Rumors Clarified

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Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
Wow, that comment seems extremely closed minded. The fact is, new ride system or not they are putting a Monsters INC. ride in DCA. They could also build this same ride at the MK. Look at Buzz. In WDW it was simply an overlay of an existing attraction. However that did not stop them from cloning an entirely new one in DL. And for the record your questioning of the definition of what is and is not a new ride is most certainly semantics.

pwned. :)

LOL you don't need to reply any more peter, you hit the nail on the head way back here.

Don't feed the trolls. ;)



Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Thats strange, because they aren't building ANY Monsters Inc ride. They are overlaying the old Superstar Limo ride with a Monsters Inc theme. So, according to the CM, we are getting some Monsters Inc theming without a ride to go with it?

That seems like an incredibly literal interpretation. Do you really believe a CM would say "It also will probably be a copy from the ride they are building in Disneyland." and mean just the theming? I think it's fairly safe to assume the CM meant the actual end result of the overlay (which would mean a ride system as well).


TimeTrip said:
That seems like an incredibly literal interpretation. Do you really believe a CM would say "It also will probably be a copy from the ride they are building in Disneyland." and mean just the theming? I think it's fairly safe to assume the CM meant the actual end result of the overlay (which would mean a ride system as well).

Yes, thankyou! Phew, that point was getting annoying. :)


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Please point out a flame. Having a discussion to advance my point is not a flame. Calling someone a moron for not knowing what they are talking about, well, that would be a flame. Just because I refuse to give in and let someone win the argument when I am clearly correct, that isn't flaming anyone.

Thrawn said:
1) CMs don't know whats going on
2) CMs will lie and act like they do
3) A lot of people on these boards (not me included) know more about what is going on than CMs.

Good enough for you...? On behalf of all CM's that are on this board, I am insulted and feel as though flamed. Perhaps you should be a little quieter on your more than out-spoken beliefs. To say that the tour guide may have been spreading false rumors is one thing (such as Monster's Inc. ride), but to insult not only the tour guides, but all CM's (as well as the joker who said that "Tour Guide's are only slightly better than bus drivers") makes you look like a bitter example of someone who goes to Disney because it is simply routine, not for the magical experiences. My advice to you is to take some time off, step down off of your pedestal, and show a little optimism towards a company you obviously care alot about (though you don't ever show it).

And as to clearly correct, show some credentials Jim Hill. What the original poster posted was a list of optimistic rumors, and all you have done is say, very pessimistically, that its not going to happen. The point is, you don't know. In fact, Disney doesn't have that land behind Pooh's Playful Spot Earmarked for anything. The fact is that the Carousel of Progress is still listed as a seasonal attraction, and that DOES NOT mean its on the chopping block. The fact is WDW's Pirates of the Caribbean is being looked at for the same sort of extensive refurbishment that Small World received, but any ventured guesses past that are complete speculation. The fact is Haunted Mansion is going down for about 5 weeks for a technical refurb near October, and in 5 weeks, not much can be accomplished other than the simple repair, maintenence and cleaning of the attraction.


New Member
Enderikari said:
And as to clearly correct, show some credentials Jim Hill. What the original poster posted was a list of optimistic rumors, and all you have done is say, very pessimistically, that its not going to happen.
That doesn't mean he's wrong. He's being realistic. Whether or not you like his tone is irrelevant to what will actually happen with these rumors.

Enderkari said:
The point is, you don't know.
And neither does the Tour Guide, which was the entire point of this conversation.

For the other people on this thread:
If you don't like people rebutting to unsubstantiated rumors, then start an "Optimistic Rumor" thread, and treat it as such. What one random Tour Guide said is nowhere near to being cut in stone. You can believe these rumors or not, but just because other people think they're full of BS doesn't make them wrong. Almost everyone seems to be taking these baseless rumors as fact just because they are exactly what everyone wants to hear. The reality, of course, is far less "optimistic," as Lee was so generous to point out. And he certainly has more knowledge of the future of WDW than an entire legion of Tour Guides.


Well-Known Member
LoisMustDie said:
And neither does the Tour Guide, which was the entire point of this conversation.

Well, ok, that's true. And back to my first post in this thread, who was the Tour Guide?

Guides are not supposed to spiel unconfirmed information without clarifying that it is rumor, conjecture or just a sheer legend. This Tour Guide did a poor job & this rancourous thread is the result.

The Tour Guide must be reminded how to be a Tour guide!


I know, I was told by a cast member about the 'Dark Kingdom'-a new, more extreme park focusing on the disney villains with more rollercoasters. but no... grrrr

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Please point out a flame. Having a discussion to advance my point is not a flame. Calling someone a moron for not knowing what they are talking about, well, that would be a flame. Just because I refuse to give in and let someone win the argument when I am clearly correct, that isn't flaming anyone.

Thrawn, you've made our lives a living hell. We're going to kill you.


New Member
I shall speak my peace, and go.

If they are to do anything besides the Pooh playplace, I would like to see them put in a new version of Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin, as an expansion of Toontown.

If they were going to do a Monsters, Inc. ride (which is perfectly fine with me), I feel they should put it in the Disney/MGM Studios.

I shall go now. Please don't flame me.


New Member
I've done it before ... I'm doin it again. To quote the great aristocratic leader of our time Rodney King "Can't we all just get along"

now you can beat me with your nightsticks.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I just gotta say, if this were the first thread I ever read on this board, I probably never would've come back...OR I would've made a complete and utter jackass of myself and insulted and humiliated all of you just because I would've considered you "not worth my time."

Thank goodness I've been here before, so I know better.

Lots of people have shown an ugly side on this thread. Hostility. Passive aggressive whininess. Chest-beating. Blatant insults. It's like being backstage at The Facts of Life back when it was still on the air and all the girls were "cycling" at the same time.

Quite frankly I don't give a rat's hinder about the size of the land on the old 20k site, or the size of the land surrounding it. I wouldn't trust a tour guide to tell me what the suits are planning on building at WDW, because if they knew what was going on, they'd be a suit. Quite frankly, if a tour guide were to mouth off with an unsubstantiated rumor, I'd assume they heard it from someone who took a previous tour, or maybe a bunch of people from a bunch of previous tours, and they heard it from so many people, they started to assume there must be some truth to it. It's thinking like this that keeps the old "Jerry-The-Beaver-Mathers died in Vietnam after mixing Pepsi & Pop Rocks" rumors alive.

Last I checked, though, this was the section of the forum marked WDW Parks News...AND RUMORS. So IMHO people can write about anything they heard or anything they'd like to hear. Go ahead and say a CM told you they're expanding the monorail. The bartender at the Cali Grill Lounge told you Cinderella's Castle is going condo. The fry cook at Cosmic Ray's knows there are 5 bi-curious Little Green Men in the Buzz Lightyear ride, and whoever correctly identifies them gets to peek underneath Ariel's fin. But whatever anybody says, take it with a grain of salt, don't be insulting if you don't believe it, don't be insulting back if someone happened to BE insulting to you and keep the buh-hitching down to a dull roar, OK?

Now go play in the yard. Daddy's gotta balance the checkbook.


New Member
slappy magoo said:
Lots of people have shown an ugly side on this thread. Hostility. Passive aggressive whininess. Chest-beating. Blatant insults.
And you've managed to combine all of it into one post. Congrats. Now we can really see how you "know better."

slappy magoo said:
Quite frankly I don't give a rat's hinder about the size of the land on the old 20k site, or the size of the land surrounding it.
Yet you go on to say that people can post whatever they want on rumor threads. A wee bit hypocritical, aren't we? YOU might not care, but that doesn't mean that everybody else doesn't either. Make up your mind.

slappy magoo said:
Last I checked, though, this was the section of the forum marked WDW Parks News...AND RUMORS. So IMHO people can write about anything they heard or anything they'd like to hear.
Thank you, Amazing Kreskin! Would you also like to point out what time the three o' clock parade is?

Of course, if everyone has the chance to post a rumor, everyone also has the right to rebuke the rumor. It seems as though you have completely missed that point. An honest oversight, I'm sure.

slappy magoo said:
The fry cook at Cosmic Ray's knows there are 5 bi-curious Little Green Men in the Buzz Lightyear ride, and whoever correctly identifies them gets to peek underneath Ariel's fin.
Wait...who has a child's maturity level again?

slappy magoo said:
But whatever anybody says, take it with a grain of salt, don't be insulting if you don't believe it, don't be insulting back if someone happened to BE insulting to you and keep the buh-hitching down to a dull roar, OK?
A thousand pardons for not realizing that you have been recently promoted to Administrator.

And speaking of "buh-hitching," perhaps you should heed your own advice?

slappy magoo said:
Now go play in the yard. Daddy's gotta balance the checkbook.
Fine. While you're at it, crawl back into your cave and stop bothering intelligent people who want to have a conversation.


MagicalMonorail said:
Hey all! I just returned from a great trip to WDW. It may be my only trip for 2 years, but it was a good one. This year I got to go on the Keys to the Kingdom Tour at MK. It was one of the greatest things I've ever done at the MK. If you are interested in the theme parks and/or the Magic Kingdom, this tour is for you. I was able to ask our tour guide, who was really awesome, about some of the rumors that have been floating around. Here's what he said:

-The Haunted Mansion will be getting about a month long technical rehab. Nothing near to the caliber of the rehab IASW got.

-The Carousel of Progress will not be closing. Even though it is seasonal, guests still ride it when it is open. Disney thinks it's "too classical" to close.

-PotC fans, beware. This ride is getting a massive overhaul. They will be installing a half-dozen Johnny Depp AA's and about a half-dozen Geoffrey Rush AA's. There will also be a Black Pearl Ship placed in the ride. PotC will close later this year for about a year to a year and a half.

-The 20K site will indeed be turned into Pooh's Playground. However, this is temporary. The guide said that there is room for 3 E-rides. He said one of these will PROBABLY be a Monsters Inc. ride. It also will probably be a copy from the ride they are building in Disneyland.

I am sorry if any of these have been posted before. This came from our Disney tour guide so I am guessing it is official. I don't want to give the tour guide's name because I don't know if he is allowed to release this information. If you have any questions about the tour, please let me know.

If they're adding 6 Johnny Depps to PotC, Does that mean tHM is going to have a bunch of Eddie Murphy's schedualled to be included?? (Please no. Please oh please NO!! I Like Eddie and found the movie to be amusing and all....but some rides shouldn't be "updated" like that).


New Member
captcanada said:
If they're adding 6 Johnny Depps to PotC, Does that mean tHM is going to have a bunch of Eddie Murphy's schedualled to be included?? (Please no. Please oh please NO!! I Like Eddie and found the movie to be amusing and all....but some rides shouldn't be "updated" like that).
1. It won't be 6 Sparrows. It will be at most 2.
2. Remember, Disney thinks with their wallets. Since the HM Movie wasn't too well received, I doubt Eddie Murphy or Jennifer Tilly will be making an appearence anytime...ever. Besides, the Disney faithful would burn them alive if they did.


LoisMustDie said:
1. It won't be 6 Sparrows. It will be at most 2.
2. Remember, Disney thinks with their wallets. Since the HM Movie wasn't too well received, I doubt Eddie Murphy or Jennifer Tilly will be making an appearence anytime...ever. Besides, the Disney faithful would burn them alive if they did.

2 Sparrows....I can deal with that. Could be fun trying to "Pick them out of the crowd". 2 I could happily handle (though 1 would be ideal).

As for your point on HM....good point indeed. Very good point.
You have convinced me the sky is NOT falling after all. Phew :)

(After waking up from a night-mare....even though I know it was just a bad dream, I sometimes can't help feeling a little fearful for a short time after ;)


Active Member
I'd definately like to see a PotC overhaul. Although I like the current attraction, I wouldn't consider it a classic comparing it to the original at DL. Adding sparrow and barbosa to the line up would be cool and give WDW's version some uniqueness (other than being an abbreviated version of the original). I'm hoping they will add the scene of the two pirates sword fighting like the DLP's version...that was really cool to see.


Active Member
I wish they's do a massive upgrade to the ride but NOT include Sparrow. Leave the exact same story, only present it with current technology and artwork. Basicly repaint all the towns using today's artistic standards and give the pirates new AA bodies and new clothes. Make it look as if the ride was just built, in this decade. ;) The way we view pirates nowadays is very different than how we viewed the in the 70's. :lol:

Red and white striped pippi longstockings socks on a pirate? :rolleyes:


Why is it that as I read these posts, the 2 people that make the most sense to me are Thrawn and Loismustdie, but yet they are the ones being completed badgered here for no apparant reason? :veryconfu
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