Refrigerators being temporarily removed from all rooms


Well-Known Member
thats what we will have to before said issue was found how many rooms burned to the ground?
Disney hasn't released that info so I can't tell you but in my opinion 1 room would be enough to pull the plug on these and replace them with safer units.


Active Member
thats what we will have to before said issue was found how many rooms burned to the ground?
Fortunately I don't believe any. While I don't know much about the whole situation, I haven't been able to find any information that the refrigerators Disney uses are being recalled or are excessively dangerous. This leads me to believe that Disney is taking the step of putting its guests safety above negative PR, substantial costs, and a logistical nightmare. While I haven't been a huge fan of many decisions the company has made recently, I have to give kudos for this one. While I'm sure liabilities are at play, this seems like a lot of extra effort in the name of safety.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
Before they had refrigerators in all rooms, WDW had small refrigerators that were only capable of holding medications. They may still have them, and this is what you might be given. They may also ask to see your medications to insure that they will fit, as they might keep some larger ones available if needed.

So even though they can't ask for "proof" they might ask to see them , or ask you to describe them (not what they are for, but just a general size) in order to accommodate you properly.

When we went on our cruise, we did not have a fridge in the cabin. But they kept the insulin in a fridge behind the concierge desk. Politely asking for help gets you further and faster than being huffy.


Well-Known Member
No, there's no substitute. I went in October and it rained on my MNSSHP cancelling the parade and other events that I paid $200 for. I didn't get any refund and I didn't get to experience the festivities.
You should have gone to Guest Relations. They were offering tickets to another MNSSHP night because everything was pretty much a washout. That's what we got just for asking and being nice about it.


Well-Known Member
I was told today by our TA (for what it's worth) it's not all the refridgerators being pulled, only the ones installed within the past two years (due to a manufacturing defect) but all have to be checked. It's taking so long because they are waiting for the rooms to be unoccupied before switching them out. Who knows. I still wish I have one working when I go. (I think Garden Grocer sells coolers for around $8.)


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this has been posted or not since the thread has gotten so long, but per the Disney travel agents site, if a refrigerator has been requested and cannot be accommodated, the resort manager will be notified, and can give the guest a $15/night credit per room.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this has been posted or not since the thread has gotten so long, but per the Disney travel agents site, if a refrigerator has been requested and cannot be accommodated, the resort manager will be notified, and can give the guest a $15/night credit per room.
It's a $15 credit to be used for purchase of cold items at the resorts. I'll take it. For us that equals out to $300 for a 15 night stay.


Well-Known Member
I called reservations to ask about the $15 credit that's being tossed around. They told me to call the resort directly. So I called Pop Century (because we usually always stay there) just to inquire about the $15 credit.

Me: Good afternoon. First off I apologize if you've received a lot of calls on this but I was calling to inquire about the refridgerator situation and the $15 credit that is being talked about. Could you please give me some information for my upcoming trip. We have a grocery order and I need to know my options.

Pop CM: "Uh, refridgerators are standard in every room so I don't know what you are asking."

Me: Um, the refridgerators are being replaced due to defects. I was just calling to receive a little info on how Pop is going about this and the truth the $15 credit. I'm sure you understand I don't want to get my hopes up.

Pop CM: "Why in the world would you get a $15 credit for something that comes standard in your room?"

Me: Yes sir, I understand that. I was just wondering about the validity of the $15 credit or is it just a rumor. If there is a credit I won't need my grocery order.

Pop CM: "Why would Disney give you credit for something that comes standard in every room, even if it's not working. It's not like you paid extra for it."

I was so upset at being treated like a dumbass I just hung up. The quotes are the CMs exact words. I wasn't saying I demand it, I just asked if they had info on it. Unfortunately they never gave their name when they answered the phone so I couldn't call back for a manager and say, hey, JoeSchmo was an as**ole and needs some phone interaction lessons.:( No help there.


Premium Member
I was told today by our TA (for what it's worth) it's not all the refridgerators being pulled, only the ones installed within the past two years (due to a manufacturing defect) but all have to be checked. It's taking so long because they are waiting for the rooms to be unoccupied before switching them out. Who knows. I still wish I have one working when I go. (I think Garden Grocer sells coolers for around $8.)

Unoccupied just means waiting till the room is turned over between guests... So most have that opportunity in a week or less


Well-Known Member
Sooooo I called ASMusic where we actually are staying (in a non-suite) next month and the CM named Matt was a great fountain of info. I asked the same questions and he said that it is taking so long because they are waiting for a room to be vacant before installing the new refridgerators and the resort has been very booked. Only certain models need to be replaced and they can't say if you will or will not get a working one until they assign the rooms, five days prior to your visit. He said to call the resort directly a few days before your trip and they may/may not be able to tell you if you have one. He didn't have any info about the $15 credit but said this may/may not be done on an individual basis, but they have begun the process. :) He was so nice.

It makes me wonder if ASMusic won't take as long because they have so many suite rooms that don't need to be replaced.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To add to what has been posted previously, the credit is not automatic, nor is it for every circumstance. It is meant to be a manager's discretion based on what can be offered with each individual guest's room and needs. Please don't assume that if you are staying at WDW in the next few months that you're going to get a $15 per night credit. It's meant as a last resort option if no fridge is available or no alternative options (whatever they might be at each resort under each manager) are available or meeting the guest's wants/needs.


Well-Known Member
No...but it should be. It reminds me of when I'd walk into one of my stores and they'd be missing something on the salad bar. "Well, we ran out of Red onions." or "The produce guy didn't bring it." would be a response. Well, um, ok..., I know this is complicated, but there's this new invention called a Grocery Store. They just might have some Red Onions for sale.

If the senior resorts managers thought about it...I'm sure a few phone calls to the local best buys / Walmarts / Lowes / Home Depots / Sears (etc.) or some creative searching for online suppliers could net a few dozen "emergency fridges" that they could cycle through rooms until the final order is placed. Then, after that use is finished, the fridges could be relocated to other uses, like employee break rooms, CP dorms, etc...or...

Sold off on ebay with a special commemorative magnet set to celebrate Disney's Summer Fridgetastic 2013!

I agree that in most business situations being able to go to walmart and pick something up would be possible. Anyone who has ever worked for Disney knows that the way they do thing are ridiculous! The level of "chain of command" is almost laughable. Managers have little leeway to do things as they see fit and have to follow the chain of command rules and file the right paperwork and trust me they are not rewarded for their "innovative" thinking when it comes to these things.


Active Member
We are driving down and will have a cooler regardless, so this is not as big of a deal for us. It is slightly disappointing since we normally freeze our water bottles for the day to bring to the parks to keep us going for a while and now they will not be frozen. I am not really that upset so long as the ice machines are working over time for all the coolers that will be in use. Most hotels/resorts have a sign asking that you not use the ice machines to fill your coolers. Well in this case, just watch me fill my cooler. I had also planned to have breakfast in the room to save time in the morning and had originally planned to stop at a grocery store for milk and cereal, but now I will get that shelf stable Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk and cereal bars so that we do not have to waste time waiting in line at the food court most mornings. It is what it is, and safety is most important so I hold no grudges. I just hope that people with REAL medical needs have the new fridges in place without a problem.


Liker of Things
If I'm with the ole ball and chain and the rugrats, I need to have my meds refrigerated -



Well-Known Member
Are our expectations so low that some of us are praising Disney for taking action to not set us on fire?


I'd be interested to see how very different this thread would be if we were talking about coffee-makers.


Well-Known Member
Believe me I am in your camp on wanting one for our stay but you would stay offsite and loose EMH's and busses to get it versus paying the $40 rental from outside?
I don't take the bus, so that's no loss. EMHs are something I avoided unless it was summer and there happened to be one on a morning I was heading to the park with EMH, so no big loss there.

Yes, I'd go offsite, pay less, get more and have a fridge.

I don't suggest everyone vacations my way. I totally get wanting to stay in the bubble. But if you want a fridge in your room, you can get that. It isn't like Disney has the only motels and hotels in town.

Everyone has to decide for themselves what is most important to them. :)


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
Are our expectations so low that some of us are praising Disney for taking action to not set us on fire?


I'd be interested to see how very different this thread would be if we were talking about coffee-makers.

I can purchase a cheap coffee maker and much better coffee than Disney provides at any discount store for $15.00 and bring it to the room easily, a mini-fridge not so much.

But... all the "concern" over the mini-fridges is udderly rediculous. Collapsable coolers are cheap, portable and can be filled with ice to keep your items much colder than the little refrigeraters do but are not quite as convinient. We are plannin to take a few gallon size freezer bags (to keep our stuff dry as the ice melts) and one of our coolers just in case our room at the DBW is affected, not a big deal other than a small inconvienience in the name of overall safety.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I get it. Money's not as important to you as it is to me. I, on the other hand, like to receive what I pay for, not have something taken away and have to spend additional money in the process.

This is why standards slide. People like you accept it.

To be fair, Disney isn't temporarily removing the mini-fridges to save money or inconvenience guests. They are removing them because of a defect (i.e. safety issue). I can understand being unhappy about not receiving an amenity that was expected, but they are dealing with that issue as well with other options, including a credit if need be.

Remember: Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency in that order. Safety trumps everything in this case, as it should.

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