Rosie O'Donald swearing on stage at MGM!

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New Member
Does anyone else think this was a "bit" that was used for The View. And can we really judge someone who uses a few curse words at a special event honoring the anorexic actors who play characters who kill people, and sleep around during day time televison?


Active Member
Nice. Homophobia rears it's ugly head- I hope you realize that there are MANY MANY gay people working at Disney - every day, at every wouldn't get to go to Disney if it weren't for the gay people who work there...they would have to shut the parks down because there wouldn't be enough people to work the rides, shows, etc.:mad:

Gay people should get to enjoy Disney just like every one else.

Woah. I agree homophobia has no place on these boards. But nobody should be jumping the gun and attacking aaron for homphobic comments. Nowhere in his post did it make any reference to Rosie's sexuality. It made reference to her values, which can encompass far more. For example her raunchy humor could be considered part of her 'values'. So please, whether the comment was intended in one way or another, just ignore it and move on, and not turn this thread into something it isn't.


Well-Known Member
Woah. I agree homophobia has no place on these boards. But nobody should be jumping the gun and attacking aaron for homphobic comments. Nowhere in his post did it make any reference to Rosie's sexuality. It made reference to her values, which can encompass far more. For example her raunchy humor could be considered part of her 'values'. So please, whether the comment was intended in one way or another, just ignore it and move on, and not turn this thread into something it isn't.
Victor you are wise beyond your years.


Well-Known Member
I, personally love Rosie. She has done a lot for kids and charities. She was at soap weekend, correct? Well if so isn't it geared towards adults. Maybe she was doing a show for adults.


Well-Known Member
Totally not cool! Hey I curse like a sailor and am VERY LIBERAL.I have a live and let live attitude and under any other circumstances would have no issue with cursing on stage. Rosie should have used common sense and realize even though this might be an adult venue it is still a Disney theme park with parents and their kids going there.To say the F word at Disney anywhere is vulgar and makes me think Rosie is even more obnoxious than I already did.


New Member
Family values?

Does Rosie not portray good family values? I certainly took offense at the earlier comment.:mad: Guess what. At least 10% of of us did. :lookaroun


New Member
I was at MGM all weekend for super soap with my family. I too was a little embarassed at the amount of profanity and sexual references going on at the shows and on the outdoor stage. I think it's just a product of the whole soap thing and trying to appeal to the average fan there for it. It's pretty funny that they bring out a satellite bar in front of the Prime Time only two times a year. New Years eve and super soap.
Then again, turn on Saturday morning cartoons, Disney/ABC or whoever. Standards have changed a lot since I was a kid.


New Member
In no way was i reffering to rosie's sexuality when i use the words family values, i was reffering to her language! what she does in her house is her business, but when her langauge effects other people and i have to explain to my children what those words mean, it effects me ! so dont jump to any conclusions, your the one who brought up sexuality not me.
i whole heartedly agree with lulabelle and victor.

this forum is not designed as a springboard for politics, it is a place for disney fans to come and discuss happenings at the parks. while rosie was at a disney park and had some unfortunate behavioral ettiquette, that and that alone should be the topic of discussion. not even what can be called her values. the only value that seems to be lost on some people (and some of those people are even on these forums), is that disney is first and foremost a family place. ALL OF THE PARKS during ANY occurance or special activity or just during regular times are family facilities. even if someone was there alone, as a couple, or with a whole gaggle of family. to me and i genuinely hope many others, wdw represents one of the last places where nothing but wholesome fun lives. if taken in its truest and most idyllic vision, wdw stands for one race-the human race.

let's just take a step back and remember that that is what many of us love about disney...maybe even this occurence with rosie will remind us that this kind of behavior does not have a place at wdw.

it takes a village...

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I'd bet a shiny nickel that, if Rosie were cursing on stage at The Studios, she was trying to elicit shocked laughter to keep the audience loose. Intentionally cursing for a "Oh, my God did she just say that at Disney? Mah girl is cuh-RAAYY-zeee" reaction. Perhaps a bad judgment call, but I'll take that over Hasselbeck's wide-eyed-and-innocent "I don't hate anybody, I just think people who don't share my worldview are evl and going to Hell? Am I right? Am I right?"-esque shpiel.


Ok, critique her language but attack her "values?". Adopting children, giving her own money and raising MILLIONS for chairity...creating safe, family friendly vacation experiences for gay families...maybe some don't like her politics, maybe some have issues with homosexuality...but, IMO, Rosie has better "values" than most Americans...bad judgement using language at Disney for sure, then again the audience here are mostly adult women who watch murders, kidnappings, steamy affairs, evil twins, adultry and worse on a daily basis : )


Well-Known Member
In truth I don't care if Rosie is Rep. or Dem. , I don't care what her sexual preferance is!

Potty mouth is potty mouth and she should be ashamed to kiss her childern with that mouth. The "B" word the "F" word and the "A" word are not words that children should hear at home, on TV and especially in Disney World.


Well-Known Member
In truth I don't care if Rosie is Rep. or Dem. , I don't care what her sexual preferance is!

Potty mouth is potty mouth and she should be ashamed to kiss her childern with that mouth. The "B" word the "F" word and the "A" word are not words that children should hear at home, on TV and especially in Disney World.


tracy & alex


Well-Known Member
Rosie is a classless hack. I terms of family values, that can mean alot to different groups, but I think that one thing everyone can agree on is that children don't need to be exposed to vulgarity at Disney. Let's not forget that the parks were started by Walt so that families could enjoy them together. If Rosie wants to open her big disgusting mouth, let her do it at Pleasure Island, not MGM.


Well-Known Member
In truth I don't care if Rosie is Rep. or Dem. , I don't care what her sexual preferance is!

Potty mouth is potty mouth and she should be ashamed to kiss her childern with that mouth. The "B" word the "F" word and the "A" word are not words that children should hear at home, on TV and especially in Disney World.


New Member
I liked Rosie when she had her own show, it was funny and entertaining. With recent issues with her being brought forward, I am not a big fan. When she's on stage at a disney park she needs to remember its a family enviornment, no matter what she's doing. She's representing ABC and therefore, Disney and needs to keep that in perspective while speaking


Cursing is bad for small children, sets a bad example...but so does letting them watch all the debauchery on daytime soaps...don't take them to Soap events!


Well-Known Member
that is very un-disney like! do you think she relized it? or was it in the script? especially cuz shes supposibly all about children and she swears? :veryconfu


New Member
Maybe it was an oversight on the language thing...but Rosie is a raising a family in a loving home...what's not "disney" about that.
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