Ride videos!!!!


New Member
hey djmatthews,

i dunno what programs work for MP3's, but if you convert them to WAV files you'll probably have luck finding something that'll work. i use some TBS montego APPS that came with my sound card. i'm sure sound forge will do the trick, but that's bling bling...

there's gotta be some freebie app out there - try a google search :)


Active Member
Originally posted by djmatthews
Hello techno-boffins. Can anyone help me, what program could I use to "stitch" MP3s together? I know its a little off topic, I was wondering if anyone could help?

yea, like popkid says, this can bve done but i don't knof of any really simple way. If it were me, i'd just convert all the mp3s to wavs, open the in cool edit or something, then just copy and paste them right after each other, save it as one huge wav, then compress that wav back to mp3.


New Member
I'm running Windows XP. I have been able to piece files together using Windows Movie Maker. It will record them as a WMA file. Then I downloaded a program from the internet from River Past that lets you convert WMA files back to MP3. River Past comes with a free 30 day trial. After the 30 days, you can still use it free, but the bitrate drops to 56kb. If you have XP, it might be worth trying.

This way, you don't have to convert them to wav first.


New Member
He's Baaaaaack

Greetings Friends!

What an absolutely insane summer. Work went off the charts. I had to schedule time to breathe and sleep. And unfortunately it kept me away from here. Labor Day weekend allowed me to play some and I have some captures ready to post.

The first is a series from Disneyland.

The home to Carousel of Progress and America Sings sat empty for too long. It was eventually filled with Innoventions. A very cheap solution for Disney, but I digress.

Innoventions has several different 'zones' focusing on products of the future.

As you approach from the outside you are treated to a TV promo of the ride. You do inside and an AA 'Tom Morrow' greets you with a speil. Then you are 'treated' to a live demonstration based on that zone.

Over the next several days I will be posting the different zones. This first one will contain the Outside segment as well as the inside segment. (Future ones will not have the outside segment as it does not change.)

Enjoy - There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day......(I know you are singing this now.)

These are from the around 1999.



New Member
A great big beautiful tomorrow in the Entertainment Zone

Here is aprt 2 of 4 parts looking at DL Innoventions. If you need more info, look up 1 post.

Last night I uploaded the Entertainment Zone.




New Member
Anybody have a recent link for Invision? I need to download it again. When I try to use the link from several pages back it tells me "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /~chick1/files/i2b2520.exe on this server". I tried to burn it onto a cd from another computer and install it that way, but that didn't work either.

I had to re-download mIRC and got used to Invision. No big deal if I can't get it. Would like to though.


New Member
I posted it to alt.binaries.multimedia.disney yesterday. If you do not have access to that PM me with an e-mail address and I will send it to you.

It is 3.4 megs RAR'd



New Member
A third RU capture in just over a week - are you amazed? I am.

Anyway, part 3 of the 4 part Innoventions series is now available. The latest is the Info Zone.




New Member
If any encoders go out to the Magic Kingdom in October, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get me a video of Philharmagic! and Wishes! just because I'm too young to do paypal to get them off of WDWMagic (whenever they appear) and also because I have a collection of fireworks show and am only missing several (well, more than several, but whatever). - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Well, I finally got the 4th of 4 in my series on the Disneyland Innoventions.

Located in DizUploads, in the RU folder, in the DL folder.




New Member


You mailbox is full. Clean out the SENT folder - same thing happened to me last week. Then I can reply.


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