Rude guests (rant sorry)

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
What I'm struggling with is why are guests even upset they "aren't getting their way" in the first place? I can't understand why there is always conflict with these people.

Disney has the best CMs in the service industry and things are essentially set up to be idiot proof. Why are people always having some problem?

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
That being said, I would agree that people are not getting their money's worth... which leads people to behave in a manner the OP describes.
First of all, this isn't directed at you. I'm responding to guest behavior.

If people believe they are entitled to act up because they paid to get in and don't see the value, they are savages. I agree Disney isn't at the top of their game at the moment, but you're still getting plenty for your money.

Feeling like you aren't getting some subjective "value" because you probably couldn't afford to be there in the first place doesn't give them license to act like entitled fools.

I know you're not saying it does. You're just pointing out that it causes the issues with guest behavior and I don't disagree with you. I'm just pointing out how unfortunate that is and how people need to re-evaluate their attitude.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Yesterday, I was in the grocery store, and this woman got in the express check out line with what was clearly not 15 items or less. What looked more like 150 items. Just small bottles and such. I went to another line, waited while the person in front of me checked out, checked out, and she still was only about halfway through her cart. A manager came over and told the woman it was an express checkout line, and she blew off the manager.

I'm convinced that people are just plain rude and that WDW brings out the worst of that behavior.

I feel for the OP. CMs are the best, and most importantly, they're human beings who don't deserve that kind of treatment.


Well-Known Member
I often wonder, when it comes to rude/entitled guests at WDW, whether it would be prudent for other guests to pick up the slack that CMs are not allowed to do. What I mean by this is, if you are a guest at WDW and you see another guest being rude, dirty, etc, speak up to them, politely, and let them know what they are doing is wrong. If other guests around you help you out, then the numbers are in your favor. Too often, these rude, inconsiderate people do not get called on their behavior, which needs to change. Obviously, confronting these people in a threatening way will not work, and could cause the situation to be violent, which would be bringing you down to their level. It is not part of some people's personality to speak up, but there should be enough people out there who would be willing to do it the right way.
No, of course not -- the situation would just further escalate. If the CM is in immediate danger then yes, step in and call for help.

The only viable solution that I can see working is for Disney to give all CM's authority to eject any guest who is deemed to be unruly or disrespectful from the park for a day.

Similar to the authority that airline employees and flight attendants brandish. Like, airline employees can refuse to board rude guests or kick anyone off a plane for *any* reason. All they do is call the Air Marshal or airport police and it's done. It's extreme but it will get the point across.

:) makes sense, it just really seemed like you were trains, plains and automobiles which makes me nuts! As to FS, their service is incredible, but I'm somewhat underwhelmed by the room design and configuration as we have four people. And as you said, there's the issue regarding we're doing concierge level at likely the same resort (or next door) for that very reason. Thankfully in our recent visits, the service has been fairly decent so fingers crossed! (the people are always a mixed bag sadly)
Yeah, our Disney trips are just like that. I have honestly tried to slow down at Disney but I just can't. Even my relaxing spa day is hectic, like I just can't get a massage and be done -- I have to get a facial, salt scrub, mani-pedi and who knows what else. LOL.

Disney concierge is so wonderful -- you have to choose what is best for you and your family. I know you are going to have an amazing time at Disney World -- especially, with all of the new night time offerings at Animal Kingdom and the new Frozen ride and Norway Pavilion and Soarin' Around The World. Ugh, I really need another Disney vacation *so* bad!

Anyway, have lots of fun.


Well-Known Member
I got chewed out by a mother with a stroller for daring to stand for Illuminations after having been camped out for well over an hour. Never mind that this was in Canada and behind me was a wall that I'm sure her special snowflake wouldn't have been able to see through with their magic x-ray vision even if I'd somehow decided sitting and missing the fireworks was my goal. I've since started to tell people as they arrive that "I will be standing for X fireworks" and some lose their mind.'s an hour away and I told you the moment you got here...go somewhere else.

Dartha Stewart

Well-Known Member
To quote philosopher Eric Hoffer:
"Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength."

Dealing with the public myself, I have come to simply expect rudeness from time-to-time. No amount of pleasantries offered can make some people act cordial. Those types of people are not worth our stress or any emotion resulting from their attitudes. Rather, they are deserving of our pity and nothing more. It is not Disney, prices, park quality, or any other factor to blame other than some sort of weakness inside of them causing the aggression & outbursts to occur.

As society weakens, rudeness increases. People devolve over time as entitled mindsets arise, and lose the ability to cope with hurdles...and thus take out frustrations when things go wrong on the easiest of targets, which sadly, are oftentimes the CM's who are giving their all. Just remember that you are dealing with a weak, fragile person, and by taking the high road with politeness despite their aggression, you have already won the situation before it even started.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I was in the grocery store, and this woman got in the express check out line with what was clearly not 15 items or less. What looked more like 150 items. Just small bottles and such. I went to another line, waited while the person in front of me checked out, checked out, and she still was only about halfway through her cart. A manager came over and told the woman it was an express checkout line, and she blew off the manager.

I'm convinced that people are just plain rude and that WDW brings out the worst of that behavior.

I feel for the OP. CMs are the best, and most importantly, they're human beings who don't deserve that kind of treatment.
For people who see someone that has more items then posted. We were heading for the checkout line in the grocery store and were walking toward the normal checkout. We had quite a few items and well over what was posted. The cashier asked us if we were ready to check out? We said we were but had too many items, She said she didn't care and has us start unloading onto the belt. Well as we checked out the line grew behind us. Plenty of dirty looks and we were a little embarrassed. So next time you see this it may not be what it seems.


Well-Known Member
So she 'hover-rounds' you to the heel!?! isn't that some form of vehicular assault ?? It would be nice if they had some kind of 'ticket' for those issues - like the traffic police. "I'm sorry ma'am, but your vehicle history for the day says you have 2 parking violations and assaulted a pedestrian with your front left wheel. Your penalty will be $87.50, and you are prohobited from the parks until the 15th of next month." i believe in personal responsibility... in my perfect dream world.
I would love for that to be the rule! LOL! Did you notice about 10 years ago or so there was a period of time where those stupid scooters became a huge plague on Disneyworld? I seriously had a bus driver tell me how sick he was of those things and I literally watched a guy drive his scooter off the ramp in to the bus and just get off of it and PICK IT UP AND PUT IT IN THERE HIMSELF! I think about everybody in line was ready to kill that guy and I KNOW the driver was! LOL! Finally on our next trip that year another driver told me that Disney really cracked down on people that they thought were just super lazy. I'm not sure if that's true or not but what I do know is I stopped seeing so many of them.


Well-Known Member
I think entitlement is a real societal issue. People are so worried about being PC that they are afraid to teach ethics. Having taught at both private and public schools, I can attest that it is hard to correct certain behaviors in certain environments. While in a private school I can frankly call a student out for rudeness or behavior and provide repercussions, but I would be afraid to be as direct in a public school setting because the administration cowers to the parents and students. It's the every kid gets a trophy mentality, and it allows kids to develop a permanent sense of entitlement, and hence potentially become miserable adults (key word potentially as I still believe many people are caring and genuine).


Well-Known Member
We like to be carefree (but, always courteous) in the parks. And, we love to have fun on coasters and thrill rides. But, there were people who rode these coasters and thrill rides and were super quiet with no emotion at all.
Um, seriously? How in the world can this even be something that bothers anyone? Just because someone doesn't hoot and holler on a ride has no bearing on anything. My husband and son, for example, are both very introverted, and don't make a huge ruckus when they're on rides. Which would you rather have, a quiet family (such as my husband and son) or an obnoxious family (as discussed in another thread) who scream out really annoying things they may think are "cute"?
I don't think that this is just a Disney thing. I went to the zoo last weekend with my family and I have never seen so much garbage being left behind at the restaurants/cafe. Lots of people just don't care about doing their part.

All the indoor exhibits had large signs saying "No Strollers Inside" because it's usually dark and space is tight. Well, did most people follow these instructions? Not the least. I"m not talking about umbrella strollers either. Some had the huge jogging strollers, side-by-side strollers, and then some had wagons and even worse, huge covered wagons that could fit like four or more kids. It was bad trying to avoid getting bumped by one of them in such dark crowed conditions.

There was one exhibit that had a larger than normal sign and i witnessed these two families discussing about taking their strollers inside. They saw the sign and started going back and forth. Then a family with a stroller went by and went inside. The two moms who were debating just said, well if they are not going to follow the signs, why should we? And they both went in with their strollers.

On the way out of the park right before the exit gate , there was a family who must have split-up for the day. Well, I guess there was two brothers that went together and only one came back on-time. The mom yelled out where is "X"? The kid responds back, he went off to do such-and-such and the Mom just yelled back, Well that is F#$%ing great! and went on from there. Not talking about a heated conversation but bellowing.

As we went back to the car, I witnessed maybe the worst part of the visit. The parking lot was just full of trash. Water bottles, papers, fast-food bags, napkins, diapers, and much more. It looked worse than any parking lot after a concert I have ever been to. I just don't' understand why people can just be that disrespectful. It's not like the zoo didn't have garbage cans every twenty feet or so either.

I think people have been just getting lazier or used to be waited on. Kids watch their parents leave bits of trash behind and think that's OK and it just gets worse from there. It's not my job to clean up after myself mentality kicks in. Why cant' I have bedroom, private adult conversations in the middle of zoo? There is a time and place for everything people. Your in a place that is not yours, treat it with respect so the other guests can enjoy it too.


Well-Known Member
I remember at Busch Gardens many years ago seeing a family spitting on the crocodiles. The crocs were opening their mouths and closing them as the spit hit them and this group thought it hillarious. There was mum, dad and two teenage sons all doing it (yes mum as well). When a cast member approached them to instruct them not to spit on the animals, one of the boys said "How about we spit on you then?". Shortly after when security approached them and 'escorted' them out they weren't quite so lippy though. I remember tha day thinking how there really is no such thing as 'society' in some peoples minds and how low some human beings are.


Well-Known Member
Um, seriously? How in the world can this even be something that bothers anyone? Just because someone doesn't hoot and holler on a ride has no bearing on anything. My husband and son, for example, are both very introverted, and don't make a huge ruckus when they're on rides. Which would you rather have, a quiet family (such as my husband and son) or an obnoxious family (as discussed in another thread) who scream out really annoying things they may think are "cute"?
I think you missed the point she made in her next post, about how even quiet people can be rude by glaring and complaining when other people choose to make some noise while on a ride. I don't think most people care how other people on a ride react, as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone's ability to enjoy the ride.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the entitlement generation and the I'm more important than everyone else society. People for some reason or another think that dropping $5,000 on a Disney vacation entitles them. Unfortunately, you cannot fix stupid, it can only be exterminated. This will continue to go on and get even worse. The Timeout Generation is beginning to start families and right behind it will be the Everyone Deserves a Trophy generation. It will be overburdened with self-centered, entitled, me-before-you mentality.


Well-Known Member
I have definitely been to Disney World and experienced things that made me disappointed in humanity. I will never understand why people feel the need to be rude to the hard workers that are just doing their job. 99.9 percent of the time that anyone has a problem, it does not stem from the person that is in front of them. It is usually a part of the rules or the system, and the CM or any employee has no way of controlling it. The only thing they can do is their job, and to maybe try to cheer them up. It is always disappointing to see someone yelling at a CM for something a CM can't control.

That being said, I don't think it is a product of high prices and crowding. I think it is a product of our countries culture as of lately. People seem to pride themselves in their abrasiveness and believe that they deserve whatever they want just because. This is not reality, and we need to teach the generations currently growing up that being nice is cool. Its way cooler than acting like a jerk. This bullying thing has got to stop. And it starts by not cheering on people who are being rude for the "cool" factor that they think it has or because they feel they are owed something for merely existing. It is not ok to be rude to CM or anyone for that matter, and it is up to the people around rude people to call them out on their poor behavior.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the entitlement generation and the I'm more important than everyone else society. People for some reason or another think that dropping $5,000 on a Disney vacation entitles them. Unfortunately, you cannot fix stupid, it can only be exterminated. This will continue to go on and get even worse. The Timeout Generation is beginning to start families and right behind it will be the Everyone Deserves a Trophy generation. It will be overburdened with self-centered, entitled, me-before-you mentality.

Yeah, I see what you mean...

I have self respect. It wouldn't bother me one bit if I am visiting another resort, dropping $200+ for meals and drinks to have my DD be able to jump in the pool if she wanted. Completely justified in my opinion.

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