Mansion Butler
Active Member
More importanly than 100% sure, you are also 100% correct. Unfortunately when some people get an idea in their mind, it never goes away. This ring is really in the same vein as rampant speculation over what is and is not a Hidden Mickey. In truth, I'd say *at least* more than half of what people swears is a Mickey is not at all. Example, the starfield doors on the Tower of Terror, which *do not* form a Mickey head. They are a random pattern of fiber optic wires. Nothing more, nothing less. On that subject, it troubles me that (at least at one point) an *unoffical* Hidden Mickey book was sold in the park. I remember a guest showing it to me one time and just on the page or two I looked at there were already several errors - but of course, *I* was told I was lying to them, because if it's in a book "it must be true".... Ugh. Doesn't unofficial mean something?
I get told the shapes in the railing on Cinderella's Castle is a hidden Mickey.
Nevermind you can see the exact shape (with equally sized circles) in the railings in the movie Sleeping Beauty.