Ride Ruiners


Well-Known Member
I agree that, IMO, it's cute when they do this. The intention of the 3-D attractions at WDW is to make you believe that something is real, and that you can actually touch it. Sometimes, children are the only ones who can let this happen. More power to them for feeling the magic.

Complaining about it is like going to a comedy show and complaining that someone is laughing too loudly. They are doing exactly what the performer wants them to do, even if it can be annoying to the person next to them.

Or like going to a concert and the person behind you gett8ing ticked when you stand up. Hello - IT'S A ROCK CONCERT!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm currently at the EMH (which does not feel like it) and just got out of HM. In the stretching room, some guy decided to do a word for word impression of the Ghost Host, much to the frustration of the guests. If it was your first time and probably only time riding this, wouldn't you get ticked as well if doneone were to ruin the experience?

I absolutely hate that. Especially when I have people who are experiencing it for the first time. Once I yelled out we only need one ghost house please because the guy was so annoying.

The Mom

Premium Member
Or like going to a concert and the person behind you gett8ing ticked when you stand up. Hello - IT'S A ROCK CONCERT!!!!

At The Symphony I would be annoyed. ;) Unless it was the National Anthem, the audience was invited to stand, or it was a piece of music that traditionally invites participation - such as The Messiah.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I believe his post was responding to the OP's complaint about people repeating the spiels - they are not tour groups or first time guests. I'll ask him. ;)

Mom's right.

I was saying the first-time guests, casual guests, and Brazilians (all of whom usually get the bulk of the blame for any guest issues around here) cannot be blamed for repeating ride schpiels because they simply don't know them. The people doing that are the more strident, emphatic fans, and repeat guests- the type of people who would join and post on this board. That's where the irony comes from.


Well-Known Member
I would say it definitely depends on the situation.

Usually, yes it's annoying. But, with the right crowd, it can be lots of fun.

the Friday the 13th Tower of Terror Passholder Night last year was one of those situations where we had been riding with the same people over and over and we all ended up reciting Rod Serling's lines in the Library (of course to speed things up they started just leaving the back door to the library open) and the chanting "It's Raining, It's Pouring..." during the actual ride when you see the little girl. I think this start at back-to-back ride-through #6. :cool:


I would say it definitely depends on the situation.

Usually, yes. With the right crowd, it can be lots of fun.

Agreed. I was at MNSSHP last year, riding HM quite late, and almost everyone in the stretching room was doing the Ghost Host narration. I liked it.

Flash pictures annoy me the most. If you want to remember what the ride is like when you're not on it, go on the internet and watch a ride-through. Poor quality flash photos aren't going to capture it.

And this isn't a ride, but I hate it when people take flash photos during Wishes, as well. Enjoy that photo of the back of someone's head.


Active Member
I so agree. The flash photography is beyond annoying just as those loud singer wanna be's. I was recently on It's A Small World, when a female behind us began singing, horribly loud and out of tune, like an out of control drunkard, the theme to the ride, the WHOLE ride. It was as if it was the first time she was set free in society. No class what so ever. By the time the ride was over, I felt like a porcupine, just touch me and see what happens:fork: I do understand you're there to have fun, absolutely, but you don't have to be disruptive to the others. Some of us do actually want to enjoy the rides. The 3-D catchers don't bother. It makes them happy and they have a ball. I think it's cute. It adds to their magic moment.
Another ride that gets a lot of voice synchronization by park guests is the Tower of Terror. I have been in both the library and the ride it self and heard the entire spiel copied simultaneously by another guest.

However I think its fun at night when you get the people who ride ToT over and over and at the end of the library sequence when rod serling says "this elevator travels directly to ... The Twilight Zone" Nearly everyone says - The Twilight Zone.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
It drives me nuts when people do things that can ruin the attractions for those around them for the first time. Photography, cell phones, reciting spiels, etc. Everyone paid a lot of money to get into the park...not just you. Have courtesy for those around you, especially if you are one of the diehards who gets to go on the attractions often. I think flash photos and cell phones get to me the most though....and I find pirates to be the biggest problem of any attraction in WDW. I was on a ride recently where a man behind me was taking flash pictures about every 3 feet and then was talking on his phone during the ride. Couldn't make out what he was saying since it was spanish, but since the reception in pirates isn't great he sure was saying it loud enough.


Well-Known Member
There's no cure for stupidity and rudeness. It is fostered from a lack of respect and in my opinion "The Timeout Generation". You can call them Y-Gen or whatever. All I have to say is respect was lost when a father could not use his belt for proper discipline.


Well-Known Member
How about the parent who drags their screaming child onto a ride, and insists that they stay on? We had one of these in front of us last week on Star Tours. The poor little girl was crying and screaming her head off, saying she wanted off and throwing the 3-D glasses when her dad tried to put them on her. Her dad kept telling her to be quiet, she had ridden this ride before and liked it. My 5-yo son was very concerned about her, and the CM came over and asked politely if she was okay, and if it was maybe just past her bedtime? The dad sarcastically replied "something like that" and they stayed on the ride, with her screaming, but luckily it was mostly drowned out when the ride started. I just don't understand why he insisted they stay on - clearly he wasn't able to enjoy the ride, the poor little girl didn't enjoy it, and the people around them definitely didn't enjoy it! It was our 5th or 6th time riding it, but I'm sure there were people there who were experiencing it for the first time.


Well-Known Member
How about the parent who drags their screaming child onto a ride, and insists that they stay on?

It seems like every time I ride Space Mountain, there is someone screaming and crying on it. Which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't right behind me, and doing it through the entire ride.

I used to sing along with Pirates and Splash...and yes...I still do it...but now I do it much much quieter. I don't want to ruin a ride for anyone.

Though nothing beats the time on Splash, when the tour group on the ride with me stood up, threw stuff at the AAs and actually got out of the log when they stopped the ride!:lookaroun

I do remember once in the stretching room at HM in DLR, a child of about 7 was saying the whole spiel along with the host. He was kind of quiet, but I caught it on video. He was changing his voice to try and sound like the actor, and I actually thought it was hilarious!

Although I notice that there are a LOT of kids that do this more at DL. I think many go there every weekend, and maybe they get a little jaded?


Well-Known Member
Aside from the flash photography in the Haunted Mansion previously mentioned two events of a ride being ruined that really stand out to me are;

A family that forced their daughter about age 11 or 12 to ride Primeval Whirl by herself. She shared a ride-car with my son. The young lady clung to my son, a perfect stranger, the entire ride, crying and screaming. She got off the ride almost hysterical and my son had finger nail marks and later bruises on his arm.

Riding the jungle cruise I once sat next to a guy who thought he was Cecil B. DeMille or something, the entire trip he was swinging his rather large video camera, you know one of those big ones from the 1980’s and this was 2009, around my head and in front of my face. I hope he showed that video to his family and friends because there’s a great shot of my middle finger in it.


One of the times we staying on property at Universal, we were having a joyous time using the Express access to Revenge of the Mummy. My son wanted to go over and over. Turns out the same teenage girls were doing the same thing. And, 4 times in a row they got on our car and sat there loudly yelling out every cheezy line the mummy said. I kept trying to let people in front of us in line so we wouldn't end up near them...I tried to talk my son into another ride...nothing worked. I kept hoping the Mummy would eat the girls...he didn't...:(


Think for yourselfer
If you recite a spiel, bleep you. If you take flash photography on a dark ride, bleep you. If you make a joke during an attraction, bleep you. If scream obnoxiously prior to a ride starting, bleep you. If you do anything to take away any enjoyment from another guest, because you are a selfish %$!?&, bleep you.

I am not joking.


Active Member
During a recent week down at the parks, my wife and I witnessed the following:

1) someone on the Haunted Mansion insisting on taking flash pictures, despite the Ghost Host's requests that you not do that

2) some guy doing the "clap on - clap off" in the stretch room before the lights went out and came back on, really hilarious btw :brick:

3) in the Circle of Life, a couple behind us literally yelled out every different animal as it appeared on the screen.

Also, same couple, when they showed downtown San Francisco, they guy asks his wife: "What is that? Seattle??" She told him that it was.

Minutes later they show the same skyline, he yells: "Where is that??" and she replies that she has no clue, she's never seen it before.

4) Someone taking pictures w/ flash during Philhar Magic

5) A crying child during the entire showing on the movie Walt, One Man's Dream.

My wife and I would joke that we're losing faith in humanity, and how much we're starting to despise people in general LOL

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Flash pictures are the worst. It doesn't even make sense to me why someone would take pictures with the flash on in a dark ride because 99.9% of the time the pictures would look better without the flash anyways.

That's because most of the people who take these pictures have no idea that there is even a no flash setting on their cameras or how to achieve it!


Well-Known Member
If you recite a spiel, bleep you. If you take flash photography on a dark ride, bleep you. If you make a joke during an attraction, bleep you. If scream obnoxiously prior to a ride starting, bleep you. If you do anything to take away any enjoyment from another guest, because you are a selfish %$!?&, bleep you.

I am not joking.
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Well-Known Member
I confess to having been an offender a couple of times in the past, although very quietly and on only one attraction:

"They are tommies, tommmmmmies!"

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