RIP Robin Williams


Well-Known Member
I was really upset by the loss of Robin Williams. I grew up on Mork and Mindy. I dressed as Mork one year for Halloween. He was one of my earliest heroes. Another was Christopher Reeve who was good friends and college roommates with Williams. It's well-known that after Reeve's accident, Williams helped to cheer him up and reportedly helped pay his medical bills.

I haven't followed much of Williams' work over the last decade or so. About a year ago, he was a subject of my What the Hell Happened series. A lot of people take that as an insult because of the mild profanity in the title. But, I always considered it a compliment. I only write about people who accomplished a very high level of success. And very few ever achieved what Williams did.

Williams started out as a zany stand-up, transitioned to a TV show aimed largely at kids and then made the jump to movies. That alone is extremely impressive. But then he showed his range in dramatic roles and eventually became an Oscar winner. Every comedic actor in Hollywood tries for a career like Williams. And with the exception of Tom Hanks, most fail.

Very sad. Words always fail at times like these. Sympathies of course to those who knew him.


Well-Known Member
I was on the great movie ride last night and when his scene came on during the film Montage people starting clapping in tribute.

However, today at epcot on captain eo I overheard multiple groups of people calling Michael Jackson every kind of name in the book. Very disrespectful

It's amazing how views change when someone dies. Prior to his death, Jackson was a pariah. As soon as he died, everyone forgot all the reasons we didn't like him and he became a saint. Very strange.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Still can't quite believe he's gone, he was such a force of life and personality.

I grew up watching and loving his films, not only was he a comic genius but he was also an extraordinary actor. Watching Aladdin won't quite be the same, its hard to watch the clips being shown of his films now without getting choked up.

He was also part of one of my all-time favourite things at WDW, the old Return to Neverland film that used to start the animation tour at DHS. If there is one thing that never fails to make me laugh it is Robin Williams impersonating Jack Nicholson.

A very sad day, my thoughts and condolences are with Robin Williams' friends and family. Hopefully he is finally at peace now.


Well-Known Member
I've struggled to find the words to express the emotions I feel and they really don't come. He was one of those performers who is like a cornerstone in the world. Whenever you'd see him in something you knew something special would happen and it would be good. He brought so much enjoyment and his uniqueness can't really be replaced. RIP


Well-Known Member
I came home from work last night and found out the news of his death from postings on Facebook. When I told my wife she said she already knew but didn't want to upset me by telling me. He was an incredible talent as so many others here have already stated. I ran across the following story a few minutes ago. I don't think it's been posted here yet. It may provide at least a little insight into part of Robin's state of mind in the last few months. It appears his hard work and genius paid for two incredibly expensive divorces that may have left him feeling financially insecure.

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