. In WDW it was simply an overlay of an existing attraction. However that did not stop them from cloning an entirely new one in DL. And for the record your questioning of the definition of what is and is not a new ride is most certainly semantics.


New Member
PeterPan1031 said:
does anyone have a link of what the monsters INC ride is?

Here is a quick summary (taken from 5/07 article):

The Monsters attraction, based on the film, "Monsters, Inc.," will take over the building that housed the much-maligned Superstar Limo. According to Imagineer Kevin Rafferty, it will use the same ride system and incorporate forty animatronic figures to immerse guests in the story of Boo, a child intruder in the Monster world, and Mike and Sulley's attempts to protect her from the nefarious Child Detection Agency. Rafferty says a re-telling of the film's door vault scene will be a highlight and that the attraction will be in the mold of "classic Disney dark rides."


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peter11435 said:
Wow, that comment seems extremely closed minded. The fact is, new ride system or not they are putting a Monsters INC. ride in DCA. They could also build this same ride at the MK. Look at Buzz. In WDW it was simply an overlay of an existing attraction. However that did not stop them from cloning an entirely new one in DL. And for the record your questioning of the definition of what is and is not a new ride is most certainly semantics.

Where exactly did I question whether or not it was a new attraction? I didn't. I would agree that it is a NEW experience. All I am saying is that there is no ride for the overlay to go into, it is being placed in a ride that is already existing. The ride system isn't being built from the ground up, now is it? Therefore it was a lie. That is all I've said about it. And they would not build a ride based on Monsters Inc, from the ground up, on the Superstar Limo ride system. They would do it in a new style, like they did with Buzz at the DLR. The OP said that they would be
It also will probably be a copy from the ride they are building in Disneyland.

That is what I argued, and you cannot tell me that
1) They are building a ride. They aren't. They are overlaying an attraction, just like they do with HMH.
2) They would bring the ride over as a copy.

Here's what I've said:

Thats strange, because they aren't building ANY Monsters Inc ride. They are overlaying the old Superstar Limo ride with a Monsters Inc theme. So, according to the CM, we are getting some Monsters Inc theming without a ride to go with it?

Are they building a ride? No. Did I say it wasn't a different experience now? No. All I said was there is no ride for the overlay to go into in WDW.

No. The ride system is not changing AT ALL. It will be the exact same ride, just different displays.

Again, it IS the exact same ride, with different displays, and there STILL isn't a building to put this overlay into.

And I repeated the same thing for a third time.

It is an overlay, nothing more. Thats why the guide that gave this information was not telling the truth, because there is no Superstar Limo to put an overlay on at WDW.

Edit: I'm not saying I wouldn't welcome a new ride, one based on Monsters Inc. However, I am saying that the guide lied to the OP, because the facts just do not add up.

To the OP: You don't have to apologize for posting the rumors. But you do have to realize that:
1) CMs don't know whats going on
2) CMs will lie and act like they do
3) A lot of people on these boards (not me included) know more about what is going on than CMs
4) If you post rumors, people are going to comment on them


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Where exactly did I question whether or not it was a new attraction? I didn't. I would agree that it is a NEW experience. All I am saying is that there is no ride for the overlay to go into, it is being placed in a ride that is already existing. The ride system isn't being built from the ground up, now is it? Therefore it was a lie. That is all I've said about it. And they would not build a ride based on Monsters Inc, from the ground up, on the Superstar Limo ride system. They would do it in a new style, like they did with Buzz at the DLR. The OP said that they would be

That is what I argued, and you cannot tell me that
1) They are building a ride. They aren't. They are overlaying an attraction, just like they do with HMH.
2) They would bring the ride over as a copy.

Here's what I've said:

Thats strange, because they aren't building ANY Monsters Inc ride. They are overlaying the old Superstar Limo ride with a Monsters Inc theme. So, according to the CM, we are getting some Monsters Inc theming without a ride to go with it?

Are they building a ride? No. Did I say it wasn't a different experience now? No. All I said was there is no ride for the overlay to go into in WDW.

No. The ride system is not changing AT ALL. It will be the exact same ride, just different displays.

Again, it IS the exact same ride, with different displays, and there STILL isn't a building to put this overlay into.

And I repeated the same thing for a third time.

It is an overlay, nothing more. Thats why the guide that gave this information was not telling the truth, because there is no Superstar Limo to put an overlay on at WDW.

Edit: I'm not saying I wouldn't welcome a new ride, one based on Monsters Inc. However, I am saying that the guide lied to the OP, because the facts just do not add up.

To the OP: You don't have to apologize for posting the rumors. But you do have to realize that:
1) CMs don't know whats going on
2) CMs will lie and act like they do
3) A lot of people on these boards (not me included) know more about what is going on than CMs
4) If you post rumors, people are going to comment on them
Wow. Just so you know Buzz in DL uses the exact same type of ride system as that of WDW. They made some minor modifications to the guns but the system is still the same. You are really just being a pain about this. Comparing the new Monsters attraction to HMH is way off base. This will not be Superstar Limo with Monsters mixed in like the HMH is the Haunted Mansion with NMBC mixed in. This will be an entirely new experience except for the use of an existing ride system.


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peter11435 said:
Wow. Just so you know Buzz in DL uses the exact same type of ride system as that of WDW. They made some minor modifications to the guns but the system is still the same. You are really just being a pain about this. Comparing the new Monsters attraction to HMH is way off base. This will not be Superstar Limo with Monsters mixed in like the HMH is the Haunted Mansion with NMBC mixed in. This will be an entirely new experience except for the use of an existing ride system.

Yes, their Buzz is the same ride system. Yes, it is modified (improved greatly). The ride itself is different. Why is this? Because they would not copy the limitations of the original WDW ride when bringing it to DLR. In WDW, they fit it into the existing If You Had Wings setup. They didn't do that at DLR. They were able to make it a much better, cleaner experience. So, in that case, why would they bring the limitations of the DLR "monsters inc" ride to WDW?

Maybe the HMH was a little hard to understand. My point is it is an overlay, exactly like the Monsters Inc ride will be. A better comparison are IJA and Dinosaur. They both have the exact same ride system and track setup, but are themed differently. This is exactly how the changeover will be from SL to MI.

I don't think I am being the one hardheaded about this. You are trying to argue something that isn't my point. My point is that there is no superstar Limo at WDW. Therefore, they can't copy the ride over here. The posted rumor explicitly said that it would be a copy of the ride. That cannot be true. Again, if they were going to bring it over, it would be an improved version of the ride, especially since they would have to build a building for it.


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Shanice said:
Thrawn, must you flame everyone? :rolleyes:

Please point out a flame. Having a discussion to advance my point is not a flame. Calling someone a moron for not knowing what they are talking about, well, that would be a flame. Just because I refuse to give in and let someone win the argument when I am clearly correct, that isn't flaming anyone.


Thrawn said:
So, Lee, you are saying none of these are true? That is proof enough for me.

I'll say this:
Haunted Mansion - True, likely to receive a tech upgrade, possibly a couple more enhancements. Eddie Murphy.
Carousel of Progress - False, it's future is still undecided as far as I can tell.
Pirates - False. I have heard of a "couple" new AAs, but nothing like this rumor. Highly unlikely.
20K site - Fairly true. There IS room for about 3 E-rides...but that won't happen. Pooh will get some of it, the rest is likely to see couple attractions, only 1 of them an E.


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Lee said:
I'll say this:
Haunted Mansion - True, likely to receive a tech upgrade, possibly a couple more enhancements. Eddie Murphy.
Carousel of Progress - False, it's future is still undecided as far as I can tell.
Pirates - False. I have heard of a "couple" new AAs, but nothing like this rumor. Highly unlikely.
20K site - Fairly true. There IS room for about 3 E-rides...but that won't happen. Pooh will get some of it, the rest is likely to see couple attractions, only 1 of them an E.

The tech upgrade for HM is the 2 month rehab thats already on the books, right?


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Yes, their Buzz is the same ride system. Yes, it is modified (improved greatly). The ride itself is different. Why is this? Because they would not copy the limitations of the original WDW ride when bringing it to DLR. In WDW, they fit it into the existing If You Had Wings setup. They didn't do that at DLR. They were able to make it a much better, cleaner experience. So, in that case, why would they bring the limitations of the DLR "monsters inc" ride to WDW?

Maybe the HMH was a little hard to understand. My point is it is an overlay, exactly like the Monsters Inc ride will be. A better comparison are IJA and Dinosaur. They both have the exact same ride system and track setup, but are themed differently. This is exactly how the changeover will be from SL to MI.

I don't think I am being the one hardheaded about this. You are trying to argue something that isn't my point. My point is that there is no superstar Limo at WDW. Therefore, they can't copy the ride over here. The posted rumor explicitly said that it would be a copy of the ride. That cannot be true. Again, if they were going to bring it over, it would be an improved version of the ride, especially since they would have to build a building for it.
I understand fully what you are saying. However IJA and Dinosaur are not overlays of each other like HM and HMH. They are each there own rides. Obviously they would not copy the limitations of the Monster Ride in DCA. And obviously they would try to make it better. However what I am disagreeing with is you saying that the guide was wrong in saying that Monsters may be copied for the MK. Just because they build a new and improved building and ride system does not mean it is not a copy. No matter how you look at Buzz at DL is still a copy of the one at WDW. They have just made many improvements. You appeared to be under the mistaken impression that WDW could never have a Monsters Ride simply because we did not have a SL.


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That is not what the rumor says. The rumor says EXPLICITLY that it would be a copy of the ride from DLR. And that is not true, because, as you agree, they will not copy the ride from DLR, because it is a retro fit.

And IJA and Dinosaur are actually exactly like HM and HMH. Same ride system, same track (every turn is the same). Different effects.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
That is not what the rumor says. The rumor says EXPLICITLY that it would be a copy of the ride from DLR. And that is not true, because, as you agree, they will not copy the ride from DLR, because it is a retro fit.

And IJA and Dinosaur are actually exactly like HM and HMH. Same ride system, same track (every turn is the same). Different effects.
Yes but in the end HMH is still HM, was before and will be again. Dinosaur is not IJA and IJA is not Dinosaur. And I don't think you should take these rumors so literaly. A new version of a Monsters ride could still be considered a copy just as most people consider Buzz in DL to be a copy of the one in the MK.
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