First of all LoisMustDie, you shoudl be the one to grip reality. Family Guy is a cartoon and Stewie is a cartoon character, not a real person. Kinda of bad they you try to emulate his attitude. Last time I saw someone try to imitate others was, oh, from a 8 year old I coached in baseball when they tried to copy the attitude of some wrestlers.
And yes, I was referring to you and Thrawn as the two know it alls on this board. No one here pretends to know all the inside info and no one here pretends to know exactly what Disney will do. But, you and Thrawn seem to know it all. Maybe you guys are Iger and Eisner in disguise???
YOUR QUOTE "And I find it curious that most of these rumors are extremely general, such as "the future of COP remains cloudy." Well, yeah. Anyone could have told you that. Attempting to be vague enough so that if something resembling the aforementioned vague comment happens, it seems like it was correctly forecasted. But I guess we can't expect anything more from someone who is not "in the know."
As I stated in my post, my friend said these are RUMORS not fact. She never pretended to know everything or anything. She said this is what she heard. And yes, things she said have been posted on these boards for months now. But the key word here is RUMOR. She isn't management so she doesn't have knowledge. She simply told me what her and other CMs talk about or have heard around their workplace. If you are old enough to work, I am sure you hear rumors about things your company or plaec of work may or may not be doing. Same thing here. So, relax.
YOUR QUOTE: "And I find it strange that you would seek to undermine my comments by attempting to predict them beforehand. The question is: why? Are you afraid that the CM's argument is not strong enough to withstand a small does of REALITY? You are certainly afraid of something...or else you wouldn't have put me down in such a school-yard fashion."
There is a difference between a small DOSE of reality and you being totally rude to people's comments. Am I afraid the argument is not strong enough? Dude, read the post again. I was not making a case or argument for any of these rumors to be true, etched in stone things Disney is doing. Again, read the paragraph above. I stressed RUMOR not fact. You on th eother hand, take rumors people hear, and say FOR FACT, none of it will happen. The only fact is YOU DO NOT KNOW!!!! Heck, i do not know and my CM friend does not know. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT DISNEY IS PLANNING OR WILL DO!!!! So, Stewie, stop pretending like you know.
You come off as a very rude person. Expressing your opinion is fine, but you need to back off with making fun of others. I respect everyone's opinion, and we are all entitled to it. If we disagree with something a board member posts, we state our opinions TACTFULLY, unlike you ad Thrawn. You guys think you are always right and everyone else is wrong. You know as much as we do with what Disney will do, and well, that is pretty much NOTHING!!!! And I predicted your comments beforehand based on your other rants.. And well, I was right. I vote LOISMUSTDIE as MR. DISNEY KNOW IT ALL...
Now, for everyone else who read the above post from my friend, you all understand these are rumors and feel free to discuss them in a manner Little Stewie wannabe doesn't understand.