RnRc Contract End?


New Member
Van Halen would fit well, but they can't be trusted. They are the type of band that can break up at any moment.

Van Halen HAS broken up, many times over, in many different versions. The CURRENT version of VH is not the original version.

As much as I love VH, and have for 28 years, VH would not be a good choice for RnR. First, Eddie could not be sober long enough to make the Intro Video, DLR could not string together more than three sentences of coherent dialogue without using the words "MF", and there is something not quite right about a 16 year old kid playing bass in a band with 50+ year old men singing song after song about ______, partying and more ______ and partying.

Someone also mentioned that doing the launch to Eruption would be cool and that the music track could be a bunch of Eddie's solos strung together. Well, as short a ride as RnR is, if they played Eruption, the ride would be over before Eddie got to the real "tapping" parts.


Well-Known Member
I heard that he loves it too. Also I would love for them to update the pre-show. Maybe have different versions of it so your not stuck watching the same "exact" pre-show video every time you ride. Also I don't know if I'm the only one but it bothers me how Aerosmith's limo in the preshow drives away in the opposite direction as the roller coaster does. It's really not that big of a deal but it bothers me for some reason. Am I the only one?

Here's a possibility for the limo going in the direction it does in the pre-show vs. the direction it goes when standing and waiting in the line: I'm thinking that what you see on the other side of the load platform from where the people get into the limo could supposedly be the studio you are looking from the inside out of in the pre-show. Does this make sense. If you were standing inside the studio looking at the limo/ride train from the opposite side of the platform then the limo would be exiting in the same direction. I'm not sure that this is the case but in retrospect I'm thinking that could be it. Either way, I love the ride, love the music, love Aersosmith, love the theming, and hope it only gets plus'd in the future. I would just :hurl: if the theming were changed to Hannah Montana or some other pop act of this 5 minutes. Aerosmith has been around a long time. They reach over many generations. Classic. Gotta love it.
Here's a possibility for the limo going in the direction it does in the pre-show vs. the direction it goes when standing and waiting in the line: I'm thinking that what you see on the other side of the load platform from where the people get into the limo could supposedly be the studio you are looking from the inside out of in the pre-show. Does this make sense. If you were standing inside the studio looking at the limo/ride train from the opposite side of the platform then the limo would be exiting in the same direction. I'm not sure that this is the case but in retrospect I'm thinking that could be it. Either way, I love the ride, love the music, love Aersosmith, love the theming, and hope it only gets plus'd in the future. I would just :hurl: if the theming were changed to Hannah Montana or some other pop act of this 5 minutes. Aerosmith has been around a long time. They reach over many generations. Classic. Gotta love it.

I see what you mean. But it can't be because when you see the limo leave in the pre-show. It is still going into the wrong direction. This is because the wall behind the limo is the exact same as the wall right behind it in the loading area. The neon sign behind the limo in the pre show is the same neon sign that is on the wall directly behind it (to the right of the limo before you shoot off). Meaning that when you exit the pre-show it is like exiting the actual studio and into the ally way behind it. The studio isn't on the opposite side after entering the ally way because the neon sign shows that. I thought that too until I looked to see where the wall in the pre-show was compared to the wall in the ride. I just assumed that maybe they filmed the pre-show before they built the actual ride and thought people wouldn't notice or if it was just a mess up and thought no one would notice. I'm not sure though.

Don't worry though, I don't think they will use Hannah Montana. If they do then they will end up changing it again because it would cause too many complaints. Just see how many people in this forum that think it's a bad idea. The forums on Aerosmith's fan website talk about this and they also think it's a bad idea for Aerosmith to not renew the contract. It's not just us Disney fans that would be upset over a hannah montana ride. I also guarantee that there will be no guys or older people that would ride this. Her fan base is young girls (most that are too short to ride) and that is too limited of an audience for a huge ride such as Rock 'N' Roller Coaster especially since DHS is in need for popular attractions.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Round and round we go......................................... just like a record baby.

Records pieces of vinyl, like big cds, which are platforms for distributing music used by those who dont settle foe inferior downloads, which are normally stolen.


Well-Known Member
I didn't walk out because I fell asleep:snore:...

Seriously, though... When you go to see a movie called 'Grand Canyon Adventure' and the whole movie is about water disappearing in the Colorado River and how we are destroying the environment, blah, blah, blah... Well, that is kinda disappointing. I wanted to see the GRAND FRIKKIN CANYON, not some tree huggers talking about water conservation as they ride the rapids and camp. An apt title might've been "Save The Colorado" or something like that. It just irked me that it didn't mention any of that in the synopsis or the ads(At least the ones I saw), and was kind of a cheapshot bait-and-switch. I wanted to see the IMAX version of hiking, climbing, burro riding, sweeping images of grand vistas(A few of those were in there, thankfully), etc. I would've walked out, had I not been with a friend.

Sorry everyone, but I had to....

The sub-title for the film is 'River at Risk'....

My first search and first result was this:


pretty much self-explanatory...

now back to the regularly-scheduled thread...


Well-Known Member
Everyone who is saying Aerosmith is here to stay is in denial. They could be replaced with may more popular properties, not to mention everyone always welcomes a refresh. A fictional band would be fantastic. Maybe an effect similar to that of the Frank Kincaid effect in the Disaster! preshow at USF (although I'm not to sure how that would work seeing as the stage is below the viewing area for the RnRc preshow) Whatever, anything to get Steven Tyler out of there! Although they may not get replaced, it's not a sure thing!

I agree. Iger has proven over and over again that he has a different vision for the parks than the previous CEO. I don't think Aerosmith would have been his first choice to base a ride around. While it seems a great fit for a place like Uni that has a "Hard Rock" pavilion and caters to teens and young adults, it doesn't seem like a great choice for Disney IMO because of the bands "past".

And we see what happened with the new pop/rock music based theme park in South Carolina.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
There are so many reasons why Guns 'n' Roses would be a terrible choice, and no, not just because I, personally, hate them.

...but we don't need to worry about this because its probably like a 90% chance that Disney and Aerosmith will just renew the contract.
Aerosmith doesn't seem like a great choice for Disney IMO because of the bands "past".
Drugs are a part of rock music.

But if you're that worried about it, its not like Rock 'n' Rollercoaster is anything more than PG rated.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Iger has proven over and over again that he has a different vision for the parks than the previous CEO. I don't think Aerosmith would have been his first choice to base a ride around. While it seems a great fit for a place like Uni that has a "Hard Rock" pavilion and caters to teens and young adults, it doesn't seem like a great choice for Disney IMO because of the bands "past".

And we see what happened with the new pop/rock music based theme park in South Carolina.

It's failing because of unrealistic expectations and a total lack of marketing, not because its theme doesn't resonate with guests.


Well-Known Member
P.S. I am thinking of starting a blog or forum exclusively dedicated to WDI's past, present, and future, and my own and others ideas for the future. If anyone is interested, PM me or something and I'll try to get it underway. Basically, a place to pretend we are Imagineers and we have free reign to do what we pleased.

This is a great idea. Actually I am suprised Disney has not come up with a Virtual Theme Park on-line community that allows people to do exactly what you suggest. Perhaps they don't want/need the competition.


Well-Known Member
11. Dic* Tracy's Crimestoppers aka Gangster Shootout in place of Star Tours. A gorgeous EMV ride designed for both Disney-MGM parks in Orlando and Paris (in the latter case, I am referring to the unbuilt Disney-MGM Studios Europe), but built at neither location. Anyone who has seen the concept art for this ride knows how beautiful it would have been and how perfectly appropriate for the 1930s / 1940s atmosphere. Move Star Tours to Tomorrowland at MK.

Until you direct a multi-million dollar franchise relaunch, and it's a hit,don't hold your breath.


Well-Known Member
Personally I don't like the theming of the RNRC building...I don't think it fits with the elegant look of the rest of Sunset Blvd, nor does Aerosmith really fit the time period implied, which is (for me, roughly) 1930s - 1950s.

My dream of an ideal DHS would be as follows (other than needed refurbishments for rides such as the Great Movie Ride)

1. The area partially occupied today by RNRC was originally supposed to be a Roger Rabbit / Maroon Studios area. They could use this land to build a ToonTown similar to those at Anaheim and Tokyo. This would give little ones an area they could enjoy, be compatible with the whole Tinsel Town theme, and free the space in Magic Kingdom currently occupied by the underwhelming ToonTown Fair, for something else.

2. Clone Disneyland's version of Fantasmic. Change is not always good.

3. In place of Beauty and the Beast, a version of Golden Mickeys (like the one at Hong Kong). This spoof of the Oscars would be perfect for DHS.

4. Complete Sunset Boulevard! About 2/3 of the buildings designed for the west side of the street were not built (we got the more budget-friendly Sunset Ranch in their place). Also, there was supposed to be a tram running down the middle of this street.

5. Replace the Animation building with something more akin to the DCA version

6. Replace Little Mermaid w/ Mickey's Philharmagic. At the MK, bring back Mickey Mouse Revue from Tokyo. And give Tokyo another Philharmagic in its place.

7. Most important...remove that %$#* Hat.

8. Bring back Sorcery in the Sky!

9. In place of American Idol, bring back SuperStar TV, or a stateside version of Cinemagique.

10. An Indy Roller coaster! Why not the EMV ride from DL? Well, mostly because of point # 11 below. Also, my plans call for removing RNRC altogether, so this would leave the need for a good coaster in the park. And I am not talking of the lame version from Paris, but something more on the scale of a coaster such as Big Thunder Mountain. Where would this be built? In the 1990s, there were plans for to build an Indy EMV ride by extending the park into the first zone of the parking lot beyond where the Stunt Spectacular show is today.

11. Dic* Tracy's Crimestoppers aka Gangster Shootout in place of Star Tours. A gorgeous EMV ride designed for both Disney-MGM parks in Orlando and Paris (in the latter case, I am referring to the unbuilt Disney-MGM Studios Europe), but built at neither location. Anyone who has seen the concept art for this ride knows how beautiful it would have been and how perfectly appropriate for the 1930s / 1940s atmosphere. Move Star Tours to Tomorrowland at MK.

12. In place of New York Street and the old Residential Street area...an east-coast version of CarsLand (but please, call it Route 66).

13. The rest of the Backlot left for future expansion (tear down those graceless "Studio" buildigns).

Just a little armchair imagineering :)

1. I love the toontown idea especially because it would allow them to remove the mess from the MK and use that land for the better. BUT, would a Toontown with a haunted hotel looming over it really work?

2. Great idea! I'd love to see them bring in the best of DL's Fantasmic and the best of the technology from the new Disney's World of Color (that just started construction on!)

3. Excellent idea

4. Excellent idea

5. Yep

6. Definitely!

7. :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Meh

9. Cinemagique!!!!!! :sohappy:

10. Definitely!

11. Yep

12. Yep

13. Yep

Very good stuff, thanks


Well-Known Member
It's failing because of unrealistic expectations and a total lack of marketing, not because its theme doesn't resonate with guests.

Or maybe it is because the "back story" limits potential demograhics. I just can't see parents showing up in droves to take their children on the "trippy" "Nights in White Satin" dark ride no matter if it is well done or not.

But maybe I am just not hip :lol:


Well-Known Member
There's no way Aerosmith voluntarily doesn't re-up on the contract. The shop at the end has to be the largest single merch store for their stuff that exists... Outside of maybe their website. The revenue they get ongoing from that has to be sizeable.

If their name doesn't stay on the building, it's because Disney hasn't given them an option to keep on rockin'.


Well-Known Member
There's no way Aerosmith voluntarily doesn't re-up on the contract. The shop at the end has to be the largest single merch store for their stuff that exists... Outside of maybe their website. The revenue they get ongoing from that has to be sizeable.

If their name doesn't stay on the building, it's because Disney hasn't given them an option to keep on rockin'.

The decision will be Disney's and solely Disney's IMO.

They will be around forever even if they are not at DHS


Well-Known Member
I enjoy RNRC, and I like Aerosmith, but I've always felt that the coaster was too similar in theme to what you might find at a Six Flags park. I associate the Disney Studios (and its theme of Hollywood) more with the *movies* than with music, so the inclusion of an attraction based around a popular band seemed an odd choice to me.

If they're going to go the music route, I would much prefer the music be associated closely with a film score composer or movie music in general.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I enjoy RNRC, and I like Aerosmith, but I've always felt that the coaster was too similar in theme to what you might find at a Six Flags park. I associate the Disney Studios (and its theme of Hollywood) more with the *movies* than with music, so the inclusion of an attraction based around a popular band seemed an odd choice to me.

If they're going to go the music route, I would much prefer the music be associated closely with a film score composer or movie music in general.
The music industry is a big aspect of "Hollywood" and show business. On RnRc, you're "going backstage and 'meeting' one of the most famous rock bands ever", so it fits.

The DHS parking lot sections are named Film, Television, Stage, and Music, respectively.

Also, the only "themes" Six Flags can come up with are Batman and Superman clones, where the theming itself is nothing more than the coaster's paint scheme, and maybe a few props in the queue and a partially themed station.

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