Rosie O'Donald swearing on stage at MGM!

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Woah. I agree homophobia has no place on these boards. But nobody should be jumping the gun and attacking aaron for homphobic comments. Nowhere in his post did it make any reference to Rosie's sexuality. It made reference to her values, which can encompass far more. For example her raunchy humor could be considered part of her 'values'. So please, whether the comment was intended in one way or another, just ignore it and move on, and not turn this thread into something it isn't.

You are right, that nowhere in the post does the person who posted this come out directly and say that they are speaking directly about Rosie's sexuality- but it's pretty much implied as far as I can see.

It's easy to tell someone to ignore the post and move on- if you aren't the target of hatred and ignorance on a daily basis.


New Member
I, personally love Rosie. She has done a lot for kids and charities. She was at soap weekend, correct? Well if so isn't it geared towards adults. Maybe she was doing a show for adults.

Walt Disney World....yeah....why would anyone think that kids would be around?


Active Member
I just read somewhere that Disney has nixed The Three Caballeros and is adding Rosie O'Donnell to El Rio Del Tiempo instead...:eek:


New Member
I just read somewhere that Disney has nixed The Three Caballeros and is adding Rosie O'Donnell to El Rio Del Tiempo instead...:eek:

Not trying to be rude here, but could YOU imagine Rosie O'Donnell with a mustache and maracas? LOL Just Kidding. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I AGREE that allowing any person to be on stage at a Disney park where there are children present, using profane language is out of line and inappropriate.

I do have to comment on this statement: "Rosie should have never been included in anything disney. Her values dont represent in my opinion, the majority of disney families." I take great offense to this comment and advise that before you start an even bigger your opinion on that subject for another board.:mad:

So you are thinking anyone with an opinion should not say it here?
You do realize most of what is on the web and here at wdwmagic are someone views and opinions. Just because you dont agree with someone's does not mean they cannot say it.

And now my opinion. If the Rosie thing did happen, the mic should have been turned off and she should have been asked to leave. She knows where she is, she knows there are children and families. That has to be one sick person to think that was alright to do but then again actors are a different kind of person.


In truth I don't care if Rosie is Rep. or Dem. , I don't care what her sexual preferance is!

Potty mouth is potty mouth and she should be ashamed to kiss her childern with that mouth. The "B" word the "F" word and the "A" word are not words that children should hear at home, on TV and especially in Disney World.

I agree.


Active Member
Not trying to be rude here, but could YOU imagine Rosie O'Donnell with a mustache and maracas? LOL Just Kidding. :hammer:

Hmmm...why yes, yes I could...


All kidding aside, Rosie has done a lot for children, which makes it even more shocking that she would think it was appropriate to use language like that in a family theme park.


And now my opinion. If the Rosie thing did happen, the mic should have been turned off and she should have been asked to leave. She knows where she is, she knows there are children and families. That has to be one sick person to think that was alright to do

Oh that would be good for Disney...Front Page headlines...Star of the View thrown out of park for using bad words....ok I'm gonna go ride Space Molehill now :brick: :brick:


I wish I they had Super Soap Weekends when I was a kid...I know I would much rather have waited on line to see Rosie O'Donnell introduce Susan Lucci than say see the Little Mermaid show or ride TOT.


I had this included in my park updates thread, but after reading some responses i think this subject needs it's own thread.

Soap weekend was going on last weekend. Rosie O'Donald was there "barking" on the main stage, what a disapointment! She is soooo obsence and aweful, I think Disney made a huge mistake of having her there. She was using words such as, "A*S"* and "B**CH" and being very vulger and un-Disney like on stage. At one point she even said, "What the BLEEP..."

I was shocked and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

to quote Booker T. (A.K.A. King Booker): "Tell me she didn't say that!". but seriously, this is really shocking especially for rosie herself who's done so much for children. it's surprising that i haven't heard about any backlash from disney or even abc


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm curious about something that those of you who are/were cast members may be able to answer. If you are 'on stage' in your role, and use this kind of language to the guests, what happens to you? Slap on the wrist, sent home, dock your pay, termination?


Any of the above, depending on your work location, the situation, etc etc. I worked at PI and they're a little more 'lax' (IMO) because of the environment.


Well-Known Member
Tsk, Tsk

Just proof that she will do *anything* to stir up some sort of controversey. I don't care which way she votes, and I don't care that she likes girls. I do care that she has no taste in how to behave in a FAMILY environment.


Well-Known Member
Super Soap Weekend is an event designed to draw adults, and it is based on content that is designed to be viewed by grown adults (I'm not saying soaps are softcore pr0n, but it is not children's play hour either). You should go to this event expecting that.

Disney should be doing more events like this targeting at different demographics. If it offends parents with small children then whatever. I approach those complaints the same way I approach a whining parent who took their child to Halloween Horror Nights.


Well-Known Member
They're just words. Words won't hurt you, or your children.

I know, you don't want your children exposed to these "bad" words, blah blah blah. But you know what, someday, they're going to hear them. And they'll probably ask, "Mommy/Daddy, what does **** mean?" and that is a great opportunity to say, "Well, it means blahblahblah, but it isn't a nice word and we don't use that in our house, okay?". And most kids will accept that.

Ok, bring on the flames now.


Active Member
Super Soap Weekend is an event designed to draw adults, and it is based on content that is designed to be viewed by grown adults (I'm not saying soaps are softcore pr0n, but it is not children's play hour either). You should go to this event expecting that.

Disney should be doing more events like this targeting at different demographics. If it offends parents with small children then whatever. I approach those complaints the same way I approach a whining parent who took their child to Halloween Horror Nights.

True, but parents also go expecting soap stars to act in a responsible manner and discuss themselves in an intelligent fashion. When you are standing on stage and you know that there are kids in the audience, why would you start using expletives? And I'm no prude. I use all varieties of nasty words almost daily, but usually around adults who won't take offense to it, and not around children.


New Member
Hmmm...why yes, yes I could...


All kidding aside, Rosie has done a lot for children, which makes it even more shocking that she would think it was appropriate to use language like that in a family theme park.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:- (times all the hidden mickeys I THOUGHT I saw but weren't real, but my family believed me anyway.)


Well-Known Member
Super Soap Weekend is an event designed to draw adults, and it is based on content that is designed to be viewed by grown adults (I'm not saying soaps are softcore pr0n, but it is not children's play hour either). You should go to this event expecting that.

No you shouldn't. The Soaps are on basic cable, where vulgairty like that isn't allowed. So why should it be allowed in an event such as this? I don't go anywhere expecting to hear that.

Disney should be doing more events like this targeting at different demographics. If it offends parents with small children then whatever. I approach those complaints the same way I approach a whining parent who took their child to Halloween Horror Nights.

Disney does plenty of events that cater to different demographics. Including the ESPN Weekend. But their main target is families, afterall, their main source of income from theme parks, are from..families.


Well-Known Member
The Soaps are on basic cable, where vulgairty like that isn't allowed.

Actually, they are on over the air broadcast. That kind of vulgarity is allowed on basic cable.

Maybe they don't curse that hard on broadcast TV, but I just don't see how the act of cursing is any more or less offensive than stars tearing each other's clothes off.
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