Rock in Roller Coaster Preshow

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Premium Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
I must admit that I had no idea that this gesture existed or what it meant. So I can't really say that it's offensive to me, cause I didn't even know about it. Wouldn't have known the difference anyway. But I wonder if it was even intentional on the part of Mr. Tyler.

Same here - I'm so sheltered LOL. Guess I better be careful how I pose my hands, never know when I'll accidentally do something obscene and offend people who have dirtier minds than me. :lol:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I always figured it meant something, because he does it in such an exaggerated way. If it's meant to be the shocker...I wouldn't be surprised. If White Castle can actually have commericals referring to their burgers as "sliders," then Disney can mistake an obscene hand gesture for something innocuous. It's the sort of thing that, if you're "hip" enough to know what it means, then you're probably "hip" enough not to be offended by it.

I would guess that Disney gets the occasional inquiry about it and they have a pat and patented "legal" safe answer as to what the gesture really means. An answer that even Steven Tyler would agree to say is the truth, if he's ever asked in public.

I remember a thread concerning WDW revamping RNRC to not include Aerosmith. Can't remember if it was a rumor or a wish of some member who doesn't like Aerosmith. But if it was a rumor, maybe this is what started it off.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Lee said:
Oh, please....
What he does with his hand is some sort of "symbol" or something?

Not to me it's not. To me it's just a guy holding his hand to his head with his ring finger down...big freakin' deal. :rolleyes:

Aren't there more important things to worry about than weather or not Steven is trying to slip in a naughty gesture? I think so....
well, i cant tell you how many times ive seen steven tyler gesture things with his hands. it isnt that nobody may have noticed the gesture (or flailing hand movement) some just didnt know the "technical" term for the move. lol


Well-Known Member
I think this "gesture" is entirely unintentional. In the scene he is actually sheilding the light from his eyes so he can look out into the audience. It just so happens that his ring finger got tucked in a bit when he did that.

Another possibility is that Mr.Tyler has the early stages of Dupuytren's Disease, which is a thickening of the tendons in the hand. It will eventually cause what is called Dupuytren's contracture, which is the permanent bending of the ring finger and in some cases the pinky as well. My grandfather had this disease and he had pretty normal use of that hand, however when his arm was in an extended position, it would cause the tendons to tighten and pull his ring finger down.

I'm sure this is not the case, however it does show that people will always assume the worst before looking at all the possibilities in a given situation. Everyone automatically assumes its meant to be a vulgar hand gesture, but it actuality it could be so many things, and without asking Mr.Tyler himself, no one will really know.

So I say don't worry about it, its a harmless hand position, nothing to get all bent out of shape over.


New Member
Let me say this........ Some of you have way too much time on your hands. I mean come on, the shocker? most of us have never even heard of this. I am not saying it isn't there, but, geez guys........ get a hobby. i am not being rude, believe me. But i think it is a stretch. a real stretch....sorry, just my opinion. For some reason peple can find something dirty in every disney movie or attraction. I think it has more to do with the person watching it, rather than what is supposedly in the 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
I always figured it meant something, because he does it in such an exaggerated way. If it's meant to be the shocker...I wouldn't be surprised. If White Castle can actually have commericals referring to their burgers as "sliders," then Disney can mistake an obscene hand gesture for something innocuous. It's the sort of thing that, if you're "hip" enough to know what it means, then you're probably "hip" enough not to be offended by it. .

Okay - I must be too sheltered. I thought a White Castle OR a Crystal hamburger WERE sliders because they slide down your throat & destroy your stomach. What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
oh, come on now people i'm sure it was just a.... phalange malfunction :lol:

i mean, if it takes this many years for people to notice it, its not that big of a deal. to me it never looked suspicious.

crazycalf said:
I never heard of this gesture, is this some kind on local thing or something. Like a water fountain is a bubbler in New England
have no fear, the people of wisconsin also call them bubblers :animwink:


New Member
The gesture is actually meant to show his support for his good buddy, Stitch, for finally getting his own attraction over at the MK. :rolleyes:


Account Suspended
Gucci65 said:
Okay - I must be too sheltered. I thought a White Castle OR a Crystal hamburger WERE sliders because they slide down your throat & destroy your stomach. What am I missing?

You are right! But maybe there is a "double meaning" there!



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
sabian said:
Let me say this........ Some of you have way too much time on your hands. I mean come on, the shocker? most of us have never even heard of this. I am not saying it isn't there, but, geez guys........ get a hobby. i am not being rude, believe me. But i think it is a stretch. a real stretch....sorry, just my opinion. For some reason peple can find something dirty in every disney movie or attraction. I think it has more to do with the person watching it, rather than what is supposedly in the 2 cents...
yep! forgive for quiting smoking..................... you see, every hour and a half, everybody goes outside for a smoke, i quit, so i spend my 10 minutes talking to you. are you encouraging me to take back up that hobby.......... i think not. lol

smokem' if you gotem' (and you the legal age of course)


Well-Known Member
I think the whole point here is that if you guys have nothing better to do then to sit around and analyze a hand position made by a person in a pre-ride video, then you really need to get a life. I mean come on, who cares what position his hand is in? Who the hell, outside of the people here who have mentioned it, will ever even notice it? No one!!! Everyone goes to that attraction for the ride, no one really pays that much attention to the video anyway.

So I suggest you guys go find better things to do with your time than to scrutinize every good thing that comes out of the Disney company. If you look at it, your just giving those money hungry parents and lawyers who like sueing WDC(i.e. falic symbol on Little Mermaid cover:rolleyes: ), another reason to go after more money.


New Member
Purple Dragon is right, people just need to get a life. Being a past cast member at this ride, i spent many hours in the pre show. When Steven Tyler does that, no one has ever reacted by saying, "oh my gosh, he just did the shocker." All that happens is all the high school kids that come threw, mock him by doing the same motion with their hand, but never had complaint about the "Shocker".


Premium Member
People have argued about more asinine things than this here. If people want to discuss it, then that's their prerogative.

I do agree with Cuseorng1. I've known for years what the shocker is and have seen the RnRC preshow countless times, yet I never made the connection until this thread.


Well-Known Member
My whole point is that the more we complain about this, the quicker word will spread and cause an uproar, and eventualy lead to a lawsuit against Disney from some disgruntled parent. We just need to drop the subject now before it gets out of hand, thats all I was saying.

Oh and thanks for the negative rep there people!! :wave: I wish you guys would at least put your signature on it so I know where you stand.:rolleyes:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Gucci65 said:
Okay - I must be too sheltered. I thought a White Castle OR a Crystal hamburger WERE sliders because they slide down your throat & destroy your stomach. What am I missing?

Yeah, they slide down. They also slide out, if you catch my meaning. White Castle is the greatest cure for constipation ever! With onions, to boot!

And to purple dragon and the others in the "get a hobby/life" camp: Talking about Disney IS one of my hobbies, and that includes the bad as well as the good. Great movies and horrible ones. The attractions I like most and least. Dumb business decisions and potential goofs that slipped by their notorious self-censors. If YOU don't have anything better to do than comment on others' comments, what the Hell does that say about you?

But hey, at least I don't post negative "rep" comments, because nothing would ruin my day more than if someone on the internet didn't like me. :cry: :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Yeah, they slide down. They also slide out, if you catch my meaning. White Castle is the greatest cure for constipation ever! With onions, to boot!

And to purple dragon and the others in the "get a hobby/life" camp: Talking about Disney IS one of my hobbies, and that includes the bad as well as the good. Great movies and horrible ones. The attractions I like most and least. Dumb business decisions and potential goofs that slipped by their notorious self-censors. If YOU don't have anything better to do than comment on others' comments, what the Hell does that say about you?

But hey, at least I don't post negative "rep" comments, because nothing would ruin my day more than if someone on the internet didn't like me. :cry: :rolleyes:

Dude grow up!! :rolleyes:
All I was saying is that if your going to give me negative rep, then at least have the guts to own up to it.

If you would read my previous post, then you would see that my only concern is for the future of this attraction. People have sued Disney for less obvious things than this. I am simply asking that you guys not give the lawyers more ammo. The last thing we would want is for WDW to have to completely remake this attraction because of one disgruntled parent and their money hungry lawyer.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
So theoretically, do I need to "grow up" before I "get a life?"

Or, do I need to "get a life" in order to "grow up?"

It's kind of a chicken-or-egg concept, and I want to make sure you're happy with me. Otherwise, I might bring up subjects not purple dragon-approved and incur your mighty internet wrath. Perhaps, from now on, we should all run our thread topics by you first, so we know whether or not they're up to your standards? That make you happy there, Spanky?



Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
So theoretically, do I need to "grow up" before I "get a life?"

Or, do I need to "get a life" in order to "grow up?"

It's kind of a chicken-or-egg concept, and I want to make sure you're happy with me. Otherwise, I might bring up subjects not purple dragon-approved and incur your mighty internet wrath. Perhaps, from now on, we should all run our thread topics by you first, so we know whether or not they're up to your standards? That make you happy there, Spanky?

Yep, that'll work for me.:D

Honestly dude, what are you trying to accomplish? I clearly stated my opinion and reasoning for my post, why do you persist?

Just drop it already. Good god! :rolleyes:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
PurpleDragon said:
Yep, that'll work for me.:D

Honestly dude, what are you trying to accomplish? I clearly stated my opinion and reasoning for my post, why do you persist?

Just drop it already. Good god! :rolleyes:

Yeah, you stated your opinion: Only topics YOU deem topic-worthy should be posted. Anything else results in scorn and ridicule and demands to let it go. If it bothers or bores you, then nobody else should care about it either.

I guess I just wasn't involved the day you were voted king of the internet forums. Sorry, my bad. I kinda thought, if people weren't interested in a thread, nobody would post in it and it would just die. BuI didn't realize it had to pass the purple dragon litmus test.

I look forward to the threads you decide to start with much interest.


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Yeah, you stated your opinion: Only topics YOU deem topic-worthy should be posted. Anything else results in scorn and ridicule and demands to let it go. If it bothers or bores you, then nobody else should care about it either.

I guess I just wasn't involved the day you were voted king of the internet forums. Sorry, my bad. I kinda thought, if people weren't interested in a thread, nobody would post in it and it would just die. BuI didn't realize it had to pass the purple dragon litmus test.

I look forward to the threads you decide to start with much interest.

The statement I made above was a joke. I don't care what people discuss on these boards.

I simply stated that if word of this "gesture" gets out to the public, then the future of this attraction could be at risk. I simply requested that this rumor be keep to a low level so as not to be caught on the radar of the next lawyer looking to sue Disney. There are people out there who will sue for anything they can find (i.e. Little Mermaid DVD cover).

My post was a request done out of concern, not a demand to stop all posts cause I don't like the thread. People could have simply ignored me and I would have left at that. But you persist on attacking me and throwing accusations at me for no reason. I have made no personal attack towards you, so what is your actual goal in all this? What are you trying to accomplish by attacking me?
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