Resort Cups


New Member
Hi everyone :)
I am heading to POP CENTURY RESORT in 4 weeks and I was wondering if anyone knew what the reusable cups look like right now??? I was there at Christmas and I was wondering if it was the same cup so I didnt have to buy another one!


But the question remains...did you take a flash picture with that cell phone? :lol:

I save all my flash pictures for riding all of the great dark rides, we like to make sure we can ruin the experience for everyone else. We also let our children climb out of the ride vehicles and run around the attractions, it is a great time for all. If anyone would like to join us for our next vacation livin it up at WDW let us know. We plan on takin advantage of everything and feel Disney owes us everything cause we paid them there high prices for these here tickets; ain't no one going to tell me how to vacation or what rules to follow, i paid to be here......:ROFLOL::hammer:
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Active Member
Not to be mean, but it was probably a college program cast member who wasn't paying attention during training. Anyone who works in the resorts gets it drilled into their head to tell the guests multiple times that it is "only good at your resort, for your length of stay." when u buy a refillable mug,

we buy new ones every trip(20+ trips), and have never been told anything by a CM, just paid for them and walked away. We do know the rule though, but im not carting 4 mugs back from the UK, though if their the same who knows if someone is useing the same one again, more to the point who really cares.
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Active Member
OP.....Yes they are still the same mugs from December. I was there 8/09 and 8/10 at 2 different resorts and the mugs were exactly alike. Use what you have and waste the money if your dont have to. We got ours with our dining plan so now we have 8 of the same mugs!!!

we got 20 CBR all the same. whats worse their is only 2 of us. lots of other multiples, total over 250. sad collection or what.
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New Member
...taking kids out of school....or
tour groups whose first language is Portuguese

Some people have issues with taking your kid out of school? My DD is in Kindergarten this year but we are still going Nov. 6th through the 15th to get there during the semi-slow season.

The way I look at it what is my DD going to miss in the 7 days she is out? How to finger paint :lol:
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Well-Known Member
This is the first time I heard the school thing also (I'm still pretty new) but it doesn't surprise me since people always seem to want to tell others what to do with your own children lol. I think your daughter will have a blast and will not miss anything vital at school :wave: Have a great trip!
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Well-Known Member
I save all my flash pictures for riding all of the great dark rides, we like to make sure we can ruin the experience for everyone else. We also let our children climb out of the ride vehicles and run around the attractions, it is a great time for all. If anyone would like to join us for our next vacation livin it up at WDW let us know. We plan on takin advantage of everything and feel Disney owes us everything cause we paid them there high prices for these here tickets; ain't no one going to tell me how to vacation or what rules to follow, i paid to be here......:ROFLOL::hammer:

You know, I got into a verbal disagreement with someone on Pirates because they were taking insane amounts of flash pictures and the woman actually said she paid just as much as I did to be there and she could do what she wanted. Was that you or your group? :fork::ROFLOL:

:lol:.....after MK...I took a refreshing dip in the pool....:fork: Then drove back to Pop!:ROFLOL:

Did you refill your Pop mug at Poly before you left?
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This is the first time I heard the school thing also (I'm still pretty new) but it doesn't surprise me since people always seem to want to tell others what to do with your own children lol. I think your daughter will have a blast and will not miss anything vital at school :wave: Have a great trip!

My daughter starts preschool on Wednesday and we leave the following Sunday..I feel exactly the same..I am raising them, I am paying for them, shoot i am even paying taxes for kids to go to school who aren't mine and LONG before I had kids..So I plan on taking them out whenever the h-e- double hockey sticks..besides like you said, what is she gonna miss, "the wheels on the bus go round and round"
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Well-Known Member
Weighing in on the school thing, I'm a teacher. Being at school is important. However, life is important. Good judgement is the key in this situation. There are things kids miss by not being at school. It can't always be made up. That doesn't mean they shouldn't go on the trip. It's just a fact. It is somewhat annoying to gather make-up work. With all of the web-based grading systems and various techno gadgets, it shouldn't be too big of a deal. I think any teacher should understand summer travel has it's woes. The cost, the crowds, etc... If I could take my kid on vacation any other time than summer, I would. I'm under a lot if pressure that makes missing school when it's not necessary a bad idea. Closing thought - any teacher worth their salt will appreciate the fact that you want to broaden your kid with travel because that is priceless.
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Well around here you can remove your child from school up until the 9th grade without too much fuss...In school there is truancy and the parent can get into trouble and so forth..also my understanding is it's harder to make up work at the level, but like I said..she is 4, in private pre-k that I am paying for so....I see your point and i have gotten alot of flack from family members for it..oh well..:shrug: ..they are just we are going to WDW and two my 4 year old can spell better than their 18 year
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oh and one more thing..I went back and re-read on here where a couple of posters got their mugs with the dining that a new thing? I was just wondering bcuz the last time we went in '05 we had to buy our mugs..
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Active Member
Okay, so I knew I had read somewhere that the DDP included a refillable mug. So I went to check online and sure enough- the quick service plan DOES- but the plus dining does NOT. What's up with that??? Is that possibly right??
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You know, I got into a verbal disagreement with someone on Pirates because they were taking insane amounts of flash pictures and the woman actually said she paid just as much as I did to be there and she could do what she wanted. Was that you or your group? :fork::ROFLOL:

I cant say that was me or my group. Next time ask the person if they are a member on WDWMagic. I think we need to have an offical WDWMagic T-shirt made so we can wear them to the park and can identify people who actually know how to act and what to do while in the parks!
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You know, I got into a verbal disagreement with someone on Pirates because they were taking insane amounts of flash pictures and the woman actually said she paid just as much as I did to be there and she could do what she wanted. Was that you or your group? :fork::ROFLOL:

I cant say that was me or my group. Next time ask the person if they are a member on WDWMagic. I think we need to have an offical WDWMagic T-shirt made so we can wear them to the park and can identify people who actually know how to act and what to do while in the parks!
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