Report of Harry Potter park being a done deal for USF


Well-Known Member
I know this might be taking things too off topic, but it's been years since I've been to Universal.

What has been replaced/removed?

I know Back to the Future is being replaced by The Simpsons (booo)

I've heard the Alfred Hitchcock exhibit is gone (true or no?)

What did Shrek replace?

I've heard Twister was shortened?

And why on earth did they keep Twister yet dump Back to the Future? Ugh.

No wonder I prefer Disney. I hate what Universal is doing.

Oh ... and I know they replaced the Wild West show with Fear Factor.

And which park had King Kong? Was it Universal? Is E.T. still there?

  1. Lots of things have been removed/replaced.
  2. BttF being replaced by The Simpsons is only a rumor, it's pure speculation. However, BttF is closed and is getting replaced.
  3. Alfred Hitchcock is gone. It was replaced by Shrek 4-D
  4. Shrek 4-D replaced Alfred Hitchcock.
  5. Twister wasn't shortened. It's the same thing: queue, briefing #1, waiting room, Twister replica, and exit through gift shop.
  6. Because some people actually like Twister :eek: and BttF was falling apart anyway.
  7. I prefer Disney too, but Universal is doing best they can with the budgeting they are receiving.
  8. Yes. I used to like the Wild Wild Wild West Stunt Show, but I haven't seen Fear Factor Live.
  9. Yes, King Kong was in Universal. King Kong is gone now. Kongfrontation was replaced by a superior Revenge of the Mummy Roller Coaster. Albeit, I loved King Kong and was heartbroken to see it go even if I feel that its replacement is great.
  10. Yes, ET is still at Universal Studios.
Other than that: Jimmy Neutron replaced Hanna Barbara and Universal has a new lagoon show, Universal 360. CityWalk is getting a Blue Man Group show which is replacing the Nick Studios section Universal Studios and making it a part of CityWalk. They built a new theme park 8 years ago. Islands of Adventure hasn't gotten anything new ever since. They did complete the Seuss Trolly Ride that was never completed before opening day.



Well-Known Member
I was at Islands of Adventure twice in 1999 and haven't been since. I loved it though. Very fun and different. First time I was there, there was a great Cartoon alley show, or something along those lines. Classic cartoon characters performed on stage but my next trip the same year they were gone. I guess it didn't get enough visitors to warrant a continuation?

I actually like Twister too but like I've said, it's been years since I've been there, or been on the ride. I was never a fan of Earthquake and wish they'd have gotten rid of that over Kongfrontation and BTTF.

I understand the need to remodel and update things but BTTF and Kong were, as far as I know, still very popular rides. Albeit a bit dated, but they could of been refurbished some. Kong for sure, consdering the new movie that was released.

Sad to see what a favorite park Universal used to be to me. At least Lucy and ET are still there :)

The new 360 show looks quite interesting.

I don't even remember the Hanna-Barbera attraction ... and The Mummy sounds cool.


I've heard the Alfred Hitchcock exhibit is gone (true or no?)

What did Shrek replace?
Shrek replaced Hitchcock. Worst move Uni ever made, in my book.:fork:
I'll never forgive them taking Hitch out...never forgave them altering the show it's last few years...:brick:

It won't be taking up a previously unused area, but a single land in Islands of Adventure that holds its own theme, not inspired by any franchise...
No need to be coy. We know it's likely to take over Lost Continent. I was just basing my thoughts on what the article said, true or not.

Word has it there *IS* testing in progress of some sort of new ride system over at Uni. Word also has it that this system is NOT related to whatever is going to replace BTTF.
True on all counts.
However, due to the fact that my usually talkative sources won't discuss the Potter situation with me right now, I'm taking a wait and see attitude. Legal action wouldn't surprise me if some of the vibes I'm getting are accurate.


Well-Known Member
I imagine there is some validity to HP going to Uni. Back when Jim Hill released his story that Disney had signed the infamous "letter of intent" with JK Rowling for a Harry Potter attraction, newspaper organizations were quick to pick up that story and within hours a representative from JKR stated there was no such 'letter'. From what Lee and others have said here, it does seem that there was some type of relationship between Disney and the Harry Potter creator at the time even though her camp dismissed that claim. Why was her camp so quick to squash that claim but now we have a public paper stating that Universal is actually going to build a ride based on her characters and there isn't even a peep from her camp? Perhaps because there is more validity to this claim this time around?


Well-Known Member
Personally, Harry Potter would be a great addition to IOA. It could easily replace the Lost Continent and the Dueling Dragons ride could be refurbished to fit the Harry Potter theme. It's doable and a perfect fit.

I'm pretty bummed Hitchcock got replaced. Universal dumped Nick (or vice versa), Back to the Future, Kong, etc. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
And what's with theme parks dumping rides for new ones? I get the fact that they need to add new things but what costs more: building a new ride in an unused area, or gutting out a ride and replacing it? You think parks would add things on instead of just up and replacing things.


Well-Known Member
And what's with theme parks dumping rides for new ones? I get the fact that they need to add new things but what costs more: building a new ride in an unused area, or gutting out a ride and replacing it? You think parks would add things on instead of just up and replacing things.

Basically, to freshen things up and keep up with the times. Sometimes, that can be done through small refurbs (Pirates and HM), but in the case of Universal, almost everything is based on a movie franchise and some franchises can't stand the test of time like an original attraction can.


And what's with theme parks dumping rides for new ones? I get the fact that they need to add new things but what costs more: building a new ride in an unused area, or gutting out a ride and replacing it? You think parks would add things on instead of just up and replacing things.

There's only so much room to build attractions at a theme park. Before long you run out of space, so you must replace. And another thing, it's cheaper to replace than to build new because the buildings already exist. So the construction will go much faster, and cost less. Look how quickly Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor came about.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Anyone read Jim Hill today? No... don`t laugh. He`s only reporting on what he`s heard.

One thought - there seems to be some debate on if it`s an existing IOA land makeover (The Lost Continent) or a new build; but hasn`t Universal started to do a Disney and decomission it`s soundstages for entertainment use? I forget what was happening to the Nickelodeon Stage with it`s from-out-of-park access. There`s a lot of land there to be used if needs be (even some very large buildings) - and with potential access from next to Poseidon or through the One Fish Two Fish area.

Failing that, the backstage area is close by with empty spaces / relocation possibilities. Remember, this is the resort who moved a parking lot turned one theme park into a full sized resort in one go. Unless increased park size is too risky an option for them.

Again, just a thought.


Anyone read Jim Hill today? No... don`t laugh. He`s only reporting on what he`s heard.

One thought - there seems to be some debate on if it`s an existing IOA land makeover (The Lost Continent) or a new build; but hasn`t Universal started to do a Disney and decomission it`s soundstages for entertainment use? I forget what was happening to the Nickelodeon Stage with it`s from-out-of-park access. There`s a lot of land there to be used if needs be (even some very large buildings) - and with potential access from next to Poseidon or through the One Fish Two Fish area.

Failing that, the backstage area is close by with empty spaces / relocation possibilities. Remember, this is the resort who moved a parking lot turned one theme park into a full sized resort in one go. Unless increased park size is too risky an option for them.

Again, just a thought.

Entrance from Lost Continent to a new land would be doable. Blue represents available space at Universal. Jurassic is the only location that still has space available for new additions without invading operations. For employee parking, they could easily build another mega-garage.


Active Member
Hey, if they replace dueling dragons at IOA for a HP coaster, then Disney can build its dragon coaster at the Beastly Kingdome all is coming together now.:hammer:

Now we can stop the HP coming to WDW threads and kick up more BK coming to AK threads.


Regardless of how many movies this franchise may have had or how many left they are going to release, I think the idea of a park based completely on Harry Potter will be big to the public for a short time. Pretty mucha lame idea in my opinion. A fad.


I, like most, believe this will be an overlay of Lost Continent at IOA.

The shops are easily re-themed to Diagon and Nocturn Alley.
With some minor re-theming Dueling Dragons and Magic Unicorn can stay, but I'm having a harder time thinking of an easy way to adapt the Sinbad show or Poseidon's Fury.

Of course, something may happen in book 7 that fits right in...


Well-Known Member
Entrance from Lost Continent to a new land would be doable. Blue represents available space at Universal. Jurassic is the only location that still has space available for new additions without invading operations. For employee parking, they could easily build another mega-garage.

Wow. That's an interesting amount of space. Of course, with another park you need more parking space, new roads

Now, I'm no expert and I don't have any source at either organization, but I doubt Universal higher-ups would think about another park, when correct me if I'm wrong, the parks they have now are not exactly financially stable (if even in the black). A land? Maybe. But even then it COULD be a stretch. Considering there haven't been any official announcements, I'm not exactly confident that there has been a deal finalized. Why would either camp keep it under wraps if it were official? Both stand to gain considerably (even if it is a possible short term gain for one or both parties). If Disney had some sort of deal in place (no matter how loosely it may have been), I doubt they'll let this one go without a fight, unless the losses outweigh the gains. Sure, Disney has its own franchises to mean develop....but they don't want to see something so big (and so FAMILY) go to the competition.

I wouldn't mind seeing the franchise head to Universal...or Disney, but I don't think it as done a deal as we're hearing.


*waits for Lee to tell us*


Hogwarts ride

How cool would it be for Potter fans to walk down a reproduction of Diagon Alley and buy fake wands at Ollivanders, buy sweets at Flourish and Blotts, and purchase stuffed owls at another store, etc.? Then have a repro of Hogwarts that you ride through something like The Tower of Terror before the drops. You can pass through the Great Hall, classrooms, Dumbledors office etc. Then have animaltronics of Harry and friends with Voldermort fighting it out somewhere in the castle. I think it can be really cool.


*waits for Lee to tell us*'s pretty much all out there.
Disney had been working on designs for a Potter attraction since about 2002/2003. They had an agreement with her (as I understand it) to use the characters to develop an attraction, but not the rights to actually build it.

Over the years since they have tinkered with it, as both an attraction and as a mini-park. She vetoed the attraction idea, insisting (as Jim said) on a mini-park. The people I've talked to confirm that she was very demanding in what she wanted the park to be, even after being told that what she was asking for was unfeasable from an operations standpoint. Also, I heard once that she was asking for a hefty bit of dough, not only for the rights, but in an ongoing, royalties type situation. That was making it tough for the bean counters to make the numbers work out.

Some (not all) at WDI, as Jim said, breathed a sigh of relief to not have to deal with the whole mess anymore. But, the lawyers and negotiators that had been actively pursuing the deal are quite upset. Lot of time and work went into nothing.

I have no idea what Uni dangled in front of her, but it must have been incredible if she is relaxing her creative demands.

Speaking of incredible....I was wondering why the "Incredibles" ride fell off the map. Now we know. I knew there were some capacity/technical issues being faced, but I had no idea that Kuka had pulled the plug on the arms. Likely that was directly the result of the Potter issue, and tells us quite a bit about what the actual Potter attraction will be like.

Most likely it's going into Lost Continent. Uni isn't going to fork over the dough for a whole new mini-park. The $120 million figure they have released won't cover a new land. LC makeover...yep.

Whew...wrote a novel there, huh?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Speaking of incredible....I was wondering why the "Incredibles" ride fell off the map. Now we know. I knew there were some capacity/technical issues being faced, but I had no idea that Kuka had pulled the plug on the arms. Likely that was directly the result of the Potter issue, and tells us quite a bit about what the actual Potter attraction will be like.

Most likely it's going into Lost Continent. Uni isn't going to fork over the dough for a whole new mini-park. The $120 million figure they have released won't cover a new land. LC makeover...yep.

Whew...wrote a novel there, huh?:lol:

Interesting stuff though. Thanks. :lol:

Maybe JKR is bluffing...trying to see if Disney will make her a better offer.

We'll see I suppose.

How intense would a ride with the arms have been though? Maybe Disney is a bit reluctant to go too out of the box and too intense with their rides following the M:S incidents?

If Universal has HP, and they build something it could force Disney to push projects up...I wounder what they'll answer with though. Maybe that new eticket for MK? Or something at the Studios?



Well-Known Member
As far as the NICK stuff goes, they are cutting ties w/Universal and have gone on with Paramount Parks. PKI has all new Nicked out stuff.


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