I think it's more the personality of the person posting.
You have guys like
@marni1971 who are forthcoming about almost anything- blue sky, just tossed around, etc- and lays it all out there.
Then you have guys like
@WDW1974 who is also constantly throwing out truths with a massive edge and opinion (which I used to dislike but now find entertaining- it's great).
Then you have guys like
@whylightbulb who speaks very little, but when they do- you better listen- because his track record is impeccable. Others could be like him- only saying concrete things, but they choose to toss in loose rumors as well.
@Lee @articos and
@Magic Feather are the other 3.
Outside of them, everyone else just regurgitates what others say.
Guys like Jim Hill I think are more like Martin in that he gives a lot of information- some that might even be "loose rumors" floating around wdw with a dose of spirit. To think he doesn't have sources and hear things is naive at best. He just likes to daydream and toss out opinions as well. The key difference is he gets paid. Our dear Martin does it simply because he's awesome.
Regardless, I trust our 6 guys more

we have a badass group. Love the info from all of them.