News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
yes, according to this Duke operates the facility and sells the power to RCID through a power purchase agreement.

the small one was built w/ Duke. The lager one was not:


Well-Known Member
oops….too late for that 😩. As someone posted earlier (maybe even you, this thread moves too fast ;)) The big guy has woken up and already started chirping about it. DeSantis is merely the cover band….there’s only one original.
All the more reason for Iger to use this as an opportunity for an off-ramp.

Plus Chris Christie if anyone is still listening to him.
Danger 5 Laughing GIF


Well-Known Member
This typically is handled by notifying all landowners in the district.

If RCID fails to notify a landowner because they arbitrarily decided who was and who was not “affected”, then they risk some landowner objecting they that are affected and they were not notified.

For the price of a postage stamp, you notify everyone even remotely interested.

Notifying all landowners is the smart play.

So yes, you notify CVS in Flamingo Crossing.
How is it an arbitrary decision? If a landowner isn’t bound by the deal how are they affected?


Premium Member
This typically is handled by notifying all landowners in the district.

If RCID fails to notify a landowner because they arbitrarily decided who was and who was not “affected”, then they risk some landowner objecting they that are affected and they were not notified.

For the price of a postage stamp, you notify everyone even remotely interested.

Notifying all landowners is the smart play.

So yes, you notify CVS in Flamingo Crossing.
I think this covered that point:
Exhibit 1 of the land development agreement is the description of the property.

”The property is defined as the following property less and except any portions of the following property that are, as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, owned in fee simple by a party other than Reedy Creek Improvement District or Master Developer.”
So basically the only 2 parties affected by the agreement are Disney as the master developer and RCID. Both obviously received notification.


Premium Member
The law doesn’t say all land owners within a jurisdiction. It says all “affected” land owners. Is the CVS in Flamingo Crossing an affected land owner if they’re not a party to nor bound by the agreement?
Generally, “affected property owners” would apply to all property owners adjacent to the property subject to the development agreement potentially even those outside of the district if their property is adjacent to/within 300 feet.

The statute itself doesn’t clarify what is considered an “affected property owner.” But this is how such language is generally understood.
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Well-Known Member
You're not wrong on many of those opportunities, especially when it came to reconstituting RCID into CFTOD and the board's composition.

What I think bears repeating is that it has to be Iger who makes the call. DeSantis needs to be able to say to his base that Disney extended the olive branch. If DeSantis extends an olive branch preemptively, or even goes so far as to call Iger himself, that will absolutely leak to the press, and his base will abandon him and consider him a weakling.
That would still happen the moment Disney corporate did anything that the base would consider woke. It would be all the proof they need that in the long run "Disney won." Pride events at either US park? Didn't do enough. DEI hiring initiatives? Didn't do enough. Movies / TV / Attractions featuring characters and stories they don't like? Didn't do enough. DeSantis got himself into a no win situation, because ultimately he will be judged by the base by whatever product Disney continues to put out. The only way he can not be a loser is to keep up the pretense of the fight. Like we've seen after 2020, and in AZ now.


Well-Known Member
Disney decides to build the proverbial nuclear power plant right next to their property - they are “affected”.

On a personal level, the phone company decides to build a cell tower right next to your property. You are not bound by the deal but you certainly are affected.

Do you want to receive notification this is happening or do you say, “hey, my name is not on the contract so it’s none of my business”?

Projects get held up all the time because someone out of left field decides to object. If you failed to properly notify them, a project can be tied up in courts for months or even years.

Buy the damn stamp and mail anyone who might be remotely affected.
The agreement represents zoning and regulations that have existed for years. It’s not a change. If I buy land adjacent to land zoned for a nuclear power plant then it’s not exactly a surprise when a nuclear power plant is built. Same goes if it is zoned for a cell phone tower. It’s even less of a change when it’s existing development that’s going to remain as is.


Well-Known Member
It doesn’t contradict at all. You said if they do anything wrong then we have to wait 4 years to vote the governor out. I said thats not how it works.

No, I said they could not act without consequence, something you tried to insist they could do as justification for Disney enacting the development agreement and in opposition to me saying the original fears were ridiculous.

Which is still true today... even if the law ends up eventually being on their side, they still cannot do whatever they want to Disney without reprocussions in the press/media/political spectrum.

The same holds true for Disney as well. Which to go back to my original point, is why they didn't bother to defend the district from the original dissolution effort last year.

Both sides are playing a PR game.


Premium Member
The agreement represents zoning and regulations that have existed for years. It’s not a change. If I buy land adjacent to land zoned for a nuclear power plant then it’s not exactly a surprise when a nuclear power plant is built. Same goes if it is zoned for a cell phone tower. It’s even less of a change when it’s existing development that’s going to remain as is.
If RCID did not mail notices, I’m sure that will be Disney’s argument. They’ll argue that no changes were made to the allowed usage of the land and therefore the adjacent property owners were not affected.


Well-Known Member
If RCID did not mail notices, I’m sure that will be Disney’s argument. They’ll argue that no changes were made to the allowed usage of the land and therefore the adjacent property owners were not affected.
And as I said, there was also an exception for notices in the original charter if the affected landowners of a Board of Supervisors decision provide written consent.

I also think there is an issue of standing. I don’t know if the District failing to do something nobody cares about really gives them a mulligan. In other situations the legislature has found that this issue alone should not undo a decision and contract.

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