Well-Known Member
I'm hoping and presuming that this is yet another example of an uninformed CM wreaking havoc with their ignorance...
However, if it's true, it would save my family the money we'd otherwise spend on parkhopper upgrades, because there's no way we'd accept that crap: I'd never buy parkhoppers again. The need to make park reservations is one thing (and I can barely choke that down), but if WDW is unable to guarantee you'd even get to hop if you spent the extra money, why bother?
It's ridiculous -- and is the same reason I'll never spend one red cent on Genie+, which is another scheme to induce people to spend money for a benefit they may or may not actually receive. If I want to gamble with my vacation monies, I'll go to Vegas...
However, if it's true, it would save my family the money we'd otherwise spend on parkhopper upgrades, because there's no way we'd accept that crap: I'd never buy parkhoppers again. The need to make park reservations is one thing (and I can barely choke that down), but if WDW is unable to guarantee you'd even get to hop if you spent the extra money, why bother?
It's ridiculous -- and is the same reason I'll never spend one red cent on Genie+, which is another scheme to induce people to spend money for a benefit they may or may not actually receive. If I want to gamble with my vacation monies, I'll go to Vegas...