Ride Ruiners

It drives me nuts when people scream, or talk loud during the library pre-show in Tower of Terror. I always want to turn around and say something - but then that would make me as bad as they are. But OMG it gets on my nerves!!!!!!!!!

Same with, during dark rides, when people take pictures. Their pictures wont even turn out anyway! Why do you need a picture of a random scene on a ride - when you're specifically told when the ride begins... no flash pictures. People like that drive me crazy!!!!!!!!! And they annoy everyone else and ruin their experience. I always think of people who are doing the ride for the first time and how they are trying to take it all in and enjoy the theming and the storyline - and obnoxious people are shouting or taking pictures and ruining the magic! Gah - it irks me!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
LOL :ROFLOL: Tell that to a judge or prosecutor. LOL Let me know how that works out for you. :rolleyes: Sorry, but there ARE phone calls that require you to answer them quickly. If I am on a dark ride then I will not answer it but if I am at a table and the phone rings then as long as it isn't some normal average phone call then I will take it, right there and any self righteous sanctimonious person that doesn't like it can leave. Thanks. :wave: I'm not bothering anyone by answering my phone and saying in a low tone "Yes, have him sentenced to us." or "No, he needs to complete his time in prison because he is inappropriate for our program." then hanging up. The fact that someone across the restaurant answering their phone annoys you frankly scares me. You sound like you'd like to do something drastic about them. You don't work for the post office do you?

I certainly wouldn't do anything, drastic or otherwise. :rolleyes: If you actually bothered to read my post, I was commenting on my own actions and then I opined that nothing in this world and no-one in this world is so important or indispensable as to warrant being just plain rude. I went on to state that, in my opinion, if one were to think themselves that important, they were self-deluded.

If your judge or prosecutor can wait when you're on a dark ride, they can equally wait when you're in a situation where it's equally rude to take a call. :shrug:

I actually have enough respect for my dining companions not to be rude to them. I consider my family and friends to be worthy of respect, much more-so than other patrons of a restaurant.
I'm a firm believer that no cell phone call or text is so important that it can't wait until I'm somewhere I can deal with it appropriately. I will not answer my phone while at a restaurant. I will not answer during a ride [dark ride or not]. I will not text while on a ride or in a restaurant.

If it can't wait the few minutes it takes for me to be somewhere appropriate to deal with it, then whomever is calling/texting is incompetent or arrogant to the extreme. No-one and nothing is that important.

If my co-workers can't figure out what to do in a given situation, then it's my fault because I didn't train them well enough. What if I were to die? What would they do? They'd have to figure it out themselves or not. No single individual is so indispensable that they need to be at someone's beck and call constantly. If you think you're that important, you're seriously self-deluded. :rolleyes:

I agree with you completely, and I am a producer, and keep my phone with me and on at all times ... no one or no thing is so important that you have to drop everything and answer your phone right then and there. They will leave a message, and then you can call them back. People will understand.

I choked with laughter at the 1950's remark someone chose to use as an argument ... Seriously?!? ... 1950 or 2011, manners are manners and your delusional if you think what decade we live in has anything to do with it. :lol:

So what happens when the judge holds you in contempt after you take that phone call in his courtroom?

Oh, and I asked a judge. I just texted him. He said the call can wait 5 minutes.

Seriously. I have a cousin who's a judge.

That's like saying you are required to answer the phone while you're on the toilet. It isn't happening and nine times out of ten that takes longer than a ride.

He didn't say that it annoys him when others answer their phone across a restaurant. He said that HE will not answer his phone in a restaurant, because he does not believe that he NEEDS to, and he does not WANT to. He actually expressed no view about whether it annoys him when others do it. Rather, he merely said that nobody should feel like they MUST answer their phone in such a situation.

But what if the attraction is Ellen's Energy Adventure. That takes 37 minutes or so. Or at the Hoop-de-doo Revue? Or La Nouba? Those are much longer than an average meal, but it seems like it'd be inappropriate to answer the phone during those events. Or what about the Wild Africa Trek -- that's several hours and you can't even bring your phone. Are you saying you wouldn't go on the Wild Africa Trek, because there is always the possibility that you might get an important call from a judge or prosecutor that you'd have to take, but wouldn't be able to?

We all make decisions about what to do keeping in mind the possibility that someone, somewhere, might try to get ahold of us in the meantime. I have skipped rides, meals, parades and other things while at WDW because I was expecting a call that I thought was very important. I have also taken calls in restaurants because the identity of the caller suggested some immediately importance. But I have done that knowing that I might annoy somebody, not believing that nobody had a right to be annoyed.

That Monty chooses not to make himself available in those situations seems like a valid choice. It also has the benefit of never putting Monty in a position to possibly be a Ride (Show, Meal) Ruiner. Your choice keeps you from being a Ride Ruiner, but leaves open the possibility of being a Meal Ruiner. That's a choice you've made. That your call actually IS important doesn't eliminate the possibilty that taking it will annoy somebody you are eating with, or somebody at the next table, or the server that has to get out of your way as you try to find a quiet place.

I have also missed important calls that came in unexpectedly while I was on a ride, in a pool, at a show, eating a meal, etc. And the people on the other end understood -- I had not promised to be available, and I didn't make myself available. As Monty notes, as important as I think I am, it turns out that when others try to reach me to help with a problem and cannot do so immediately, they either wait or find another way to deal with things. And life goes on.

I certainly wouldn't do anything, drastic or otherwise. :rolleyes: If you actually bothered to read my post, I was commenting on my own actions and then I opined that nothing in this world and no-one in this world is so important or indispensable as to warrant being just plain rude. I went on to state that, in my opinion, if one were to think themselves that important, they were self-deluded.

If your judge or prosecutor can wait when you're on a dark ride, they can equally wait when you're in a situation where it's equally rude to take a call. :shrug:

I actually have enough respect for my dining companions not to be rude to them. I consider my family and friends to be worthy of respect, much more-so than other patrons of a restaurant.

Let's see if I can bottom line this for you all.... I'll use my phone whenever and wherever I choose to use it. If you don't like it then tough ****. I don't answer to you. And to the smart*** that supposedly texted a judge, good for you. Your judge doesn't care. Awesome. Two out of the five judges around here DO care. And since I am the ONLY liaison for out program (again, not MY decision) I have to be available 24/7. It has zero to do with how important I think I am. I am not important enough to get ***ed off when someone else uses their phone while eating. That seems to be you folks. Just saying....:rolleyes:


OV 104
Premium Member
I can hear it now. Yes, your honor (humphhhh humphhh errrrr HUMPPPHHHH FRRRRRRR) I will get on it right now away (splash).

You make zero sense. I hope I have the pleasure of being loud in your ear on an attraction one day.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Let's see if I can bottom line this for you all.... I'll use my phone whenever and wherever I choose to use it. If you don't like it then tough ****. I don't answer to you. And to the smart*** that supposedly texted a judge, good for you. Your judge doesn't care. Awesome. Two out of the five judges around here DO care. And since I am the ONLY liaison for out program (again, not MY decision) I have to be available 24/7. It has zero to do with how important I think I am. I am not important enough to get ***ed off when someone else uses their phone while eating. That seems to be you folks. Just saying....:rolleyes:

Actually, I still don't give a tinker's damn what you do or don't do. I'm just of the opinion [you know about those, right?] that using a cell phone while dining or in environs that might distract others or detract from their experience is rude.

The bolded text in the quote seems to more accurately relate your attitude. :shrug:


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Let's see if I can bottom line this for you all.... I'll use my phone whenever and wherever I choose to use it. If you don't like it then tough ****. I don't answer to you. And to the smart*** that supposedly texted a judge, good for you. Your judge doesn't care. Awesome. Two out of the five judges around here DO care. And since I am the ONLY liaison for out program (again, not MY decision) I have to be available 24/7. It has zero to do with how important I think I am. I am not important enough to get ***ed off when someone else uses their phone while eating. That seems to be you folks. Just saying....:rolleyes:

We already understood that -- that's why we reacted negatively to your posts. Thanks for clarifying though. You do not care whether you annoy others, taking the position that they should not be annoyed. Most of us do care whether we annoy others. We call that being polite.

Some of us get annoyed when others use their phones in restaurants. You don't get annoyed when others use their phones in restaurants. That makes you tolerant of a behavior that you exhibit yourself. Your position is therfore consistent with your actions in that regard.


Well-Known Member
Let's see if I can bottom line this for you all.... I'll use my phone whenever and wherever I choose to use it. If you don't like it then tough ****. I don't answer to you. And to the smart*** that supposedly texted a judge, good for you. Your judge doesn't care. Awesome. Two out of the five judges around here DO care. And since I am the ONLY liaison for out program (again, not MY decision) I have to be available 24/7. It has zero to do with how important I think I am. I am not important enough to get ***ed off when someone else uses their phone while eating. That seems to be you folks. Just saying....:rolleyes:

Must not be an anger management program.



Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
And to the smart*** that supposedly texted a judge, good for you. Your judge doesn't care. Awesome. Two out of the five judges around here DO care.
I'm a smartass. That's fine. I accept that.

I also accept that you're inconsiderate, and have such a high sense of self entitlement that it doesn't matter what others think, or what the norms of society dictate.

There are certain calls that one cannot wait to take. But for the most part, when your phone rings, you can wait 5 minutes. If you can't, I'm sure there's someone on the ride that will enjoy throwing your phone off the ride. It won't be me, but I'll be laughing the loudest when it's done.

Now, you stated judge in the previous post, and I replied with a courtroom post. Answer a phone in a courtroom, enjoy the night you'll spend in jail after you're held in contempt.

As for the supposedly, those who know me here, and many do in real life, know that I'm ballsy enough to do this. So rather than argue with you, I'll just post the screenshot.


It's in Spanglish, but the judge is a US federal judge in Puerto Rico. Allow me to translate:

Me: "Hi, can a judge hold you in contempt for answering a cellphone in his courtroom?"

Judge: "Clearly"

Now, if you want to bring out the name blurring, go ahead and do it. You've already accused me of dishonesty by using the word 'supposedly', so I'm not really too concerned about anything else you have to say.

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
I dont take my phone with me to the parks .. Being thousands of miles miles away and over two days of travelling there is nothing anyone could want to call me about ( and i mean nothing ) that cant wait untill i get back from a day at the park to check my phone... How did we manage before we could be contacted wherever whenever.?? :brick:

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Let's see if I can bottom line this for you all.... I'll use my phone whenever and wherever I choose to use it. If you don't like it then tough ****. I don't answer to you. And to the smart*** that supposedly texted a judge, good for you. Your judge doesn't care. Awesome. Two out of the five judges around here DO care. And since I am the ONLY liaison for out program (again, not MY decision) I have to be available 24/7. It has zero to do with how important I think I am. I am not important enough to get ***ed off when someone else uses their phone while eating. That seems to be you folks. Just saying....:rolleyes:

Old fashioned Manners obviously don't apply in todays world...dang:(
LOL :ROFLOL: This is why I love this board! "Lets find one person and blow their statements up and make a huge deal out of them. Then we'll tear apart anything new they say and ignore anything previous.". Please, give me more. Show me angry. :) Trolls. Oh.... and since some of you (well, most of you) utterly failed to read my previous posts, don't bother to go back and do it now. Just hit me with your best shots. I've been having a bad day today and I need a good laugh. Thanks. :wave: I'm so glad you are all sticking to true form here.

1. I don't see myself as important in any way.
2. I would never use my phone on an attraction even if I don't care whether you would like it or not.
3. Other than #2, I will use my phone how I see fit. You don't like it , tough ****.

Now.... make me laugh. :sohappy:

Oh yeah...... AND CALM DOWN!!! LOL

Unsubscribing from this group. I look like a crazy person sitting in my car laughing at you all. Oh, I forgot, you all already think I'm crazy. It's a shame that I care what you all think. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm glad you made it clear that you are not only rude on the internet but in real life as well.

LOL:dazzle::shrug::kiss::wave::sohappy:Report to Moderator:eek:;)



Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
LOL :ROFLOL: This is why I love this board! "Lets find one person and blow their statements up and make a huge deal out of them. Then we'll tear apart anything new they say and ignore anything previous.". Please, give me more. Show me angry. :) Trolls. Oh.... and since some of you (well, most of you) utterly failed to read my previous posts, don't bother to go back and do it now. Just hit me with your best shots. I've been having a bad day today and I need a good laugh. Thanks. :wave: I'm so glad you are all sticking to true form here.

1. I don't see myself as important in any way.
2. I would never use my phone on an attraction even if I don't care whether you would like it or not.
3. Other than #2, I will use my phone how I see fit. You don't like it , tough ****.

Now.... make me laugh. :sohappy:

Oh yeah...... AND CALM DOWN!!! LOL

Unsubscribing from this group. I look like a crazy person sitting in my car laughing at you all. Oh, I forgot, you all already think I'm crazy. It's a shame that I care what you all think. :)

None of us think you're crazy. Just rude. Now, posting to an internet message board while driving? That would be crazy. I'll assume you're stopped.


Well-Known Member
soooo...new topic? thread ruiners?

seriously, my wife is a lawyer. she's important. she doesn't prioritize work over me when we're out at dinner, because she doesn't want to.

i've been working long enough to understand that there isn't much that actually is a life or death emergency in most professions. of course, there are exceptions to that, but more often than not, it's about personal choices and how you choose to interact with your job.

if someone chooses to make work a priority over their company at dinner, they make that choice. that person alone. it's all about having personal responsibility for the choices you make.

that said, if you have to take a phone call and you choose to make that conversation the priority over dinner, you're also saying that your choice is paramount to the enjoyment of others in a restaurant. it's something that can be solved by stepping into the waiting area at the restaurant or in the corridor by the bathrooms. if you choose to take that call at the table instead, it may not make you a bad person, but it does make you someone most people roll their eyes at. it is what it is.

Fable McCloud

Well-Known Member
The worst I've seen was on my last trip in March.

My BF and I were on Pirates, in the last row of the boat. In front of us were two moms who spent the whole ride looking at photos on their iphones and ignoring their two young kids who were standing up and taking flash pictures of Jack Sparrow. Between their flash photos and the glow from their very bright phone we were miserable...also the moms were talking so loud I couldn't hear the narration AT ALL!

We complained to a CM when we got off (in a diplomatic and calm way since I know they deal with this all the time) and told them about the people. Sadly nothing could be done since the ride was over.

It made riding Pirates really irritating for me after that... I still feel a bit jaded.
I was on The Great Movie Ride in August when the lady beside me decided to answer her phone regarding a shirt on sale. I quickly began speaking loudly to my family until she got off. I got the evil eye; she received a smirk.


I've done that to people. It's very satisfying! You're going to speak on the phone and I have to hear you? Oh honey, you are SO going to hear me.

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