Right park, wrong t-shirt


Well-Known Member
DisneyMarg said:
Also on his list of rude things to avoid:
  • While you are in any retail establishment, talking about how much better the prices, selection, layout, etc are in a competitor's store. (i.e. Don't go to KMart and say, "well, at Walmart I saw....")

Actually there is an acception to that rule. You can do that to get service from an employee who was previously ignoring you. Me and a buddy were in Home Depot one day and were waiting for someone to bring the forklift to get a new pallet of lumber off the top rack. Well we went and asked a couple different guys and they wandered off and never came back. Well we saw a manager walk by so my friend said something to the effect of "Screw this man we can get better service at Lowes". After that the manager himself drove the forklift over and got the pallet down for us. :p

As far as what t-shirts you wear in the parks, why should it make a difference? The person spent the money on the ticket to get into WDW, which obviously means they enjoy Disney, why should they go out of their way to find a Disney shirt to wear while they are there? I don't care what people wear to WDW, usually when I go there I go to enjoy the shows and attractions, not to stare at other peoples shirts.


ScrapIron said:
Cool people never wear the T shirt of the band they're seeing that night.


Definitely Hubby's school of philosophy. Also, he's a runner and he says cool people never wear the race TShirt to run in that race.


TAC said:
You say that you don't get upset by people wearing the "wrong shirt," yet you feel that it is rude to wear an "I love NY" shirt in Boston? Which is it ?

To clarify, I don't get upset by people wearing the "wrong shirt".
My husband would probably think that it's rude to wear an "I love NY" shirt in Boston.


Well-Known Member
The last time I was at WDW, I was not yet a Disney fan. We were just casual tourists on our honeymoon. But I do remember seeing an entire family in their matching Universal T-shirts and thinking, "That's a little ballsy."

I personally wouldn't do it unless it was the only thing I had to wear that day.


Well-Known Member
My one comment on this is that if you do wear another parks shirt, don't expect that CMs aren't going to mess with you. One day a guy went psycho on me because I said something about his IOA shirt. When you wear it to disney, you are asking to be messed around with.


Well-Known Member
PurpleDragon said:
Well we saw a manager walk by so my friend said something to the effect of "Screw this man we can get better service at Lowes". After that the manager himself drove the forklift over and got the pallet down for us. :p


That only works part of the time, most the time when people say that to me (now working at Lowes too) I just say....okay. But usually it's because they are being stupid. But you do get better service at Lowes...:p


Active Member
I'd rather see them wearing any shirt, then no or a skimmpy let everything hang out or look at my hairy chest ones. It's bad enough the teens look like they should be headed to a strip club for work than WDW.


New Member
Disney-holic said:
I'm truely sorry if I've offended some people. That was not my intent. I had been going through some pictures that had been taken at WDW, & came across one that had someone in the background wearing a t-shirt from Universal, & it just reminded me that this bugs me. I said I knew it was no big deal, it's just a little irritant. It certainly doesn't ruin the day for me. It's usually forgotten as quick as it comes to mind. Of course, it's a free country & anybody is free to wear whatever they like, just as I am free to express my opinion, which is what this was: my opinion. I think most people have some little thing that annoys, irritates, or bugs them, that do not affect others in the same way. That doesn't mean they need a mental check-up. I was just venting a small irritant.

You don't have to apologize for this post...if it's a free country and people can wear what they want to WDW (especially Tshirts from other theme parks), then you definitely have a right to share your opinion on it! :D

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Didnt think anything at WDW was free? Still I guess it will be ok to wear my

COLDPLAY are ____*!E - t shirt, its not theme park orientated but it is at least factual


New Member
tigsmom said:
Wear whatever you like, but honestly, I think there are bigger things to get upset about in this world.

Very true. But I think the internet is sometimes hard to tell the tone of threads that are created. Some people may read this and think it's an attack on people who wear other theme park t-shirts to WDW or whichever park...and freak out in response. Others may freak out and argue that the author of the post is ignorant and close-minded or whatever b/c "it's a free country...blah blah blah". And then when people read it the right way...in a "hey, this is just my opinion tone" things turn out fine and people make civilized posts.

So, your quote is very true. Why do so many people get upset and/or freak out over a simple post with an opinion? Why does it offend people so much? Honestly, there's no need for some people to lash out against the author, right?


Well-Known Member
PurpleDragon said:
Actually there is an acception to that rule. You can do that to get service from an employee who was previously ignoring you. Me and a buddy were in Home Depot one day and were waiting for someone to bring the forklift to get a new pallet of lumber off the top rack. Well we went and asked a couple different guys and they wandered off and never came back. Well we saw a manager walk by so my friend said something to the effect of "Screw this man we can get better service at Lowes". After that the manager himself drove the forklift over and got the pallet down for us. :p
Never shop at Home Depot. They have the worst service ever. Lowe's all the way....BTW I hate when people say "well I'll just go to the competitor" Do you really think the employees actually care? It's the same as the old "Well I spend thousands of dollars in here"....lol


New Member
TurnipHead said:
Never shop at Home Depot. They have the worst service ever. Lowe's all the way....BTW I hate when people say "well I'll just go to the competitor" Do you really think the employees actually care? It's the same as the old "Well I spend thousands of dollars in here"....lol

LOL! I used to work at a locally owned pizza restaurant and this guy came in once asking if he could use the bathroom. He said "I come here all the time, is it ok?" I said "yeah, sure" (I honestly didn't care if he came there or not). THEN, he started walking off in the wrong direction towards the stock area. I called "Sir, the bathroom is over here!" and he looked really embarassed and mumbled "Maybe I don't come here all the time..."! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks to those that support my right to my opinion, like DisneyMarg, WaltzMatilda, & ilovepluto23. Whether they agree with my opinion does not matter. And to those who blow things out of proportion & exaggerate to the extreme, like Tac, & those that were just unkind, like Corrus, dxer07002, Used2BePluto, & Coustercameron, I hope you get to WDW soon, because you really need some Magic in your life. But then, that's just my opinion.


My bad?

Ok, just chimming in here. While standing in line to take pictures with Sorcerer Mickey at MGM with my husband and son, I had a CM come up to me and he made mention that my shirt was "not appropriate" for a theme park with so many small kids around. I had a Bon Jovi concern shirt on which Jon had a buttoned down shirt open which revealed part of his chest and his 6-pack and it has the Bounce tour name on it as well. I figured that he was kidding around with me so I said, "Don't pick on my man! He's awesome and he's a pretty good role model for the kids." The CM said that the shirt was inappropriate as it revealed too much of Jon's body. I then asked who he was kidding as I had seen women walking around in itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini tops that didn't even cover themselves and he just laughed and said that that's beach attire and if people come from the waterparks that they generally just keep on what they wore to the previous park. He didn't have a problem with the bikini tops. I said that I had problems with my 7-year-old son staring at the girls with the too-small tops and he just smiled. He said that he would advise me to buy a t-shirt from a giftshop as if I'm warned again that I might be asked to leave to park to change.

I just don't get it!:brick: Granted it's not another theme park shirt but I was a little taken back that my shirt was offensive and others walk around nearly naked. :veryconfu Needless to say, Jon's staying home this trip where he'll be safe and cool in the A/C.:cry:


New Member
Cheryl said:
Ok, just chimming in here. While standing in line to take pictures with Sorcerer Mickey at MGM with my husband and son, I had a CM come up to me and he made mention that my shirt was "not appropriate" for a theme park with so many small kids around. I had a Bon Jovi concern shirt on which Jon had a buttoned down shirt open which revealed part of his chest and his 6-pack and it has the Bounce tour name on it as well. I figured that he was kidding around with me so I said, "Don't pick on my man! He's awesome and he's a pretty good role model for the kids." The CM said that the shirt was inappropriate as it revealed too much of Jon's body. I then asked who he was kidding as I had seen women walking around in itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini tops that didn't even cover themselves and he just laughed and said that that's beach attire and if people come from the waterparks that they generally just keep on what they wore to the previous park. He didn't have a problem with the bikini tops. I said that I had problems with my 7-year-old son staring at the girls with the too-small tops and he just smiled. He said that he would advise me to buy a t-shirt from a giftshop as if I'm warned again that I might be asked to leave to park to change.

I just don't get it!:brick: Granted it's not another theme park shirt but I was a little taken back that my shirt was offensive and others walk around nearly naked. :veryconfu Needless to say, Jon's staying home this trip where he'll be safe and cool in the A/C.:cry:
I'll bet someone complained to the CM.


New Member
Cheryl said:
I just don't get it!:brick: Granted it's not another theme park shirt but I was a little taken back that my shirt was offensive and others walk around nearly naked. :veryconfu Needless to say, Jon's staying home this trip where he'll be safe and cool in the A/C.:cry:

That doesn't make sense to me either. Ummm...it's not like it's a woman with her button-down shirt open on your picture, exposing or something. It's a man's chest. What's so offensive about that? If you go to a water park, there are plenty of men walking around without shirts on!!! :confused: People are stupid.


Well-Known Member
Cheryl said:
Ok, just chimming in here. While standing in line to take pictures with Sorcerer Mickey at MGM with my husband and son, I had a CM come up to me and he made mention that my shirt was "not appropriate" for a theme park with so many small kids around. I had a Bon Jovi concern shirt on which Jon had a buttoned down shirt open which revealed part of his chest and his 6-pack and it has the Bounce tour name on it as well. I figured that he was kidding around with me so I said, "Don't pick on my man! He's awesome and he's a pretty good role model for the kids." The CM said that the shirt was inappropriate as it revealed too much of Jon's body. I then asked who he was kidding as I had seen women walking around in itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini tops that didn't even cover themselves and he just laughed and said that that's beach attire and if people come from the waterparks that they generally just keep on what they wore to the previous park. He didn't have a problem with the bikini tops. I said that I had problems with my 7-year-old son staring at the girls with the too-small tops and he just smiled. He said that he would advise me to buy a t-shirt from a giftshop as if I'm warned again that I might be asked to leave to park to change.

I just don't get it!:brick: Granted it's not another theme park shirt but I was a little taken back that my shirt was offensive and others walk around nearly naked. :veryconfu Needless to say, Jon's staying home this trip where he'll be safe and cool in the A/C.:cry:

Picking on JBJ is just so wrong. Maybe that CM has a inferiority (sp?) complex about one of God's gifts to women!!:lol:

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