Robbed at Disney


New Member
Our safe was robbed this last week, they took about $325. Everything was very neat, it didn't even look like there was anything out of place. On Tuesday before we left for the parks, we took out some cash, and on Wednesday when we went back for more, there was several bills missing. When we talked to the front desk, they said that they would check the work orders to see if another key was made. Does this happen alot?!??!?


Well-Known Member
Since I have read this I have been kicking myself in the head. We were down there in Oct and had two rooms. I used one safe but not the other. I wish I had tried to see if the keys would work in the both of the safes. If it is just a "master key" than it would be easy for mousekeeping to slip over to a room with a key from another. Has anyone ever checked this? :shrug:
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Active Member
I wonder if any other rooms were hit around the same time. If a police report had been filed, would they let the victims know they weren't the only ones? I can't imagine Disney letting others know they weren't the only ones.

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New Member
they made it sound as if it wouldn't help to call the police, that the security was good enough. I wish that we had though. It would have been better the the little slip of paper with a number on it that we got instead.

This is a discussion board, so I will discuss. It seems odd that WDW would discourage you from calling the police. It seems odd that I haven't seen similar posts or similar responses by WDW in the past. It seems odd that of the more than 2000 hits this thread has seen, nobody else has said they have experienced a similar issue.
It just seems odd is all I'm saying.
And where has the original poster gone?
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New Member
OP disappeared.

Sounds fishy. Probably just spent it without realizing how quickly. Depending on how many were in their party, it would be easy to blow through $325 at Disney.
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New Member
Since I have read this I have been kicking myself in the head. We were down there in Oct and had two rooms. I used one safe but not the other. I wish I had tried to see if the keys would work in the both of the safes. If it is just a "master key" than it would be easy for mousekeeping to slip over to a room with a key from another. Has anyone ever checked this? :shrug:

A long time ago when I stayed at Coronado Springs and we had 2 rooms the keys would not work interchangeably. Also, at ASmovies in 05 the keys wouldn't work interchangeable either. We weren't specifically testing for this it was just that the same person kept both keys and kept getting them mixed up with which was for which room.
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New Member
Original Poster
i sorry you think that i made this up. $325 is alot of money to us. My kids don't know the meaning of money yet being 6, 3, and 8 months. And I would have known if we cashed 2 $100 bills. They also took an envelope with my children souvinear money--$33 in ones (bet they really loved that one).
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New Member
Original Poster
my husband went first thing in the morning after it happened and talked to a new CM, which called security. Security came down gave my husband a claim number on the back of a piece of paper. The next morning he went back and talked to the manager, who didn't know anything about it, and the manager filed another type of claim and informed us that we were not going to get any paperwork on this because this is an internal problem and disney doesn't release internal paperwork. everyone we talked to didn't want to get involved, they would say that is not our job and there is nothing they could do to help us.:brick:we called the claim number, and got a pencil pusher and was told to wait 5-7 days. So now I'm waiting.
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Well-Known Member
I am telling you that I would have demanded something and not left the managers office until I had an answer. If they were giving me the run around like you say, you should have called the police. If anything, they would have known how serious you were about it. :fork:

I think that 99.9% of Disney cast members are on the up & up, but as you have seen, with the postings on here and with the three men getting arrested in the online ______ raid or what ever, there is always a chance that something can go wrong. It's sad to say but everyone needs to be cautious where ever we go.

But on a much happier note, this must not happen very often because with all of the people on here, there have not been a lot of reports of theft. If Disney had a real problem, this Thread would be pages long by now don't you think?:)
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New Member
All the resort rooms that you a magnetic card-style there any way to determine which key was used and when? Since they usually have those little lights on them to determine if a lock is unlocked or not, they have some kind of power source, yes? And if they have a power source, do they have any kind of memory? And if there is a memory, could it be determined who unlocked a door and when? Whether it's the guest's key (which would only open that door) or a CM who might have access to all doors?

I work for one of those hotel doorlock companies (not the ones at Disney though) and can tell you that Disney could have interrogated the lock to see who went in the room at what time. Now if they don't issue specific key cards to each of their housekeepers and just use generic ones (kind of defeats the security purpose) then they wouldn't be able to tell. The locks are powered by batteries and do have a memory that is probably at least hundreds of uses deep. I would ask Disney to interrogate the door to see if there is evidence of anything fishy (maybe another person on staff besides your housekeeper used their key to break into your room/safe?)

Good Luck!
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Well-Known Member
I've never used any of the safes on property. What we do is bring our cash card with us as well as a credit card for the room. Then we just take out a couple hundred dollars a day so that we never have a large amount of cash on us that we would need a safe for. We have found that it works really well for us.
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Well-Known Member
We always stay at the Contemporary and my younger brother had a bottle of cologne that went missing. It was a pricey bottle that he bought two days previously from a shop over in Italy in Epcot, and him being only 18 years old at the time, was quite upset that the bottle went missing. Before reporting it to the hotel, we searched the newly cleaned room high and low, unmade all the beds, searched through our luggage and still did not turn up.

We did report it to the hotel. Two days later, the hotel sent a new bottle down. It was very nice of them...and much appreciated. Don't get me wrong, we weren't looking to get anyone in trouble...we were only upset over the entire matter.

Anyhow, the Contemporary was wonderful in assisting us.

That's why we love 'em!
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Guess, we got lucky. When we stayed at AKL last year, we were having a hectic morning (family stuff, nothing Disney) but I ended up leaving the room safe OPEN with the key hanging on the lock and when we got back that jaw dropped. Nothing was taken, gone or missing! We had our Univ Studios tickets in there, as well as cash and regular credit cards. :animwink: And yes, Mousekeeping had been there, since our room had been cleaned and our beds made. Now, I make sure to double check and try not to carry as much cash. Here's to the honest ones! :king: Sorry that happened to you!
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its sad to see all these new site members who have experienced such awfull things, I hope the positive things posted here go some way to restoring the good name of Disney.

I must say I spent one aftenoon at the food and wine festival at Epcot drinking my way around the World Showcase. The following morning I discovered to my horror that someone had snuck in my room whilst I was sleeping and taken all the cash I had taken out the day previous. Not only that they must have hit my head and shoved something nasty in my mouth.
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Let me put in my two cents worth. I am a police officer in a medium sized city. What caught my attention to this thread was the word "robbed". No one was robbed in this case. It was probably a theft and possibly a burglary. A robbery is a crime against a person where force of some sort was used. Theft is a property crime and burglary is a crime of entering a business, residence, hotel room, etc for the purpose of committing a theft. I was worried when I saw the word "robbed" and I am somewhat relived to see that it probably a theft. That being said, I don't know if calling the police would have done a whole lot of good. If the culprit had been caught and charged, the victim is looking at several more trips back to the area for the subsequent court appearances. I don't know if it's worth it to Shellylea for the missing $350 to have to go back to Orange County to appear in court. If Shellylea is local, then it might be worthwhile. IMHO opinion, its always better to carry traveler's checks or what I use when I travel, my debit card. I always have it with me. Everywhere on Disney property will take a debit card and there are ATMs located throughout WDW if you do need cash.
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Well-Known Member
We had an experience at Pop Century where a roll of quarters for the laundry room dissapeared out of a suitcase. We discovered the theft shortly after Mousekeeping had been in the room. My wife and her sister reported it to the front desk, and a manager promised to investigate it immediately, and replaced the missing money on the spot. He indicated that they would know who had been working that floor, and would address the issue immediately. It was very disconcerting of course, to have this happen, espescially since it was the sister that had the theft, and it was her family's first trip to WDW. But as previously mentioned, in a company with 50,000 empoyees, things happen. We do make use of the safes, typically for valuables and such. We use Traveller's Checks almost exclusively however, for just this reason. I've lost a set before, and it was a HUGE relief to know that I had them replaced within an hour, and this occurred out of the country. I would love to see WDW make a move to equip the moderates and values with the same credit card lock safes that we used at the Poly. Much better feeling of security with those.
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New Member
We just got back and one day when we got in there was a message that the front desk had our safe key. Hubby checked his jacket and it wasn't in the pocket, so he went down and got the key, came back and it fit. A little while later he was looking through his camera bag and there was a safe key. He tried it and it was our safe key, so we ended up with 2 keys to our safe. Not sure how the key that the desk had was even traced to our room, as there are no markings on it, unless they have another way of matching it up.
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We have always used the wall safe every time we have been to wdw and never had a problem. We usually put our car keys in there and ck book and etc, I never leave cash in the room but I guess a thief is a thief and would take ck book just as easy. We also have left our kids souvneirs in the drawers in the room. I will certainly re think what I put in there when we return in Dec. I think locking suitcases maybe a better way.

:xmas: :xmas: :xmas: :xmas: :xmas: :xmas: staying at all star movies Dec 15th to 26th, 2007
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Well-Known Member
I never use cash at the parks, so I leave it at home. The recommendation I make to all travelers is to either charge to your room and just pay it when you get home or buy gift cards and keep them on you. The amounts get really large, and they can be used everywhere in the parks. Carrying cash in that amount away from home is simply courting trouble (Not that it was your fault, I just don't like to tempt fate!)
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New Member
I too understood that hotel management could determine entry and exit times from a room based on the key cards. I've seen this on the news in cases of hotel crimes. Disney should be able to tell the OP this information, and perhaps determine whose card was used. These thieves had to break into the room and the safe - a double whammy.
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Well-Known Member
I was going to keep my thoughts to myself but felt compelled to write.

First off, as anyone who had the unfortunate luck to be a victim of a crime can relate that at first you are in complete shock. (I know when my car was stolen, I walked the block to see where I really parked the car first and then asked my roommate where I left the car last night). Next the victim will contact who they believe is the proper authority. The OP started with CM security who handled the chief complaint. Again being in disbelief and shock, she may have thought that this would be further handled with the CM security and passed a long to the proper authority. I am sure that not many people can say they would have known what to do next when your mind is on vacation and then on to this disaster.
Though many people may not find her story credible or feel she told the full story, we aren't in her shoes. If she is lying, she has to live with that, if she is telling the truth, I hope this has a happy ending for her.
Finally, as one posted earlier, she would have to show for court as a witness, not neccessarily. A written deposition can be submitted as fact if both sides agree and she would not have to report to court if there was a trial. Most likely a judge would order this to save on travel and time.

I am in anyway, no expert, I do have a vast amount of experience and this is how I am seeing this.
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